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10/19/2014 8:39:46 PM

Why getting to lvl 30 sucks

Getting to level 30 sucks. Not because it is hard, not because it takes time. Or even that you have to do the raid a bunch of times, and probably a few times on hard. Getting to level 30 sucks because it is possibly one of the most underwhelming experiences once you get there. There should be a little fanfare when you reach the highest level in the game, most games do something, even getting to level 20 you got a little announcement about how to progress after that. But for level 30? Nothing. Not even an achievement. After spending days grinding and fighting to get to level 30, there was absolutely no gratification in it, the game simply continues as it had been. And I have to say, this is truly the first time I am completely disappointed with Bungie. And I know some might say "well this may not be the permanent highest level" ya I get it, but it is at the moment, and there should at least be some instant gratification on making it there. I didn't need a lot Bungie, but come on, at least throw in an achievement, hell even a little banner the next time you go to orbit, something, anything, cause right now, it just sucks. -Punxer

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