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originally posted in: Multimedia Engram
10/16/2014 8:34:54 AM
[quote]Okay so I had this idea tonight and I'm not sure what to think about it, how do you Guardians feel? (lol @ that sentence...question) The idea is a new legendary or exotic class engram that drops either purely through RNG love or through a mix of that and distinct locations where you might be able to attain it. This engram contains one of a variety of different mediums of art, history, pop-culture, news, and myth/lore/story that is decrypted at a new area with multiple NPCs each masters of their craft at decrypting these historical treasures. SO Let's paint a little picture here.. You find a mysterious chest or case after a hard battle or intense climb-fest, OR you defeat a mysterious group of enemies, OR you get a .25 KD on Crucible lol jkjkjk - I <3 RNG :) at any rate, an engram drops that you have never seen before, it's multicoloured and has a slight static sound as you approach it. As it enters your inventory, random heavily distorted sounds and images appear for a second or two. You open your inventory and hover over the object: [b]Multimedia Engram[/b] [i]A true treasure. Take this item to The Curator in the Hall of Guardians at the Tower. [/i] You quickly say to yourself, WTFFFFF and immediately initiate orbit and fly straight home to the tower. As you drop into the tower you realize a new area has opened up, the Hall of Guardians! A collected database of Golden Age knowledge, history, and art. A museum dedicated to educating the newly revived Guardians and forwarding our potential to future generations! You enter this vast hall, shelves upon shelves of seemingly retrieved artifacts, images in frames on walls that seem so familiar, a tune whistles through the echoey corridors that you swear you've heard, written and video records of history and lore and endless pieces of [insert gratuitous story building elements here]. You feel like you could stay the whole day and bask in the glory of the Golden Age - however you remember your mysterious engram and slowly approach the all too familiar Curator. "Welcome to the Hall of Guardians, here we decrypt, store, and safeguard the treasures of Guardians who have gone to the ends of the earth to retrieve the fruits of its labor" (or some cool shiz) As you select your engram, she / he inspects it for a short while.... "Guardian, on behalf of the past, I thank you for facing fears and facts in battle, please proceed to the dance floor and bust a move with DJ Cryptastic." (or whoever/whatever depending on the type of artifact) You say CHYEA BUDDY to yourself and head over. DJ Cryptastic decrypts your engram into a sick Daft Punk groove and you dance the night away!!! Hahahah Lol okay srsly - the idea would be that real pieces of history AND pieces of the story can work their way in through new motivations for players! (and new npcs / areas) Imagine being able to find an engram with a Banksy image or something and being able to display that behind your character when being inspected or when in your inventory - OR being able to play a well known / obscure / original song as your inspection screen opens or as players view your Multimedia Records or something - OOORRRR unlocking a Pulp Fiction trailer or something or a news report from WW2 or WHATEVER I mean like honestly the possibilities are endless!! And endlessly cool!!! Plus all of these amazing finds would be compiled and organized in the Hall along with a full record of the Guardian who found the artifact, when, the original date of origin, the date of encryption and the story of the Guardians (or enemies) who carried it before and etc etc etc creative orgasm time I just think it'd be so cool to piece together and retrace our own history, not only is it a great way to motivate players but it's also a great way to weave in some story elements too! I'd love to find pieces of history from the game just as much as from real life!! WHAT DO YOU GUARDIANS THINK?!??![/quote] Cool idea, but I think that would take up alot of space on my hard drive. Ha Ha

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  • Edited by FromNowOn: 10/16/2014 8:40:47 AM
    True! Maybe just snippits of songs and videos then! The images and historical records for the story wouldn't be much data! It [i]is[/i] Destiny, I don't think a few pictures and sounds are going to take too much space! Also that's why their exotic and hard to find!!!!

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