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10/14/2014 2:01:55 AM
Thank you sooo much for noticing and acting immediately upon the most OP weapon ever made, the Vex Mytho. Im laughing so hard inside at all of you BK's who claimed it wasn't even a good weapon. The 34% is everything you need to know about how OP that gun was and their testers obviously agreed unanimously. Im ecstatic about the shotgun range nerf as well, perfecly done. No more invectives and invisible hands shooting slugs 15 feet away. The auto rifle nerf will allow more TTK in gunfights and allow scouts to actually compete at a medium range consistantly, which is also well done. Anyone who keeps crying about these fixes are obviously casuals that cant use a balanced weapon properly and complete. Sorry to spoil your fun but skill has to come into play at some point with a bungie game, nuff said

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  • Wow your a bitch >__>

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  • Shotguns still -blam!-ing shit up. Eat a dick sour-puss.

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  • Bet you feel stupid now. Bungie unanimously agree'd that a 33-34% decrease was unintended and will be fixed. Eat my mythoclast and put a sock in it bad kid. And it will be rated higher than any exotic that you can buy or get lucky enough to drop. I put in 32 hard raids to get mine.... oh you will never get one bcuz its not gonna ever drop in crucible. Keep crying your the one with no skill. Its the whiney baby pvp players that ruin pve, such as yourself. I worked hard for mine? You think your snake face bought weapons should compare? No. Stop thinking about yourself and think about somebody else for a change

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  • too fkn right i fkn hate whiners like this sonovabitch. its these people killin the game for us.

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  • sorry to spoil your spoiler but almost all of us arent complaining about the PVP nerf we dont CARE we care about the fact that the hardest weapon to get has been made useless even in the vault of glass itself if you cant get the skill and co-operation to get with a team and grind the 3-4 hours on easy then the 7-10 hours on hard in the vault to get it then shut up

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  • Your a dumbass and extremely annoying

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  • Lol at everyone saying cod bs all the time. Every shooting game should be balanced. Why on earth would I want to fight someone I can't beat? You don't go fight lvl 20 monsters at 10 right? Why? Because you can't win. Same thing. Why would I play crucible if I cant win? Shooting games are different that shyte like wow. You don't see someone far away and go oh yeah I won't fight him because I know I can't win. In a fps you can get shot from far away so there's no choice of fighting or not.

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  • thats why these newbs should have stayed out of IRON BANNER WHERE LEVEL ADVANTAGES were on instead newbies in IRON BANNER get wasted by MYTHO OH NO BLAM make all those who worked to get an advantage in events like iron banner have none now your point makes our case exactly as the newb came into IRON BANNER against LEVEL 29's and their fireteams who finished VOG on hard and have great teamwork and defense as well as weapons and got owned, thats called teamwork buddy thats what IRON BANNER was for i considered that the first real competative mode they had, and guess what i got killed by all sorts of weapons mytho and others there snipers would lay me out in one shot, shottys still pop out and single shot me not complaining these are guns and designed to kill so i die RIGHT....bungies should have made that event more clear to these newbs instead of using it to promote a blamfest for the best gear in the game see the link above as to WHY they shouldnt have done this its in their own words how hard the Vault is

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  • Who let this retard post his opinion??

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  • Clueless...truly. Skill. That is a word that has been getting thrown around a lot as of late. I am utterly convinced that nobody on this planet is aware as to what skill means in an FPS. Firstly, with this game Bungie is certainly not attempting to reward skill or even encourage it. There are so many flaws I would have to write a novel in order to address all of the things that prevent this game from being even remotely competitive. Before we progress let me inform you that I have to highest k/d on this game so I know a thing or two about the pvp and its mechanics. I will also say that yes the vex was op as were the shotguns. Both needed a nerf, but the nerf to the vex was above and beyond what was actually needed. It is now an average gun for pvp and pve. It didn't need to even be touched in the pve aspect, I see that as pure laziness by combining the two. Anyway, if they wanted this game to be competitive and skillful they would have equal starts. I have armor that allows me to carry 7 rockets, a base player can carry almost half of that, where is the balance there? Why are any guns more powerful than any other guns in pvp, is that not what iron banner is supposed to entail? Crucible should have all weapons kill at the same rate. If that is not the case then who gives a crap if the vex is op. If its not the vex everyone is using then it'll be the suros, when they nerf that it'll be something else. People will always use the best gun, at least the best players and people who want to win will use the best guns. They should have taken down the damage of the vex a bit, but still kept it the best gun in the game due to the fact that it is the hardest gun to get, and it is the only incentive for end-game players to do the raid on hard. Now nobody has any reason to do the raid, I know I wouldn't do it whether I had the vex or not. There is no incentive. The game is not balanced in anyway, higher level players have numerous advantages, over-nerfing one gun doesn't fix an already broken game it simply opens the door for the next "op" gun. Good luck in crucible. ;)

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  • Yes. My sentiment exactly.

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  • Wats ur k/d

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  • 8.56 for combined characters

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  • Couldn't have said it better myself.

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  • Huge douche

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  • Edited by USMC2147: 10/14/2014 2:32:24 PM
    The game is not suppose to be balanced why do you want this to be just like call of duty when you complain about call of duty. This is a rpg where lvl and weapon are suppose to mean something not nothing. A Low lvl is not suppose to be able to damage a high level. Congrats you cod -blam!- for trying to make this just like every other cod PVP.

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  • Agree

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  • Sorry but the fixes are bullshit and don't tell me I'm a damn casual who doesn't know about balanced games. I was a 50 in every playlist in Halo 3 and have had many top 10 teams in Gamebattles. This is a goddamn mmo, you should be able to show off the gear you grinded your ass off for and fixing atheon so you only get rewards if you finished the entire raid, is a much more plausible route to take. First off it would ensure you actually have to do the raid instead of skipping right to atheon and cheesing him. Besides if they're gonna pull this nerfing shit every 5 seconds they might as well give everyone one weapon to start and make you look for other weapons like the good old days. Rather than nerfing every gun into oblivion.

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  • I think there is too many problems for Bungie to even figure out. They obviously are trying (maybe not succeeding), but how can we expect them to find a solution when there are so many flaws, as pointed out by the pages and pages of blogs and complaints? I like you idea of finding the weapons. I would be more interested if that was another game mode option versus changing all the others. It would be cool if all the guns people have equipped are the guns that can show up around the map. People could try out all sorts of weapons too, instead of the same old same old. Seeing other guns perform would also promote players to go earn them in PvE.

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  • Pve will suffer. It's such a shame. Nerf the vex purely for pvp but don't spoil the game for everyone else because -blam!-s crying like babies. I won't tone down my response. -blam!- you bungie, I'm -blam!-ing sick of games getting -blam!-ed over by children who complain about everything. What's the point in trying to get new gear in pve if it's all just as good as the shit the npc sell?

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  • exactly what i felt.

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  • i worked my ass off for the mythoclast just for it to get nerfed because of bitchy whiners like you

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  • Why did they nerf everything. Cuz of whiners like this clown.

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  • exactly.

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  • you talk about skill yet you support the nurf if YOU had skill YOU would deal with it unbalance and work around it but YOU lack skill

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