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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by IllGetBachToYou: 10/27/2014 12:02:39 AM

This was funny I have already bought the dlc and I love the game. Buy the dlc this is going to be fun Contrary to popular belief I am actually an avid supporter of destiny. I did not post this to be dishonoring to Bungie nor its fan base. I merely pointing to the fact that we have a long way to go until the nay Sayers are satisfied, if they ever are. I realize I had failed to mention this to begin this and for that I am sorry. Good luck Guardians.

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  • I enjoy destiny, but I still feel like its Missed Opportunities: The Video Game. Lots of good points being made and questions being asked, but I don't think, at this point, we'll ever experience what destiny was supposed to be.

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  • I think all of the content people are moaning about not having is there just activision made them release it different in dlcs for purchase here's my money bungie... But put out themes I can buy plz I really want 1 for my PS3 :)

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  • Fantastic video.

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  • Silence can mean many things, it can mean they cant say anything or they don't want to. You can try to ask them which but they....

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  • Edited by : ^ ): 10/23/2014 9:43:57 PM
    I'm actually going to buy the season's pass now. I already wanted to, but now you inspired me to do it. Here's what you sound like, " No one clearly enjoys the game because my opinion is the only one that matters. Follow me because I said so. " Quit being 12 years old and move if you think the game is bad. I'm going to continue to support Bungie because this is their first in this style of genre and they have a lot of room to make this game excel. It's our job to give constructive feedback and help them advance.

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    • Destiny is the biggest balls up i've seen in years... but for some reason it still has me playing it... i think i might be ill... that or the husk of the proposed game is still enjoyable... ie the way it plays is fun... but not the game world.

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    • Take out the hype for destiny and you got a game that still gave you more hours of gameplay then most .

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      • People need to learn the difference between "advertising" and "hey, here's this game with stuff that we are working on". I have yet to see a single advert that claims all of this cut content that people are crying about. E3 is not advertising, so don't even bring it up. Every game has things cut during alpha and beta builds because of various reasons. I'm sure that I can find countless E3 videos where they talked about something that was currently being developed that ended getting cut from the final product. Sorry to be so blunt, but if you are angry because of things that were said during the E3 conference, you're a moron. The video did make some good points on other subjects however, but purely speculation that are based on rumors, zero facts, and fueled by a personally biased opinion on the matter. Learn how to research in a neutral, unbiased way before you embarrass yourself with a video such as this and start by claiming all the damning proof you found during your "research". Laughable. Source: My pre-law experience as well as sensible logic.

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        • You sir are a bottom feeder, saying you love the game but put a video like that in your post. I frown upon you, you who stands in the way of progress.

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          • youre an idiot.

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            • Stopped watching after 5 minutes of bullshit melee shotgun noobness show some real footage of primary usage not running around with a -blam!-ing shotgun like a chicken with its head cut off u -blam!- ass player.!

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              • So. The vid had no sound for me. Yet my sound works on my phone. Weird...

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                • Edited by Tricky5hift: 10/24/2014 12:28:52 AM
                  Lol, everyone here who thinks they were getting brainwashed by fat-cat corporations and developers into buying a video game find themselves turning to other people to brainwash them again. Amusing.

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                • Spread

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                • You can keep your fags and wanking. I just love pussy and beer.

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                  • I dont think anyone should boycott the dlc I just wanna know where the story is, and there had to be something more to do with sparrows

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                    • Dude just pwned the balls off Bungie and Activision. Very well out together video. Would love a Bungie response but it'll never happen.

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                    • since when do I care about what other people say about a game, if I decide to play it. if I like it, if I enjoy it, I'm going to play it. if you don't, go play ball in a cup, or something. kind of sounds harsh, but I'm on your side. here. I like it, I have fun, I play it.

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                      3 Replies
                      • My problem is theres only day worth of content with this upcoming dlc after that its just the rinse and repeat over and over obviously I'm a minority who doesnt enjoy doing samething over and over and for what?! that level 30 mark lol you can do everthing at 29 n 28 anyways I'll wait to see what others think this time before buying

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                        • bump

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                          • bump

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                          • I'm sure if it is some huge conspiracy we will never hear about it, because business has rules about talking about things publicly. I think they just ran out of time and couldn't get everything done in time for ship. Oh, and if you think having an environment built means that the content was "ready to ship" then you have no idea how much work goes into crafting and fine tuning the encounters. The stuff you see there might not even be what it will look like in the DLC. Here's a proposal that will probably be thrown out: What if there were 40 more missions planned, but they were all the same as the ones now (go here, defend dinklebot, rinse, repeat, boss). What if there were 4 minutes of unskippable cutscenes for every damn mission, and replaying one meant you had to sit through the same BS over and over. Maybe they pared down the content to make the game [i]less[/i] repetitive? Maybe they got to a point where there was a ton of story, but it drew away from the core experience of doing a mission and having fun (like all the damn cutscenes in MGS4).

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                          • Destiny does, at times, feel like it was dumbed down because the majority of console players wouldn't be able to handle complexity beyond "I SHOOT THING IN FACE IT DIES LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL". That said, Destiny is a great placeholder game to play while I wait for other games to come out that I actually give a crap about (most games don't interest me at all, I guess I've become extremely picky in my old age). Destiny is not perfect, and it is debatable about how great a game it truly is, but it is a hell of a lot better than most of the games that the industry shits out.

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                            1 Reply
                            • I've got the season pass and am looking forward to the DLC. The only thing that irks me about it is that Playstation players pay the same price as Xbox players, like myself, and are getting a little extra content in every DLC (allegedly). My roommate has it for PS3 so I guess time will tell...

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                            • Just like gas prices... just another way the to get more money out of dumb consumers. If you buy it all companies take up this practice of unfinished $60 game. If it said $100 on the shelf not one of you would have bought it. So they chop your game up and and claim it to be DLC charging you $35 for 2 like $5 is a deal.

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                              2 Replies
                              • sorry, man..I WASNT going to buy it, but since you say I shouldn't, I'm DEFF going to buy it now. Thanks for making up my mind for me. Maybe I'll buy multiple copies, and send them to all the people who are crying about Destiny's DLC, just because.

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