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9/18/2014 4:19:48 AM

Bungie ... I would like to apologize ...

I apologize that I am apparently part of the most ungrateful gaming community of my lifetime. I have come to the forum for the last week thinking I would see some positive feedback along with the critical that would help your team improve upon an already great game. What I have found is a site littered with hateful comments and absolutely unreasonable requests. I appologize for being part of a community that seems to be outraged over you not creating the imaginary game we built in our heads. I appologize that we can't appreciate the hard work you did to bring us something new and exciting. That your dedication and late nights away from your families couldn't find room to perfectly cater a game to our individual needs. I am sorry for being part of a world obsessed with what number out of a 10 your game ranks as instead of deciding if it is a game for me. I truly hope when you humans read these terrible comments your are not discourage for what you have accomplished, that you know there are millions like me who are having a blast. For this I want to give a text wall of thank you's. Thank you for not forgetting us who are still on last gen and providing the game across 4 consoles. ( fingers still crossed for a PC version ) Thank you for a smooth launch with such a large project. Thank you for the smooth gameplay and mechanics. Thank you for providing an in depth beta to help me decide if I wanted this game. Thank you for providing a game that I can connect and have the best time with my friends that I have had in a long time. Thank you for your commitment to listen to what we have to say ( good or bad) and promising to commit to bringing us entertainment. I hope that many more are like me are out there and understand what it takes to tackle a project like this and thank you as well. Please keep doing what you are doing and I promise to be patient in seeing where you take us from here.

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  • They wanted feedback. I hate the fact people are very rude to eachother on here but there is no point in kissing butt. They wont drop a engram in your inventory. If enough people complain about the right things then we might make progress.... Hell look at the kids who cry NERF. They got what they want.

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  • Fcuk outta here.. Activision bent Bungie over and made them throw out this unfinished bullshit of a game.

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  • Satire right?

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  • Whole time I read this, I just thought of sarcasm

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  • Thankfull? Ungratefull? The game is being sold. People buy it. It has nothing to do with those to things consumer wise. The selling party shoul be thankfull or gratefull people buy their work.

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  • [quote]I apologize that I am apparently part of the most ungrateful gaming community of my lifetime. I have come to the forum for the last week thinking I would see some positive feedback along with the critical that would help your team improve upon an already great game. What I have found is a site littered with hateful comments and absolutely unreasonable requests. I appologize for being part of a community that seems to be outraged over you not creating the imaginary game we built in our heads. I appologize that we can't appreciate the hard work you did to bring us something new and exciting. That your dedication and late nights away from your families couldn't find room to perfectly cater a game to our individual needs. I am sorry for being part of a world obsessed with what number out of a 10 your game ranks as instead of deciding if it is a game for me. I truly hope when you humans read these terrible comments your are not discourage for what you have accomplished, that you know there are millions like me who are having a blast. For this I want to give a text wall of thank you's. Thank you for not forgetting us who are still on last gen and providing the game across 4 consoles. ( fingers still crossed for a PC version ) Thank you for a smooth launch with such a large project. Thank you for the smooth gameplay and mechanics. Thank you for providing an in depth beta to help me decide if I wanted this game. Thank you for providing a game that I can connect and have the best time with my friends that I have had in a long time. Thank you for your commitment to listen to what we have to say ( good or bad) and promising to commit to bringing us entertainment. I hope that many more are like me are out there and understand what it takes to tackle a project like this and thank you as well. Please keep doing what you are doing and I promise to be patient in seeing where you take us from here.[/quote] Hey man don't listen to these guys, I too am thankful for destiny, and to Bungie even though too many people have so much negative comments about this game. :) if you are ever on PSN I wouldn't mind playing with you my PSN name is the same as my username in here.

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  • Edited by The HOOK2: 9/21/2014 1:26:13 AM
    What kills me is that you posted this in the FEEDBACK section. You know, where people give developers FEEDBACK about their game. FEEDBACK is not telling developers there game is perfect and above criticism. FEEDBACK is telling developers some things that can be improved upon. I love Destiny but saying people who point out its flaws are ungrateful is one sided and wrong. Saying its dumb they only let you view lore on your phone is FEEDBACK. Saying you spent 25 motes of light on a legendary engram and find it dosen't work for your class is FEEDBACK. In your post you completely neglected why people were upset with the game. Face it, I really doubt you couldn't find anything wrong with this game you couldn't have improved upon in a four year development. If Bungie didn't want to hear it, they wouldn't have made a FEEDBACK section.

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    8 Replies
    • a lot of what you have said is very incorrect smooth launch there was so many beaver errors yellow stone would have no trees. and many other errors smooth game play have you been stuck in a portal in the raid and have to start over. or have a target in your sniper dead to rights and is a miss. even when its not moveing at all they only listen to the pvp player and have nerf the pve side because of the pvp when pvp was sposed to be optional but its not really optional at all .exotic bounty forces you to play in crucible or you cant get that weapon. real fair to me because I don't like a shot gun fest pvp style of play so I don't play it. and have to dismantle the bounty. I do love the game but has disappointed me "250 hours love it". bad loot drops stuck at lvl 29 getting the same stuff over and over you can only use one chatter white and then you have to wait a week to get the same exact loot you got the week before. and i run it, on more then one char after the "fix" for drops I haven't seen a legendry drop during a mission yet period. lvl 38 crypt I don't expect it handed to me but if I work for it I expect a reward. its not easy to find a team and its not easy to beat the boss with unskilled people or they need to get "trained" takes away from my experience. having to tell you do this and do that is not fun and normally causes a fight and then they leave. and then you have the bugs inside of the VOG stuck in portals. him shooting threw the relic shield. when the construct disappears you have darkness that you cant remove.."i cant see were is the boss"" about to stomp on your head"" boom dead "well that's a reset". got his hit points to like a sliver jump out the portal after shooting the orcals time is veng on my screen but get the the middle to get shield and no veng timer for him or anyone boom all dead. and if relic falls off the map cause he missed jump its gone no chance to pick it up. 3hrs latter after the many glitches and mistakes were done. we beat it for a chatter white and 3 energy . I posted we need a enlistment board so we could add our names to a list for raid or strike or nightfall like the bounty guy. make it net work wide because most times I enter a tower with the massive "mmo" of 16 people. are to low a level to even invite. so what I'm i sposed to do to find a team. orbit and return twenty times till I find 6 people or post of the fourms "what if I don't have a computer" when this should be an in game feature. I also have had a great deal of fun with friends and nonfriends alike and I do think bungie are doing a decent job but they need to stop nerfing stuff put them back to the way they started off and stop listing to the cry babys in pvp when this is sposed to be a pve based game. but the dlc seams to be a lot of crucible stuff and not pve but who knows because I haven't seen a post from them to say what im getting but I will want a refund if it is more crucible then pve because I hate the pvp play and bought the game because of the pve element if they expect this to be a 10 year game they need to step it up a bit or this game will be wiped out by the competition. and I say this because I have been playing mmo type games for 20yrs now hardcore gamer. cod nerfed gun lost 12k players from one update bam gone never to return. don't let this be you destiny everyday my list gets smaller and smaller "why you not playing" because there's nothing to do they say I've done the raid and weekly ok see you next week just to never see them again.

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    • Smooth launch. Yeah, just ask the players at universities who couldn't log on for the first three weeks. Not to mention the rest of us who have personally met many animals from the zoo. Stingray. Zebra. All that shit.

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    • I agree 90% of the posts are stuff like wow this game sucks and bungie failed. My opinion on this game it's amazing it's got some bugs but that's to be expected the game astounded me. I was very happy with it. However the 1 thing that is aggravating is the loot system which needs to be fixed as soon as possible

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      3 Replies
      • Edited by Aray0002: 9/21/2014 7:16:57 AM
        In the BETA you got to play until level 8 and they even let you go to the moon a couple of times. They had open the throttle on LOOT locker was full of greens and even some blues i couldn't use yet. These stayed in the locker in case we got to carry them over on Day 1 Release. 1 release we find out... we get to go to mars and venus and our level cap is 20. and Light Cap is 28 Not to mention, the loot drop rate was slowed to a snail pace. So for 60.00 retail version 89.99 for digital guardian edition 99.99 for limited edition 150.00 for ghost edition We got 2 more planets and level capped 8 hours into the game. Why are you deffending this ?

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        • [b]remember:[/b] if a game works for you but doesn't for a great majority of other people, [u]DON'T ACT LIKE THE GAME IS PERFECT BECAUSE IT WORKS FOR YOU[/u]. Call me ungrateful, but I paid $100 for my LE and the [u]only[/u] time I get to play full matches is during the day before 3pm. As soon as school lets out and kids get on, it immediately kicks me out. The servers are complete garbage, thinking otherwise is astounding. It's almost useless for me to play on weekends because the high amount of traffic. Its not me either, I have done about 7 hard resets on my modem and router. They need to get their shit together and fix their servers.

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          6 Replies
          • Nerf this

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          • Quit sucking asshole faaggot. This isn't a good game, get over it haha

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            4 Replies
            • Edited by BigBadBill84: 10/24/2014 4:34:30 PM
              My Fanboyism-O-meter just exploded

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            • At launch servers were horrible . Everybody pays , everybody plays , everybody says "..." , but not everybody stays ... I love it personally , but feedback is just that for a reason , Bungie DOES want to improve the game . It was silly to ever have thought nothing was ever going to change . It has , it will , with every patch and update will come new praise from the satisfied , and cries from somewhere . The most important things are - Keep your voice , making your choice , stay , go , but know this for better or worse will grow . Most importantly above all else - let's all try to remain friends even with conflicting points of view . We ALL wanted a great game , we ALL have freedom to speak , we ALL can choose what we do with it from here. Let's all make this better , We are the world , make it a better place , for u and for me and the entire human race . There's a choice were making , were saving our own lives , it's true we can make a better place just u and me ... ( sorry I just had to MJroll y'all a tad little bit ) love,play,shoot,kill,rinse,repeat,eat,sleep,cya....peace

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            • Yeah FreeFall. Use the time you obviously have, for something you care about. No one cares what you have to say. Bungie is making it's money with or without you. You talking shit about the game isn't going to change anyone's minds here. Who uses their free time to be negative? That shit is so stupid, "I hate this game, so let me waste my time and go shit talk about it". You could have used that time to attempt to get laid lol.

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            • 13
              Blindly praising the game is not helpful either. There are wonderful things about the game and it can be recommended on several levels but two critical things are unacceptable at release: - Story so flavorless and utterly forgettable that Bungie should apologize - Complete lack of innovation, tools and support for grouping, matchmaking and communicating while raising artificial barriers to content based on NOT being on a friends list with no support to being able to make friends. These tools also include a complete lack of a map planet side, use of consumables via D pad, for example. Furthermore connectivity and disconnect problems continue to rage for many people post launch. Our thanks was buying the product and playing the game. But not to provide them with feedback is not being a good customer. Good consumers try to get what they paid for and hold companies accountable. Bad consumers just gloss over things and say "its okay, I think you must have tried your best... too bad I didn't get what I thought I was buying but its okay." So while there are rude people and rude posts, under that anger and visceral tone there are legitimate complaints and issues.

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              • You either work for bungie, or your family / relative does. Nothing more to say.

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              • Umm. You should remember that we all paid for this game. If it were a free service Bungie provided then we have no right to claim but since we paid for this service I think as customers we should express our discontent. Obviously we all support the game Orwell wouldn't be here giving feedback and trying to make it better

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              • don't be discouraged cause of idiotic forum posts allot of people support the game since beggining beta and we still do we just enjoying it so much we can't get off of it to hope on forums to bitch

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              • I think theres a large difference in being positive and being borderline zealot. There are problems with the game, and instead of dsicussing them civily, now you are making a wide blanket post. Frankly this post is just an unconstructive as most others on the forum. You payed for the game, so thank you really isn't nessacary.

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                • Yes, thank you Bungie for your hard work. As a software engineer I understand the effort involved.

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                • You're probably the guy at the bottom of each crucible game that gets the legendary or exotic weapons/gear

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                • Edited by CoakersAE35: 9/18/2014 6:20:02 PM
                  These are official reviews and I agree with them, you have to look at the game objectively, not blindly be positive about the game, and you sound like an absolute saddo.

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                • Killing it

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