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10/7/2014 4:13:02 PM
This is stupid, you are arguing that anybody can get it if they learn how to raid. Some of us have lives and have no time to spend hours upon hours to level to 26+, get a group of 6 then go through the longest mission on the hardest difficulty just to get one gun so that they can pvp, no, thats stupid. I work a lot, I have no time for all this. I go into crucible a lot and like being able to have fun. My idea of fun in pvp on a fps is being able to win due to my better skill. The vex mythos is retarded, even if I go for head shots only I can still get outgunned by someone who aims for my body, just because they had the time to go through the hardest thing in the game and get a gun. That is stupid, this whole post is stupid, I hope you never work in games design. The whole idea of pvp in an fps like this is for competitive players, if the vex doesn't get nerved every guy with the time to get one will have one and the crucible will be impossible for new players, imagine running into a game where you have your baryon mac pulse rifle and all of a sudden the whole enemy team has this OP weapon, you would need to be really good to beat them or just suffer death after death... Not only would this gun stop new/low level players from enjoying pvp but they probably wouldn't stick around in Destiny that long because of it and the player base would die out eventually. If the player base dies out then the games 10 year plan goes out the window and Destiny was a waste of money and the new franchise itself goes down the drain. Shotguns are annoying but its not hard to look at your radar and grenade or triple jump/glide up as high as you can and hip fire. Shotguns can only kill close range and you have to charge fusion rifles up. I could easily snipe you by the time you popped out with your fusion rifle. Its not about being carried through, the crucible is supposed to be a pvp environment where level advantages are disabled and its an equal playing field for whoever has the highest skill and technique in the game to win, which is what an fps should be. The only way to get the vex mythos is to be a high level, so its a level advantage whether you like it or not and it threatens the franchise a lot.

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  • U got to use what gives u an advantage if u want to win. If what u said is true every should run in with kvostog 2g02 and preacher mk 20

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  • Bro this post was last year why the heck would you comment and necrobump?

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  • I don't give a shit

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  • You have to be 29-30 for hard mode.

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  • So because I've put hours and hours into the raid. Multiple attempts just to get it to drop for me.. It shouldn't be nerfed because casual players want it to be fair..all that leads to is all your competitive players to either stop doing the raid or any other hardcore content. Because the gear and weapons we get from it aren't as good as the time we have put into the activities. Doesn't make much sense to me. I earned this gun and spent a long long time trying to get it. It should not be nerfed. When I get killed by people who have it, it beings back all the painful memories of me trying to get it. I smile and change how I approach that person. Nerfing this gun in line with all other guns will do a lot more harm than good. You'll see the hardcore players becoming very very vocal about getting it changed back

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  • Then stick to COD

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  • People that think the game should be as fair to casual players as it is to more dedicated players are the stupid ones, not the OP. The OP is right. The hard raid is -blam!-ing hard. Just because you personally supposedly don't have time to complete it, doesn't mean the possible rewards should be lowered to match your own self imposed handicap. If you haven't got time to invest in the game to get the best gear, then why are you whining? You said you just want to play and have fun. Well you never will with that attitude, there will always be a Vex Mythoclast or some other item you covet and therefore hate on the item by virtue of it's elusiveness to you personally. Items like that are the bread and butter of persistent online games. If they were all touched by filthy casuals who think they are entitled to play the game for 2 hours a day and still get everything that someone who plays 6 hours a day has, then why would anyone bother? Then it would be like the Suros again. Once was a really cool gun, and while it's still very effective, every other player has one and it's been lost in mediocrity. Basically man the -blam!- up or go play a different game. Like BF4, they don't have raids.

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  • Do you own a suros regime?

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  • Edited by WhataguyTTU: 10/7/2014 6:11:57 PM
    TL;DR: VMC is OP as people who get it have spent alot of time already on the game and have sharpened their skills. The casual experience is going to continue to decline as more VMCs hit the field weekly if no nerf is made. There is ALOT of truth in what Forexalised is saying. Bungie has done a good job so far to keep neckbeards from destroying the casual experience. Until the VMC... Most of everyone that posts here is either a no-lyfe fgt or 40-hour office workers that reply from work. The target audiance in mention here vastly outnumbers us forums guys. I've been clearing Hard mode VoG and a few of my buddies of all got the Mythoclast. (3) Ya you don't need one to kick a$$ in PvP, but it REALLY dampers the fun from other people who are PvP enthusiast and don't raid. Also please don't make it seem like its easy to to clear raids and that casuals should have the time. No it does not just take 1-2hrs to clear hard. Once you're on farm status sure, but for most people trying to get into the scene won't have the 3-6hr window to make attempts and learn. Also most importantly, its hard to find like minded people (not impoosible) that wouldn't mind running it 3 times a week for 1 1/2hrs each time to perhaps progress. Yes raids are not really for casuals, but it shouldn't destroy their experience outside of PvE. The methoclast problem is only going to get worse as more are looted weekly. I do decently in PvP and feel like the methoclast is definitely unbalanced. Any short-mid range engagement normally will favor the VMC. Can only assume this will be worse today with the shotgun and AR effective range nerfs. The VMC makes good players adapt to longer range engagements. But still, does it really need to be as strong as most HMGs?!? Forexalised is looking at the big picture of what destiny is trying to offer, most of the people that overplay this game will just move on to the next AAA title that releases.

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  • "Some of us have lives and have no time to spend hours upon hours to level to 26+, get a group of 6 then go through the longest mission on the hardest difficulty just to get one gun so that they can pvp, no, thats stupid." Play a different game then. 90% of games these days are going to be most rewarding to those that have the most free time, if you don't, then you're going to fall behind. That's with pretty much anything though, the more work you put into something the more results you're going to get.

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  • Edited by Weaponmaster 55: 10/7/2014 6:02:42 PM
    100% right!

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  • Raid takes 2 hours if that. Organise in advance and take some time to do it.

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  • Honestly it just sounds like you suffer from stage 5 SUCK. Impatient, and self entitled like Bungie has to make a special exception just for you. I can literally only play two days a week. I work out of town. I only have Tuesday Wednesday off. I don't get to go and buy crap from Xur. I only get two days to do everything and beat the raid and so on. I only get to do dailies two days of the week. I have to be patient as hell to get decked out. But hey I don't go crying to Bungie "Bungie I can't play on Saturday. Remove Xur cus I can't buy from him. It's so not fair!" Boohoohooo Seriously go play a different game if all you care about is PvP and you don't like the PvP in destiny...

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  • i hate shotguns those shits still kill u from a distance

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  • Activision has another game coming out this year for casuals like you.

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  • Man the damn thing isn't even seen that often lmao if you get into a matchmaking session with it leave after that round so you go against new people, if you and they don't leave matchmaking then you'll be seeing them again in 30 secs

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  • If you dont have time then that's your problem i dont see why people who have time be affected by your lack of time to play the game and tbh ive seen VMC in action while im playing crucible using my alt who's lvl 9 and using a lvl 10 gun i own him 3:1 >.>

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  • you have no go make dinner for your kids.

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  • Bruh! Just because you "don't have time" doesn't mean that everyone should automatically be punished if they DO have the time. No one is here to make accommodations to your playing hours. And plus, with the RNG factor it doesn't really matter seeing how everyone can only go through once a week with each character through the raid for their rewards. Everyone has an equal opportunity to grab their ish.

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  • I work 40 he a week. Do you see me crying I don't have my raid wep? Nope I have patience. Like most of you don't.

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  • You all missed the point in the post, I'm not crying because I don't have my raid weapon yet, I don't even raid. I crucible a lot and can't see myself raiding for a long long time. Not everyone raids, not everyone does crucible..... you all misread the topic as a whinge as if I get destroyed by people with it when you should note that; I haven't seen anyone with it yet.... The post was all about the way the game would fail if it never got nerfed.... The day I actually start seeing people with this weapon in Crucible is the day I stop playing crucible. @Gillie, patience? Not everyone raids, get off your high horse.

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  • If you can't make time for a raid to get something. That's your fault. They should not need to change anything.

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  • It's just not fair for people who actually want to put time in to be better then say you at this game. To have my work nerfed because you can't put in the same time.

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  • As someone who only recently finished the raid for the first time this past weekend, and as someone with very limited time to dedicate to Destiny, I agree with this post.

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  • It can be done in two hours or less and don't tell me you don't have that time because I'm sure you've spent that in pvp at some point

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