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Edited by K0LT0R: 6/17/2016 5:56:31 PM



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  • So, At first I was under the impression that destiny's lack of story and character personality was just Bungie's way of forgetting how to make a video game, but now I'm feeling generous and I'm giving Destiny the opportunity to surprise me. I've been reading around the Internet and exploring in-game trying to get a feel for wether or not my theory is plausible. And I have to say, ever since I stepped foot inside the world of Destiny something hasn't been right. Now, remember that I'm explaining my thoughts now, before hand I just thought the games length and quality was just Destiny's way of setting itself up for opportunities to steal our money for what we should of obtained upon dropping $60 on the "full" game. Now here is my theory, and yes it's been said before, I am not the only one who thinks this. I believe the guardians are bad. Or just believe they're good but are pawns in one giant cleverly disguised conspiracy. Searching on the Internet would probably give you more researched evidence but this is my opinion based on the eerie feeling I get from the game. In fact, Destiny's lack of information, characters willing to explain things, and how I solely rely on a small little robot for information scares me. I honestly feel alone in this strange world that I have no idea what I'm contributing to. Ok, so think about're revived by a robot that just simply says, "Yo bro you been dead a long time man, and you're in danger so shoot all these muddaf$&%# s because they're bad and you're good. Ok?" And then what do we do? We kill them all and don't ask any questions. Sure they're fighting back, but wouldn't you if you where them and you thought the guardians were evil. Look, who is this ghost? Do they not have names? Me and ole ghosty have been through a lot, and not once do I remember him introducing himself properly with a name? There are obviously other ghosts because you can revive dead ones hidden around maps and you can clearly see them buzzing around the tower just hanging out. Are they all named Ghost? I wouldn't think so. Why are we trusting a small robot for information when he doesn't even give us his name. And no dinklebot is not his name, even though I wish it was. How did we die? Did we die? Do we know? No. We don't. None of this gets explained. You're apparently a guardian, I mean you awake wearing all that armor and ole dinklebot says you're one, but are we? I mean our character literally has no emotion or adds anything relevant to the dialogue, he just asks blatant questions that ole dinklebot would blurt out loud anyways as he floats around saying random crap in monotone exposition. So your character never once makes any statement referring to his life before his death. So we can conclude that he has amnesia, or maybe our "good" buddy Mr. Ghost wiped our memory. Therefore we are kind of forced to believe that the first thing that finds us is honest and good. Also, our character didn't show any signs of fatal injuries. I mean hell, you can stand right up and dance if you want. So what did kill us? Sure you could say that the ghost could have healed our wounds upon reviving us, but if he could do that then whats the point of adding in dying animations? We should be immortal! No, obviously he can't fix us if we got shot in the face or something. So how did we die? Did we have a heart attack? I'm not sure they would let someone be a guardian if they had heart problems. What I'm getting at is that it doesn't make sense. We're revived by a robot that says we've been dead for a long time, there are no wounds on our character, our character doesn't show signs of remembering the past or anything for that matter, and we ignorantly run off shooting aliens? Another thing. Did anyone notice that the fallen in the opening cutscenes seemed to be looking for something? How did the ghost know where our body was? Maybe the fallen where looking for us to. Maybe they where trying to prevent the ghost from getting to us first and corrupting us. Ok, that sums up the opening scene. Now, what about that creepy dude called the speaker? Why does he never reveal his true identity? He just hides behind a mask. He attempts to explain something's but very vaguely like it doesn't matter. He just says,"I could tell you stories...", and then doesn't. For all we know there's this giant past that lead up that point that we don't know about, and maybe we don't know...because someone doesn't want us to know. Dude, the guy gives off a freaky vibe. If you listen to some of his dialogue when activating a patrol mission he will sound pretty angry when telling you to murder a certain amount of enemies. His tone made me feel like he got off by watching the fallen die. Like I expected him to laugh malevolently after the recording, that's how angry and disturbing his tone was. Moving on... Not only is the speaker sketchy but the exo stranger girl is just baffling. Who does she work with? Where is she from? Why does she look like a guardian but is not one? Who does she talk to? And why in the Sam hell does she never friggen explain anything. "I don't have time to explain how I don't have time to explain." *clap*clap*clap* Oh brilliant writing there Bungie, who helped you write that one, Tommy Wiseau? Here's my theory about her. I think she use to be a guardian but realized that the guardians are the ones that are evil. Now she works for a secret militia-like band of ex-guardian rebels, and is using you. I mean sure it doesn't add up for her to help you if she doesn't like guardians, but then again nothing gets explained. So my theory is still possible. This is slightly more of a detail rather than substantial evidence but did you wonder why the agent of the nine only stays two days? Yeah sure, maybe bungie hates rewarding us and doesn't want us to get exotics that easy, but have you listened to what he says? "What sort of thing are you?" "An end is here." "So much light here, I suppose I feel pain." "So lonely here." "An end will come...we will be there." "I...cannot endure this place long." "The deep black is many things but never lonely." "I have information but I do not know yet if you are the one it is meant for." "Your traveler has a dark mirror." And the one that I found most disturbing... "You walk among them." Maybe something interesting can be found within that. Moving on... Ok, so when you go to the reef how come they hate you? I mean the queens brother has no reason to dislike you personally, so why does he dislike guardians? Maybe he knows they are not 100% good. How come the fallen work along side them? You see them come up from behind the queens throne, you attempt to shoot them (because you're brainwashed to murder them) and she simply says... "It is afraid of the fallen. It does not understand that these ones are mine." Good fallen? Why does she refer to us as "it"? The evidence is convincing to assume that maybe in future installments we could possibly learn the truth about who we are and what our destiny is. In my opinion, Bungie messed up. Sure, we all know that the gaming industry now a days over charges us for games and then have the stupidity to ask for more money for more content that should have been in the final copy. And Destiny is the biggest flop ever. The story explains little to nothing, the characters are distant, cold, and flat out snarky, the story is short as hell, distances you from you're character who fumbles around like an numb nut while taking commands from a nerfed Peter dinklage, and then ends with the shortest cutscene ever that literally just blatantly says there will be more story to come.................... FOR MORE MONEY!!!!!! So, the reason I believe in this conspiracy is because I would rather think that there's a subliminal plot that us, the players, can discover than just accepting the fact that the game is like 5 hours long and sucks major a**. The game is literally called Destiny...the commercials make it seem like you make your own. So wouldn't that mean that at some point in the game we would have to make the decision between right and wrong? So what do you believe ? Did we get robbed from creating our own destiny like the game entitles, or is there a conspiracy afoot that adds to an over all plot? And I tell you what, if there is a bigger picture, the short piece of it we saw for $60 did not immerse me enough to give a flying flippidy flop if there even will be a plot twist. So I have to pay more money to experience the game that flopped in the first place! WHAT THE F&@$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really want to like this game... Look bungie, take my word for it. A conspiracy lurking amidst the fog of a boring and vague story would really pull back your fans. Because right now people are just grinding away for loot instead of giving a flying crap about your story. Some of the best films and stories of all times have been published without $500 million dollars funding them. So we expect more to come. And I swear to mother Tina turner if you charge me for a story expansion because you couldn't tell it right the first time, I'm trading that damn game in for $2 in-store credit at GameStop. Ok, maybe I won't sell it because its not that bad of a game...but still. You already got my money and half the friggen continent's, so be happy and don't ask for more. Sincerely, A fan (for now) Sincerely, A fan (for now) P.s. expect typos because I care so hard. Bruh.[/quote]

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