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Edited by Hot Pocket35: 12/15/2014 11:35:29 PM

Endgame Content? lol munnies plz

I was thinking about Destiny today. I couldn't get it off my mind at work. So many glaring flaws in a 500 million dollar game. We mostly agree that it's a dumpster fire that is a BLAST to play thanks to snappy and responsive shooter gameplay. But something has been spoiling my Destiny experience as of late. Something has made me begin to question if this game is even worth playing anymore. I'm talking about endgame content. Let me explain. We need to do the raid to get raid armor that will allow us to reach level 30 which is the highest level possible. Okay. I suppose someone somewhere in the bungie office decided at one point that using 'light' past level 20 was a good idea. Here's the thing: If we all eventually reach level 30 (plausible), then won't we all look the EXACT same? We'll all be wearing raid gear. Nevermind the fact that this game already has a serious lack of loot and literally discourages creativity and customization because of the light system. We will literally ALL LOOK THE SAME. But wait, this is when it REALLY takes a turn for the worst. You'll have to open your wallet if you want to keep playing! Yep. When the cap is eventually raised (30 was way too low I don't know who thought that was sufficient) then you'll have to 'purchase' access to the next strike/raid that grants loot capable of boosting your level past 30. This is wrong on so many levels. I'm sure someone will say something like, "no no man don't worry bungie is going to support us for the next 10 years with free content!" No, man. They won't. This is perhaps the biggest money-grab I have seen since Bernie Madolf ripped all those people off in that real estate scam. BUNGIE IS SETTING YOU UP FOR THE BIGGEST SCAM IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY. This game is literally $25 of content that can be recycled for over 100 hours. That's wrong. You cannot possibly defend this. Bungie refuses to clarify there plans for the future and that's because they KNOW we will be PISSED when we all find out that we'll have to pay to continue playing for anything worthwhile. What a joke. The worst part is that I can't even do anything about it. I just have to accept the loss and look forward to Borderlands. Alright that's all that was on my mind. I'm interested to hear people's thoughts on this although my threads always seem to fall into oblivion. P.S. Bungie you guys used to be really good at big team battles. Vehicles, big maps, lots of players, splosions' left and right. What happened to that? Are you going to sell us that later? SUMMARY FOR THOSE NOT INTERESTED IN READING (I'm looking at you, stoners): Everyday it becomes a little easier to accept that Destiny will never be what they told us it would be or what we wanted it to be. I'm trying to just enjoy Destiny for what it is at this point. That's the best anyone can really do with the situation. With that said, I think the most important and immediate course of action should be adding loot variety to this game via some form of free DLC before we all run into a wall of sameness and disappointment. We will never "Become Legend" until our guardians are an extension and reflection of our very own character. Thanks for reading and feel free to comment. I'm going to do my best to respond to as many of you as I can in an attempt to further discussion. IMPORTANT UPDATE: -It has now been about a week or two since getting on to Destiny and playing for any significant amount of time. It's a weird feeling. All of a sudden this game has become a collection of dead content to me. I no longer enjoy stock Destiny. Sort of upsetting to admit. I was hoping on hanging around this game until at least holiday season but that isn't looking very likely at this point. ANOTHER UPDATE: It's funny how literally every single issue that highlighted in this thread has either been untouched or worsened since the new DLC came out. This game is a train wreck. Please don't give this company your money. vote with your wallet.

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