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Edited by SKDoodle: 9/22/2014 4:57:23 PM

LootCave:I'm Ending This Debate

Edit: Before you read, I'd like to thank everyone for either the positive feedback or the logical and polite counter points. I understand this is a very controversial topic and is really up to Bungie. If you want to debate about with me, just send me a PM and I'll probably respond within a few minutes. Thanks again. Hey Guys, Now that this has become popular it has started an uproar of angry people and supporters of the Loot Cave here on the forums. I'm going to try my best to just put a stop to it. Many of you hate this loot cave and call it an exploit or cheating, when it really isn't either of those. If it were an exploit or cheating and Bungie felt the need to fix it, they would, it wouldn't be hard for them to fix and this has been going on for awhile. This is honestly just classified as farming, you find enemies, you kill enemies. You are still putting effort in, I will agree that people who do the loot cave while afk is a bit cheeky. And if it really came down to it and you did not support the loot cave, why would it matter if someone was using this and you didn't agree? It's not harming you in any way. It has little to no effect to you. You just don't agree with it and want everyone to agree with you to have it your way. The cold hard truth is that it's not all about you and your opinions, people have the right to have their own ways to play a game or live life without your interference. If you are going to waste your valuable life sitting in the loot cave or trolling it in some way, that's extremely stupid. Just let them do it and think to yourself that you are better than them for doing your stuff legit, it's totally okay. It gives you a confidence boost and doesn't harm anyone else. Well, thanks for reading and listening to my rant. Sorry for the length. Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not here to start a shitstorm, if you want to have a meaningful debate about it then talk to me in the comments. If you have something to say that is basically just insults then keep it to yourself, it's the internet, no one cares how big and bad you are in a comments section.

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  • I agree OP. It's not an exploit. It's the way the game was designed. If Bungie had programmed things so that you only got better loot from higher level enemies, but doing this bugged it or otherwise caused the low level enemies to drop high grade loot, then it would be an exploit. As it is, between the RNG system and the fact that Bungie didn't program low level enemies to drop low level loot only, it's perfectly legitimate within the bounds of the system. As for killing them within the cave, so what? Is there such a huge difference between high level players slaughtering them outside in the field and at the cave entrance/interior? Is it "wrong" to run a route around Mars to gather relic iron? No matter what anyone THINKS, interrupting someone from doing something in a product they bought that in no way hurts or otherwise affects your own gameplay experience (aside from your own frustration over perceived injustice) you are a douchebag. The only "advantage" this gives is that they have a SLIGHTLY higher chance of getting legendary loot than doing anything else. I myself have only done it twice, and I've gotten a whole 1 legendary engram from it. And it didn't even turn legendary. But will I get butthurt and stop others from possibly getting something cool? No. I'll be an adult, and go find what works for me. WITHOUT crying over it. If anyone disagrees, well you're more than welcome to your own opinion. But stop trying to take the moral high ground or pretend to be better than anyone else just because you chose to gather your equipment differently. By that logic, you could just as easily say someone who plays Crucible or Strikes to get legendary gear are somehow worse than players who did it the other way.

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