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10/24/2014 1:33:42 AM

just got turned down for hard raid,.

It wasn't because of my level., It was because I'm a hunter. That, That hit me right in my pride. I'm going to go sacrifice myself to crota now.

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  • I will reiterate what many are saying... 27 should not be in hard mode at all. I tried at that level because the team I was with was willing to carry me, but I quickly realized I couldn't do anything (even maxed weapons) and would get 1 spotted by hobgoblins. I realized I was a burden on the other 5 and let them know I was leaving so they could find a better replacement. At 29/30 now and they still hit hard as a mofo, especially those freakin harpies in the templar stage.

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  • If your not a 29 you have no place in hard mode! Hunters do just as good as anything else unless your trying to cheese :)

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  • Edited by StrictlyTy: 10/24/2014 8:34:13 PM
    It was most definitely because of your level. Every time my team has taken on a 27 for a hard raid they've proved to be useless. And it's not skill based either. Your level just doesn't allow you to do any significant damage and you take on more damage as well. Finish leveling up the legendary gear you have and you won't be denied again

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    • ): I HAD A DREAM THAT ONE DAY ALL CLASSES [i]except titans[/i] COULD LIVE TOGETHER IN PEACE [i]without titans[/i]

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      • are you sure it wasn't because of your level I'm a hunter and I get asked all the time

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        • Maybe they had 4 hunters already?

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        • Good, maybe in your next life you'll come back as a Titan.

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          • You got denied because you can't push Atheon. Get some better grenades.

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          • Hahahaha, raid is bad anyway you're not missing much

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          • they were probably looking for an all warlock team to push the Templar and Atheon off the ledges. however, once Atheon is fixed, Hunters will be sought after because no other class can kill the mobs and oracles inside the portals faster than a Gunslinger can.

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            4 Replies
            • I'm a hunter and I've always done well.. my warlock feels like easy mode in everything so when I level him for raid I'll see..

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            • All classes are needed for hard mode. Just most are too simple in believing Sunsingers make it easier. Golden gun is very much needed for atheons room. As well as a few annoying thongs along the way. Arc blade however was only useful for turning invisible on the actual release since gorgons were a tad of a pain.

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              • [quote]I'm going to go sacrifice myself to crota now.[/quote] Bout died xD

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              • We usually have 2-4 hunters. They are just looking for glitchers.

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              • Happened to me A few days ago. I was a level 28 and a half before my armor switch and they said "we don't want a hunter sorry" like really

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                • Edited by Deviot: 10/24/2014 8:05:26 PM
                  Did you ask what criteria of a person they were in search for? Because if they were looking for something you dont offer but you still came to them looking for a spot. You don't deserve that spot. Quit crying and move on.

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                • Good, that makes me feel better about getting mangled by you guys in PvP.

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                • Well, you're also lvl 28.....soooo

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                  • Edited by Saith: 10/24/2014 7:44:27 PM
                    *Raid team enters Atheon's chamber* *Atheon comes stomping out of his time/space warp* *Entire team looks at the one hunter* Titan says "Try blade dancing your way out of this one." *Everyone laughs, except the hunter*

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                    • Good.. Nurf herder

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                      • That's dumb. My friends and I are majority Hunter's except 2 other people and our group runs Hardmode great. Only PuG noobs that want to cheese every time don't want Hunter's.

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                      • excuses...with out my Hunter my friends would feel the 3 second count downs daily.....just saying.

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                      • Dude you're Lvl 28 hard mode requires at least 29

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                      • So uh, I really don't buy it. And if they did do that, then they're so bad you didn't want to raid with them anyways. Honestly get on because I have pugged it numerous times with TONS of random people. We always finish it in around an hour because its so easy. We try to fill it with level 30's and maybe one or two level 29s. It's pretty easy to organize. We don't care about class AT ALL (I only have ONE other person I run it with all the time.) GOLDEN GUN IS FAR FROM USELESS. STEALTH IS FAR FROM USELESS. We can cheese it or kill him legit in 1 or 2 rounds it really doesn't matter. As far as the other classes, nobody really plays voidwalker they all play sunslinger for the self-revive. And that doesn't bring anything to the raid other than personal survivability which can be remedied by solid play. I suppose if all you can do is cheese then you need ONE WARLOCK. It's nice to have ONE TITAN for weapons of light. One warlock... one titan... 2/6... So maybe if they had 4 hunters already I guess is the only way I could see this BS happening. I logged mid gear swap so you have to check my vault if you just have to see all my raid gear (which you can do if you didn't know.) Yes I'm level 30 with tons of fully upgraded weapons. Hunters have loads of really cool stuff and as an added bonus they have some amazing pvp abilities.

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                        5 Replies
                        • I own raids with my lv29 hunter That.Is.All

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                          • To be fair, both hunter subclasses are abysmal for the raid. Titans have their shield (and can do void damage) Warlocks can self revive and can do huge AoE void damage. Hunters can rush in and get killed with arcblade or do next to nothing with golden gun

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