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9/29/2014 5:09:50 PM

Regarding Upcoming Destiny Content

Hey, Bungie Community. I hope you had a nice weekend. We noticed that you noticed that we already have plans for upcoming content packs in Destiny. We do! They have activity names (which may or may not change) and we have a really good idea what they're going to contain. They even have placeholder nodes in the Director, as you've already discovered. But neither of the Expansion Packs we've announced are finished. People at Bungie are hard at work to complete content for our first post launch pack, "The Dark Below," as I type these words. It will be finished soon. It releases in December. Soon, we'll detail it out for you so you can see exactly what we've been working on. Thanks for playing. Thanks for the passion. We know you want details. We'll talk more soon.

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  • The vast majority plan on continuing playing. It's a vocal minority nerd raging full tilt. We love the game and have faith in the company

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    24 Replies
    • (Reposting what WhiskeyRage93 put up. It is a perfect representation of how we all feel. Repost to make sure Bungie sees it.) DeeJ As an avid gamer, i would like to congratulate you and the destiny team for selling so many copies and making such a visually pleasing game. For what else I am about to say, I apologize if I come off as callous or rude but believe me I am a huge bungie fan. As of now though, has bungie taken any notice of the popular opinion uproar in the forums and elsewhere? Do you see our disappointment or is it going unnoticed because you guys have already gotten paid? For example- Story line? Like... Uhm did I miss it? Where is it? I've read every Grimoire card that I've unlocked? I've beaten the campaign twice and I'm working on a third. I've beaten every strike mission, patrol, raid, and hell I've found every golden chest. And I still have no god damn idea what the main story is. What's the protagonists driving force. What happened to the golden age, war minds, the fall, the traveller, back story on any of the vanguard trainers, speaker, xur, the queen and her brother? Seriously if I wasn't such an avid gamer I would of stopped playing by now. I have friends that are casual gamers that already have stopped playing because they don't understand what it's about? The community is screaming for it. Like the red headed step child at a Jewish batmitzva were standing on a chair in the middle of the room trying to get your attention. Where's the bungie we know and love? Where's the creativity for your pvp matches? Including and not limited to different objectives, more vehicles, possibly a thrall throw down mode? Anything at this point to sate our thirst for what we were told this game was going to be. Raids. First off. Holy shit balls. Vault of Glass. Impressive. Loved it. That's what we want but more. It was difficult, required teamwork, and wasn't just mobs and kill the boss. Loved the platforms. Love the Gorgons. Loved the portal mix up for the final boss plus the relics. Beautiful. Which is exactly why we are so confused. The raid is great but we have no idea why we went in there. Who was that dude? No cutscenes at all? Put In a skip cutscenes button. That way if people don't want to see the story line cinematic they can skip. DLC packs. Honestly if I hadn't pre bought these two coming up, at this point in time I don't think I would of right now. and I know I'm not alone. More planets? With there be more? Get creative make a new damn world for us to go nuts on. Raise the level cap. Clan names? Put something in the UI to see clans and see clan members. Maybe make customizable clan capes, bonds and Titan thingies. There can be just one city left in existence? Surely the Queen of the reef must have some sort of city commerce place? In tired of seeing the tower over and over and over and over and over and over and over And over The traveler. Okay it came, it stopped the darkness for now and now it's MIA. How? What happened? Can we fix it? How'd it stop the darkness? Where did it come from? Did someone send it? This game could be more than amazing. It could be the only game I ever play for a while. Y'all are so close to getting it there but as everyone online is saying but bungie isn't acknowledging is pretty much what I mentioned above. But I'll summarize it for everyone. Sorry about the long post. More content More background story More worlds More player interaction More bungie Any response from bungie would be appreciated because so far I see tons of posts explaining and making excuses just give us a peek. Keep us interested or your about to lose us to the darkness End rant Whiskey out

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      • (Sharing WeskeyRage93's comment, please do the same so Bungie would address this disaster ) DeeJ As an avid gamer, i would like to congratulate you and the destiny team for selling so many copies and making such a visually pleasing game. For what else I am about to say, I apologize if I come off as callous or rude but believe me I am a huge bungie fan. As of now though, has bungie taken any notice of the popular opinion uproar in the forums and elsewhere? Do you see our disappointment or is it going unnoticed because you guys have already gotten paid? For example- Story line? Like... Uhm did I miss it? Where is it? I've read every Grimoire card that I've unlocked? I've beaten the campaign twice and I'm working on a third. I've beaten every strike mission, patrol, raid, and hell I've found every golden chest. And I still have no god damn idea what the main story is. What's the protagonists driving force. What happened to the golden age, war minds, the fall, the traveller, back story on any of the vanguard trainers, speaker, xur, the queen and her brother? Seriously if I wasn't such an avid gamer I would of stopped playing by now. I have friends that are casual gamers that already have stopped playing because they don't understand what it's about? The community is screaming for it. Like the red headed step child at a Jewish batmitzva were standing on a chair in the middle of the room trying to get your attention. Where's the bungie we know and love? Where's the creativity for your pvp matches? Including and not limited to different objectives, more vehicles, possibly a thrall throw down mode? Anything at this point to sate our thirst for what we were told this game was going to be. Raids. First off. Holy shit balls. Vault of Glass. Impressive. Loved it. That's what we want but more. It was difficult, required teamwork, and wasn't just mobs and kill the boss. Loved the platforms. Love the Gorgons. Loved the portal mix up for the final boss plus the relics. Beautiful. Which is exactly why we are so confused. The raid is great but we have no idea why we went in there. Who was that dude? No cutscenes at all? Put In a skip cutscenes button. That way if people don't want to see the story line cinematic they can skip. DLC packs. Honestly if I hadn't pre bought these two coming up, at this point in time I don't think I would of right now. and I know I'm not alone. More planets? With there be more? Get creative make a new damn world for us to go nuts on. Raise the level cap. Clan names? Put something in the UI to see clans and see clan members. Maybe make customizable clan capes, bonds and Titan thingies. There can be just one city left in existence? Surely the Queen of the reef must have some sort of city commerce place? In tired of seeing the tower over and over and over and over and over and over and over And over The traveler. Okay it came, it stopped the darkness for now and now it's MIA. How? What happened? Can we fix it? How'd it stop the darkness? Where did it come from? Did someone send it? This game could be more than amazing. It could be the only game I ever play for a while. Y'all are so close to getting it there but as everyone online is saying but bungie isn't acknowledging is pretty much what I mentioned above. But I'll summarize it for everyone. Sorry about the long post. More content More background story More worlds More player interaction More bungie Any response from bungie would be appreciated because so far I see tons of posts explaining and making excuses just give us a peek. Keep us interested or your about to lose us to the darkness End rant

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        1 Reply
        • Edited by Anubistraveler: 9/30/2014 1:44:19 PM
          Hey Deej, I am having so much fun with this game. The only thing really missing here is a story. Honestly, I believe this is the biggest issue people have with this game. If there was a story people could follow and attach themselves to then 1. the review scores would be high acrossed the board and 2. the community while they would still complain, (because lets face it thats the internet) would be less vocal about their issues with the game. I have played this game everyday since launch and will continue to for a long time. Thanks for making a really fun game, but next time you release something make sure there is a story that people can follow and get attached to.

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        • I'm not complaining. I work 40 hrs a week and have a life. Somewhat. And I'm not caught up. So. Thanks bungie! Love the weekly updates.

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          3 Replies
          • Yeah, my question got answered! ;)

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          • No offense, DeeJ, but unless you're going to give us some concrete answers, you can go -blam!- off. If you haven't noticed already, a lot of us are really, really pissed about this discovery. Now, unlike most of the people here, I still have at least a little faith left in Bungie, but even I can agree that this shitstorm is your fault. Bungie should have realized they were signing a deal with the devil when they chose to work with Activision. If you guys didn't, well, it's certainly coming back to bite you in the ass big time. Ban me if you want, but all you'd be doing is proving us, the community you supposedly care so much about, right in our assumptions: You ban anyone who voices an opinion that differs from yours.

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            • The damage is done. I liked Destiny while it lasted. I wont be buying the dlc or games from bungie/activision anymore.

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            • Edited by edward: 9/30/2014 1:32:49 PM
              this game should have been 100Euro and delivered in full when it was ready, and u would have got the ratings u wanted

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            • thanks, but for me the damage is already done, this was just the final straw in addition to the underwhelming "finished" product.

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            • The fact that DeeJ is running around doing serious damage control is very telling. It probably means they genuinely care about us as players and hope that we are having fun with their game. This is good. What isn't good is that he needs to be doing this. They know what they shipped is a gigantic disappointment to large portion of their player base. Here is to hoping the will blow us all away. I'm not holding my breath though (storywise).

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              2 Replies
              • Well now I know who wrote the dialogue for the speaker....

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              • What happened to having something new to do everytime I sign on? Even some of the Queen's bounties are duplicates of the Vanguard bounties. That's not new. I love the game. I'm not going anywhere. But, you folks better be putting in some serious OT to start living up to the claims you've made. The upcoming DLC needs to knock it out of the park or, you'll have a revolt on your hands.

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              • Edited by kklathan8613: 9/30/2014 6:13:29 AM
                BUNGiE, I have played pretty much all of your games starting with Marathon, so please listen to a very, very long time consumer of your products. This reply is very consistent with your previous ones, which in a nutshell is "More info coming later... maybe.... when it no longer matters." I enjoy playing this game, however the lack of feedback from the development team about some critical issues has been used by the admittedly hostile forum community as a common rallying point for negative feedback and commentary. IMHO the underlying cause of the majority of this resentment is the lack of content currently available in the game. This coupled with Activision's history of wringing every available cent out of customers though DLC and in the process killing the IP being squeezed makes many, well if we are being honest I would say most Destiny players (myself included) quite skeptical about the direction, duration and desirability of the Destiny franchise. It would do wonders to dispel some of this ever prevalent aura of resentment and negativity if BUNGiE would have some kind of a "State of the Game" speech (or in this case perhaps a podcast) to be given out on a weekly basis. And NO, the weekly "updates" that are available on Do. Not. In. Any. Way. Satisfy. This. Simply said, the current "Bungie Weekly Updates" have been small on solid information and large on promises with a healthy dose of interviews that I skipped over because I was looking for information, not snippets of player commentary. I will make connections here to an IP that has been successful for 10 years, World of Warcraft and one that has technically lasted 10 years but failed many years ago, Everquest . These games did not come to be in their final form overnight; like Destiny they had an initial lack of end game content. Like Destiny they had server issues with the product launch. Like Destiny they had to build a community up from scratch. However. Within a month of launch WoW only had 2 end game raids, and one of those was just a short clear then killing the single boss. EQ (my memory is a bit hazy on this one) had only 2 raidable monsters for the entire Server. Yet, both had a wide variety of content to keep the player interested and exploring wide open worlds. Destiny by comparison has only 1 raid, and it is wonderful. Outside of that one raid however, Destiny is very much lacking. Destiny has very little outside of the primary story missions (which are short when all is said and done) and the connecting pathways, with some extra side zones that we never have a solid reason to go into for spice. While the graphics of Destiny are in a word, amazing, staring at the same thing over and over again no matter how amazing quickly becoming mind numbing. WoW had built in player hubs for socialization, along with a variety of options for a player chat. EQ's community basically created their own hub for player communication and took over a zone for the sole purpose of another kind of player communication (West Commonlands tunnel spam FTW).While EQ had no built in hub for communication, the platform supported the community created hubs. Destiny by contrast has extremely limited capacity for player communication, both in terms of voice and messaging. Other concerns: Yo dawg, you heard I like story so I would like some story with my story. The general lack of any major storyline save the grimore cards, which would work wonders at enlarging an existing storyline by providing background information or greater detail but can not replace the story in its entirety. I would love to have the currency system simplified. Juggling Vanguard marks and Strange coins and Crucible marks and glimmer and Motes and only god only knows what else do not happy feelings make. (grammar intentional, so don't troll me) I would love to see a larger variety of enemies. Consider expanding the heckfire out of the Cabal. There are lots of possibilities there. Overall, please remember what made Myth and Marathon and heck, even Oni and all of your other games so amazing. Bring some of that magic into the beta that is Destiny. A. Concerned. Player.

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                3 Replies
                • Please tell us that atleast the expansions will tell a coherent story

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                • Edited by H20poloGoalie: 9/30/2014 12:28:57 PM
                  Guess this is why some folks at Bungie left during development. Knew the project had derailed and got out, or were ousted for speaking up. I don't even know how many Bungie developers from the old games are still there, but I do know some major leads left over the last few years. But as the old Lukems parody goes, "If it's made to be broken, and it is broken, then isn't it fixed?"

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                • Why is this on the disk already, why is this planned dlc even being worked on already....expansions and dlc are supposed to be afterthoughts to a game to keep players engage or to give more story on certain aspects that people fell in love with. This shows that you knew the game was lacking content massively at launch....this better be free content! I say free but ive already paid for it in the price of the game that you chopped to bits. I want to support you but ive been given no reason why i should so far. Untill then ill just repeat the same shit ive been doing for the last 10hrs.

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                  13 Replies
                  • Edited by gearsofwar85: 9/30/2014 12:09:07 PM
                    60 hours of game for £50 Is a awesome deal. And pvp i have yet to rag. Compare that to bf4 & cod you get 12 hours of campaign and a PvP. Which can't even hold my attention. The next step for me is how much game time dose £15 give me. That will be my decision on weather to buy more content.

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                    • I think what most enraged people are asking about when it comes to destiny is, do you have a plan on adding what the player wants.Im really on the fence about buying the "expansions" (Don't want to call them DLC.So little content in DLC)If you can build off what you have and have the expansions have some reasonable content in them I will buy em.Right now I'm on the fence bout the expansions with a bitter taste in my mouth.

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                    • "We noticed that you noticed that we already have ........" Mine mine, what english.... I could have corrected you, DeeJ.........but i don't have the time. I don't even have the time to explain to you why I don't have the time to explain.

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                      11 Replies
                      • Edited by Sonos: 9/30/2014 11:17:08 AM
                        Dun goofed bungie, which is a massive shame.

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                      • [quote] People at Bungie are hard at work to complete content [/quote] Bahahahahah, good one, DeeJ.

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                      • What everyone in these stupid forums fail to forget is this game is an MMO. The game has come out much like WoW did when it was first released. No backstory and very little content. To get your story under some sort of grasp you needed to read the books from Warcraft three prior to this widely popular and successful game. Back to my earlier point this is an MMO, the game is constantly changing and being built upon for years until it becomes something of the legend it wants us to be. The game will grow and progress. But many of you are already pissed about something that you can't even understand and will quit playing before the game really takes off. But don't worry newer and more open players will fill your shoes and probably be more help than any of you could ever hope to be.

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                      • To be honest, I just want some clarification. Just tell us what the deal is with all the missing storylines and if we can still expect them at all?! Why is it so hard for such a big company to communicate about the most basic problems with this game. I don't care about spending even more money, I would gladly spend it if I know things are gonna be better. But at least talk to your community so they know what's up. It's the least you can do after they have been loyal as fans. Be more open about problems and people might even understand some of the decision making. Not doing any of this will prolly only result in more and more upset fans who feel let down.

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                      • There are so much hate on these forums. I don't think they can judge like that because they have never made a game before...not like destiny. I love destiny and so do many others. Its a great game so i don't know why people hate it so much... Bungie worked hard on this game so i say be supportive and I hope it becomes the game they wanted it to be and not some fan who want this and that and become a messed up game.

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                        7 Replies
                        • What we want is transparency. Unless some guy from Activision is standing behind you with a gun to your head, I'd suggest you guys did what you claim to be and -LISTEN- to your community. Talk in topics, reply to users like myself, who want nothing more than to understand what reasons you had for certain things during the development. This is game development. Not NATO Cosmic Top Secret intelligence. We, as your playerbase deserve to know.

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