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Edited by Bronzebeard: 10/14/2014 11:45:10 PM

Constructive Ideas for Bungie

Here are a few things that I think would help with improving the morale of the Destiny Community. If you agree with my ideas, please bump the thread. Maybe someone from Bungie will see it if it's highly rated. Please refrain from complaining on this thread though. I don't want this to be a negative interaction, but I do want Bungie to see that the community does care about the game and we want to help make it better. -Refresh on shaders for armor. It's the same thing all the time and none of them look good. -Better gear from regular and event vendors. The queen had nothing useful, neither does Saladin. Maybe add an exotic weapon or class item that you can purchase if you get to rank 3 before they leave. -Events more often. Have the Queen's emissary come back as well as Saladin. Maybe a week off in between, and throw Xur in there during the week. You can add an Icon that appears at the tower so you know he is there, but the weekday he shows up is random. -Ability to send materials and gear to other players. I have tons of spin metal and spirit bloom that my friends could use. It would definitely make grinding less tedious and the interactions between guardians helping one another more commonplace. Especially clanmates. The person still has to play to level up the gear and unlock the attributes, but maybe cut back on the harvesting. Another option could be to purchase the resources for glimmer at a vendor, who could show up like Xur does. Maybe a vendor I can trade them into for Strange Coins so I can buy things from Xur. - I can't buy anything from any of the Factions because I don't play Crucible so I don't have any marks to purchase them. What is the use of being a part of the faction if I can't buy the items because I don't like playing crucible ? - It would be greatly appreciated if we can get some better Loot drop percentages. I have over 4 days play time between two characters and I have only ever had 2 legendary drops. My friends get them all the time... All I see are greens. Maybe we can have more blue and purple drops if you are over level 20. Or at least let my decrypt them at the cryptarch so I can level him up as well. -My vault is almost too full from the resources I gathered. I know you are probably saving a vault extender for DLC, but we could really use it now. -Some way to change the appearance of our characters after the initial creation. Hopefully for free please. I don't think I should have to pay to remove war paint that I thought would be cool, but isn't anymore. If you think I should pay, then let it be for glimmer. -I know that the cryptarch has had some fixes done to him already, but if a blue can turn into a purple if his level is high enough, that should happen more often once he gets to his higher levels. My friend's cryptarch is at least an 18-20 and blues never turn into purple. If that's the case, and they will always turn into blues, then take off the note on the engram that says it could possibly be a legendary. -I'd like to see more of the tower opened up for permanent vendor additions. There are plenty of side doors that I've noticed that could lead to other halls and vendors. The lounge over past the shipwrights is completely unused except for when Xur moseys over there. Maybe a vendor who could add light to our armor for motes of light. -The strikes are getting very stale. Adding more events with varying targets, possibly on either the reef, or other planets, or even different locations on the current planets, would help this a bit. There is only what, 6 strikes, and for some reason I ALWAYS end up fighting the Archon Priest. It's the best way to keep the game progressing, but it's turning into a chore. -Vault of Glass should definitely drop either an exotic or legendary engram everytime you beat the entire raid for everyone. I ran it and got nothing but shards, energy, and chatter white. That is ALOT of work for nothing. I really felt let down when everyone got guns and raid gear, and I got Chatterwhite. I'll keep running the vault because it is at least challenging, but I would really like to be rewarded for it a little better. EDIT: -Have the gunsmith level up as well. There should be some progression to him because he is useless to any players higher than level 5. All he sells is common and uncommon weapons. Maybe have him sell an exotic or good legendary weapon once a week. Those are my changes everyone. If you like them, please remember to positively or constructively comment on them, or your own ideas. Please don't turn this thread into a complaint session about how Bungie nerfed your favorite gun, or how you hate the game and everyone should boycott by not playing. I want to keep this clean and helpful so we can show Bungie that as mature gamers of all ages, we can focus on making the game better.

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  • I feel like engram drops were reduced to almost nonexistent. I haven't seen a purple in 2 weeks and I probably see 4 blues a week max (from drops, not rewards from dailies/ weekly etc). I'm not trying to be negative but it was always exciting seeing them randomly drop. Like hitting the lottery.

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