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9/29/2014 5:15:39 PM

Mercenary Saints Clan

To join the Mercenary Saints is to be willing, but not obligated*, to help your fellow clan members. Those having trouble ranking up or earning marks, or even looking for company while doing their routine patrol bounties, can rest assured knowing the Mercenary Saints are just and invite away. "We go wherever there's a mixture of money and trouble, and everyone is a potential customer." *No one is OBLIGATED to help you, especially if you're being an a$$. I helped some kid I had just met do the nightfall, he got an exotic weapon--(the universal remote)--as a reward even though he did nothing, while everyone I had played with before that actually played got 9 ascendant shards, and the next day he expected me to do his thorn mission for him all while he was acting like a little prick.

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