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9/17/2014 9:02:38 PM

An Open Letter to Bungie: Many of us Understand.

Dear Bungie, With Destiny's launch, there has been a tumultuous storm of opinions and thoughts flying around across the internet. Everybody seems to have an opinion, more often than not a complaint, or an idea of what needs to happen. Arguably poor review scores from many publications feed an ever increasing loop of groupthink and lead to unfair conclusions and accusations about what, from a real perspective, has the potential to turn into a masterpiece. With the forums ablaze with topics lambasting the game you've made, I wouldn't be surprised if, on your part, there is at the least confusion, at most dismay at the exact nature of the friction. I've read the complaints. However, I feel very strongly that everything in Destiny has been meticulously thought out, planned, and implemented. In simpler terms, [b]there is nothing about this game that doesn't feel intentional[/b]. It feels to me that every aspect of Destiny as it exists now aligns with your vision, and that you have made the game exactly as you wanted to make it. Those of us who have long time experience with similar games, and really want to see the industry evolve, recognize that Destiny could very well be the beginning of a masterpiece, a revolution in how games are experienced and how stories are told. We play it religiously, and we trust you to develop its universe into something really special. It already has established itself as one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've had, and I'm sure that rings true for those like me. But the adherence to your vision is the cornerstone of positivity for this experience. Destiny is going to be a long road, and vocal members of the community that don't truly grasp Destiny's scope and potential will continue to complain. Likely, it will be relentless. I've already seen people go from complaining that they had too easy of a time getting to the level cap, to complaining that the raids are too hard over 3 DAYS. In fact, Destiny seems to have had 3 years worth of complaining cycles crammed into the 1 week it has been available. We have our journey over Destiny's lifetime, and you, Bungie, have yours. I urge you, remember this: [b]You must unflinchingly adhere to your vision.[/b] If anything can be said about the game industry, particularly in MMO type games, it's that "The Customer is Usually Wrong". You can't please everyone, and large scale change will rarely please most. But if every game released is going to strive only to please the most customers, we end up with bland and repetitive titles that rarely venture outside of the status quo. To you I say that you will need to heed this forum's tagline more than any of the users: [b]Be Brave[/b]. Don't buckle to the complaints, and don't stray from making what you see because of the outcry of those who don't agree on its beauty. Sincerely, A Fan.

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  • You're just slobbering away at Bungie's dick like there's no tomorrow but there's more to it than that. You're typing so much that you're hands are busy and you're obviously ignoring the taint and balls, cup those things and reach a finger around back to help finish the job.

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