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Edited by CoreyScot: 11/13/2014 12:44:55 PM

The Multi-Million Dollar Question: PvE vs. PvP





Please just take a minute or less of your time to participate. What is more important to you in destiny? 50/50 there are no wrong answers here! [b]Update 11/13/14 3:20EST:[/b] Over 8,000 community members have taken part in this poll and here are the results so far! [u]PvE:[/u] 8428 [u]PvP:[/u] 1174 Personally I am a big fan of PvP, but like many others I bought this game for the 'epic' storytelling and co op PvE it was advertised for. Knowing Bungie I expected a lot more from PvP in this game and currently it's just not a go to for competitive multiplayer, but I hope to see improvement in the future. I understand that many people on these forums are PvE players but there seems to be overwhelming demand for new PvE content and I hope to see a weekly update detailing the future of PvE sometime soon so we can all grind happily knowing it will pay off. To those of you who wanted to know where the 'both' option was I intended this to be a black and white question with no neutral answer, that's why the question stated what's [b]most[/b] important. If you didn't vote that's okay 8,000 other people did. This was my first post on these forums and i am very satisfied with the response, as a community we all need to keep up the constructive feedback on our ends and help the devs create a masterpiece!

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  • PvE kinda. This is due to the fact that when all is said and done, once you complete the raid, nighfall, and weekly stuff, all you have left is the repetitive daily content. PvE is my favorite part of the game, because its more entertaining. Though currently PvP is what I do most, because it is always different (kinda). When Halo comes out though, I will most likely drop this like its hot and move on to Halo to play that again.

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by METALmurderer: 10/28/2014 4:05:21 PM
      My poor, lonely vote Imo PVE has its moments, but I like the thrill of killing something not controlled by half assed AI

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    • You know what I find hilarious, the majority are picking pve but bungie caters more so to the PvP side.

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      1 Reply
      • Isn't it funny that even though 88% of us (at the time I voted) bought this game for pve, bungie listens to the 12% of pvp players. Sad... Just sad.

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        2 Replies
        • PvP. If this game were only PvE I wouldn't even be playing.

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        • PvP all the way. Let me explain: PvE is definitely the part of the game I spend the most time in. The reliability of drops and rewards makes it far more lucrative, and it's a hell of a lot easier to level weapons and gain rep. However, I don't think I'd ever have the drive to do all that PvE grind if the PvP didn't exist. There's nothing more satisfying than fighting people who are of equal skill to or better than me, with a character I put time into getting items and making a great build for, and coming out the winner. Forcing myself to think strategically and adapt on the fly to an opponent who knows his s#%t and is beating me at first is the best thing in the world. Sure it doesn't always play out that way, but that's what I hope for every time I load up a match. Yea, shotguns are extremely effective at close range, and see a lot of use. They are/do in every game. I can't tell you how many times Ive cussed out the TV playing Modern Warfare 2 or Ghost or even Crysis 3 because I just got owned by a shotgunner like 5 times in a row. The thing is, it's MY fault for playing the way I am against it, and if I'm dying 5 times in a row, its cuz I'm not thinking. Shotguns are powerful, but require the use of a specific strat to BE powerful, so either adapt or don't play competitive fps's. I kill shotgunners all the time with regular weapons and my abilities. My point is: sg's are balanced well enough, stop complaining about it and adapt. Lol OK, rant over, back to my main point. I say the main draw is PvP because the replay value in PvP is almost infinite. You can run the raid or weekly nightfall 100 times, never do things the same way in each run, but the enemies always react the same, and the core strategy always stays the same: Match elements to shields, manage adds, bomb boss when u can, ect. I know, I know, I'm oversimplifying it, but you get my point. PvE can get real stale, real fast (Phogoth as weekly heroic AND nightfall, AND twice a row in vanguard tiger!?), while PvP is dynamic and always evolving, based on who you're fighting (player-wise), and what builds everyone in the match is running. No one thinks exactly the same, so you're never going to have the same experience twice. This is my opinion, but I think I have valid arguments to support it. I get it if you're not a fan of PvP to begin with, but I probably speak for a lot of people who enjoy both. For the record, I DO think they should release maps that are less "shotgun friendly", but again, that doesn't mean that I think sg's are unbalanced.

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          3 Replies
          • PVP. Playing against other people is more fun/challenging/satysfying than playing against the AI. I only do PVE to farm xp, materials, or - Nightfall, Raid - to get some new toys. In other words PVP = fun , PVE = work

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          • I don't mind PvP but if it disappeared forever I would be playing the game any less then I do now.

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          • Leave pvp alone is all I have to say, it gives gamers a choice .. Depends on their personality.. I like to play pvp because I like to compete .. Most of my friends in this game are the same way.. Others aren't .. It expands the game

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          • Well that sums up a lot lol.

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          • Ahem... How about some PvG? (Player vs Gravity) This message has been certified by "Freke Out" founder of the Sparrow Surfing movement.

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            3 Replies
            • PVP is only useful to me when I've finished all the PVE bounties and need more experience for some gun or something.

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            • Yeah! FU PVP

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            • Im usually a PvP and get a lot of my gear from crucible, but nothing is better than doing the raid on Tuesdays.

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            • You should have added a both option. I play both every day.

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            • To assign a value to how little I care about PVP in this game would be an overstatement. The crucible could be removed tomorrow and I would consider it a blessing. No dev time wasted on crucible content? Win. No more PVE nerfs to appease PVP whiners? Win. The twitchy and entitled kids that make up the hardcore COD fanbase would leave? Win. The exotic bounties would stop forcing people into the crucible? Win. The special factions would start taking vanguard marks? Win. It's a win-win-win-win-win situation for the vast majority of the playerbase.

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              89 Replies
              • Y isn't there a both option?

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              • PvE, is why I got this game, when I think PVP I go to halo...or cod.

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              • PvE actually matters. PvP is not meant to be the focus of this game and in no way has an affect on the game as a whole.

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              • I like pvp almost as much as pve like 60/40 I love playing pvp with the awesome gear i earned in pve the only problem is that in pvp is does not matter if u have a sick exotic gun or a rare blue gun that kinda sucks thats why they should make a balanced pvp mode like what they have now with some improvements here and there and a wow style pvp where everything matters defense perks and weapons i would love that

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              • Leave PvP in: Give PvE 90% of the love Give PvP 10% of the love

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              • I am the 1,111th voter for PVP, what do I win? Although really, there is no excuse for a lackluster PVE

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              • The raid is the funnest experience this game has to offer, and crucible is just awful

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              • [b]PvE[/b] Add competitive PvE?

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              • The pvp is gonna hold back some really great and one of a kind guns because of balance.look at borderlands 2 it could make so many good weapons that it created diversity in how you would play and not every player would use the same thing.keep pvp but give it set classes to be used,keep personal weapons for iron banner.

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              • Edited by MaakuKiyoshi : 11/9/2014 12:09:40 AM
                destiny marketing team gets promoted, they lead and have no clue how a game should be made , follows what Activision wants in terms of multiplayer = less story

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