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Edited by reece22345: 10/1/2014 12:47:50 AM

Had two days off... first time not playing destiny

So had two full days off... And didn't play destiny at all. That's after playing every day since launch for well over a 100 hours. I'm sorry but I just can't keep grinding the same strikes with people I don't know/who don't have mics. Bounties are pointless aside from levelling up my last few weapons, and even when the weapons are fully upgraded it's not like I need them to be at level 28. Sure for the hard raid but I'm realistic - I'll never manage to do a full run on hard given the organisation required to get 5 equally skilled other people to do it. I don't even care if I get legendary engrams that decrypt into legendaries anymore - it doesn't change what I do because I kill everything fairly easily anyway. Hell I was soloing the daily on 28 - so levelling everything to max feels a bit redundant to me. Yes I know it'll be useful in Iron Banner but I'm not super into PvP. I've bought the season pass but I hate to say it - you're starting to lose me Bungie. I might have to put it down for a few months. Which is really a shame because I love your game - just not the grinding for no purpose.

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  • Edited by ddn489: 10/2/2014 6:43:23 AM
    I agree. I've lost interest, its a grind but its the same grind after grind after grind. I mean there's nothing new and it's all rather the same thing. I hit 27 and I gather if I upgrade my hear that may take me to 28 or 29, who knows but... I just don't enjoy doing the same thing over and over. Look at other games like diablo or world of Warcraft.... There's a sense of having a lot more to do whether its from randomizing levels to the actually content being much larger. Rep farming is rep farming at the end of the day, but I've just lost interest because its absolutely mundane. I don't even know what to suggest which seems feasible to make it less mundane. Which is why I've started to play other games. One thing that really turned me off was realizing I had to grind reputation from scratch on all new characters. I think if they implemented somewhat of a diablo paragon or account wide settings/perks/features I'd be more inclined to do it again or keep playing.

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  • I think you may have overdone it with the amount of time you've put in the game in the few weeks it's been out. I get the same way if I marathon a TV show.

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    • Edited by JimGnarkill: 10/1/2014 5:49:19 PM
      I agree... this is why I have a 27 warlock that will be 28 if I gather some upgrade mats and a 26 hunter who will be 28 when I gather some upgrade mats, and a 17 titan who will be 25 with little effort, I do like this game.. it just needs more endgame content

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    • All MMO/rpg type games require grinding for gear. Sorry, but that's how they are and this is the same way.

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      13 Replies
      • I feel you 100%. Except Im just waiting on a few friends to get to 27 so we can all do the raid together. Should be fun! No randoms. Theres just not enough content to keep people like you and me interested. I'm a 28 Warlock and one my favorite things to do is troll in town with my friends. -___- GIVE US MORE BUNGIE

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      • Totally agree. My friend and i are taking a couple weeks off from the game. Yes, i have 60h of playtime and yes i did enjoy most of those. I'm just to the same point you're at. It feels like a chore to get on simply to go to venus and grind something stupid like 10 fallen major kills. Last night we cleared the daily, weekly, nightfall and raid in around 3h and that's all the interesting content for the week. I understand games like this are supposed to make you grind for gear, but to what end? Thanks for the post!

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        3 Replies
        • Bump - I know other people are feeling like this. What should we do to regain the spark?

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        • Edited by reece22345: 10/1/2014 2:47:26 PM

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        • What console bro?

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