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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by IllGetBachToYou: 10/27/2014 12:02:39 AM

This was funny I have already bought the dlc and I love the game. Buy the dlc this is going to be fun Contrary to popular belief I am actually an avid supporter of destiny. I did not post this to be dishonoring to Bungie nor its fan base. I merely pointing to the fact that we have a long way to go until the nay Sayers are satisfied, if they ever are. I realize I had failed to mention this to begin this and for that I am sorry. Good luck Guardians.

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  • What if I told you... That games have had unused content on discs/cartridges for years (Pokemon Red and Blue). What if I told you that when the first ten seconds of your video are "Destiny is better than most games for 60 dollars" it makes me stop giving a shit.

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    • Edited by Muted: 10/23/2014 7:57:35 PM
      Ppl that defend every aspect of this game don't see the other side. Congrats batman for pointing out the flaws. But I do blame activision for 80% of the shit

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    • So... hold on! Are you are saying that a for-profit company that is beholden to their investors inflated the hype on their product while at the same time attempted to maximize their profits? IT'S UNFATHOMABLE! IT'S UNPRECEDENTED! Excuse me while I clutch my pearls and fall into my fainting count.

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      12 Replies
      • Edited by GreyMouser73: 10/23/2014 9:44:04 PM
        His discussion of the loot system, that somehow two rolls insures loot scarcity where one roll doesn't is just painful. You could remove all the engrams and just have low drop rates for rare items and the results would be identical. 'We were all obsessed, and had such powerful emotional responses ..." Yep, a recipe for an unbiased view.

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      • this is -blam!-ing stupid sorry but they didn't promise anything they didn't give anything they didn't say nor take away anything they promised they said it would update over time so give it -blam!-ing time sorry but to many customers bitch about half released this and half released that for gods sake the game has dlc face it all games have dlc blame pc gaming for that because without the idea of patchs and hot fixs you wouldn't have dlc you'd have online with little to no attention from the devs they release the game and never go back to it dlc keeps the devs working on the game you paid sixty dollars for sure some layout for the dlc is there on the disc but the truth is that less memory taken from your hard drive the whole dlc isn't there just because a few layers are there that's just ground work you should bitch about games like gta 5 which said they would give us heist and all this and literally said they weren't going to so they used that as a sell point and then not even blinked when they said old consoles aren't getting it.

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      • I'm not going to lie, I feel bad for you guys spending so much of your lives believing this game robbed you of a few bucks.

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        10 Replies
        • I seen the video he seems like a cool person to listen to. But I'm still going to keep playing and I already have the season pass. No regrets

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        • No, this needs to be spread like Ebola. ie it doesn't.

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        • I loved the 'Take action' speech at the end of the video

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        • Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump

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        • Great video. Everybody can follow suit by letting ActiVision and Bungie lie to you and continuously insult your intelligence or you can make a stand and not buy the DLC. Nobody disagrees about this game being fun. I've personally played the shit out of it. However, it's a piece of dog shit compared to he original vision and advertising the game had a yeat ago. I personally hope Bungie meets their demise and gets a very large class action law suit filed on them. I hope they never make another game. I personally will nevet buy another product they make & you shouldn't either

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        • All of this makes sense.

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        • Bump

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        • its a long ass video but its a great watch i suggest watching the entire thing

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        • This is 100% everything I've been thinking. I think this guy huts the nail on the head

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        • This guy should run for President! Excellent presentation and delivery of facts. A+!!!

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          2 Replies
          • None of you guys realize that by buying the dlcs and making this game profit you are pretty much giving the "ok" to all gaming companies that this tactic works and they can sell us half finished games and then make us buy bunch of over priced dlcs for the rest of the game, it's no where near about the money it's 20 bucks I'm sure everyone here can afford it , it's about being mislead and mistreated , when you buy a game you want the game you were promised you don't wanna wait on dlcs and spend more money for a game you should have already got, our actions determine the future of how video games go about things the choice is up to all of you I don't care either way your tears sustain me .

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            6 Replies
            • So you're asking to spread cancer and AIDS AND Ebola across the web? How evil of you :O !

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            • Yes

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            • I don't care what anyone says. That ending was more inspiring than the speech in Independence Day. I have a pride boner.

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            • Edited by SOUL melts: 10/23/2014 8:37:45 PM
              Feel free to not buy the DLC but I can do as I wish and I will be purchasing the DLC

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            • Or go -blam!- yourself, I'll do what I want with my own money. The video is beyond Biased, the narrator is annoying and contradicts himself, and overall this is a waste of time.

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              • haha the opening line is something like, "Destiny is one of the best $60 out there. Its just not what I was expecting so it sucks." Wut? Typical misguided case of focusing on what it isn't instead of evaluating what it is. For me, I didn't preorder until about a week before launch. Until after I played the beta. And for 95% of my friends list and clan, we haven't been this addicted to a game in quite some time. From the chatter I've heard, we can't wait for the DLC to drop to see what else Bungie has lined up.

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              • FREE XBOX ONE HARD MODE ORACLE CHECKPOINT gt: PlevanityD289 free checkpoint for everyone you come in die and then leave SIMPLE send me a message ON XBOX NOT HERE wanting an invite IF U SEND ME A PARTY OR GAME INVITE I WILL IGNORE U also as u can imagine i get swarmed with messages and im sorry if u get skipped by accident

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              • It amuses me that everyone assumes that because there are locked areas in the game this means Bungie is purposely leaving content out to sell to you as dlc. Obviously, many people don't know how game development works and unless you've gone to school for it or worked in the industry this is understandable. First off for all the unpopulated areas of the game that are just locked that has a simple explanation. Games this large have dedicated artist for dedicated tasks. People for armor and wepapons. People for enemies and allies. People for landscape and levels. You get the point. So during development the map guys were given a direction and told to make this area. Let's say earth. So the guys went to work. So maybe the guys doing earth did an amazing job and were getting the style right so they kept fleshing out the map. Maybe the Venus guys has their direction change so they had to redo areas over or maybe the idea of the Vex changed so now the area had to reflect the change. That make earth ahead of venus so now they have too much content so they lock doors for future use. For areas locked and unlocked enemies in them we are most likely seeing a story change. Its already speculated that the story vastly changed before release so perhaps areas previously used or going to be used we're no long needed. So why not just cut them? Easier to leave them in and lock them away so they can be brought into the fold later. Its also possible that while certain teams were finishing up areas other teams started to work on the beginings of the dlc. Its quite common in larger games that plan to have dlc that includes more than just a new map. Buy the dlc, don't buy the dlc, wait and make an informes decision later I don't care at all. However, don't think for a second that because someone for something in the game that you now know Bungie's motives. It happens it many games and everytime you have the haters hate and the fan boys freak out. If you got 24 hrs of playtime out of this $60 game then you got as much entertainment as you would at your average movie. Enjoy.

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                28 Replies
                • 10 year plan. Never said everything shown and all ideas talked about would be available at launch. Dlc 3 months after launch so of course a portion of it is going to be on disc. The point of creating a game is to make money and corporate growth, its not a non profit business. Any game that needs constant monitoring/updates/balancing/patches/events/etc at the level of destiny needs an income flow beyond the initial purchase. So you get paid dlc or monthly fee. Monthly fee gives you all the goodies upfront and just enough content dropped to keep people playing. Dlc means holding back what could be there to be sold later as large bulks of content worthy of the price tag. Consoul gamers wont buy a game with a monthly fee at the magnitude of units needed to truly create a mass sale game. So they had to go the dlc route. Quit bitching. My opinion is that if consoul gamers could learn to accept a monthly fee then some truly great mmo games could drop like they have on pc. Unfortunately that wont happen.

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