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9/17/2014 9:02:38 PM

An Open Letter to Bungie: Many of us Understand.

Dear Bungie, With Destiny's launch, there has been a tumultuous storm of opinions and thoughts flying around across the internet. Everybody seems to have an opinion, more often than not a complaint, or an idea of what needs to happen. Arguably poor review scores from many publications feed an ever increasing loop of groupthink and lead to unfair conclusions and accusations about what, from a real perspective, has the potential to turn into a masterpiece. With the forums ablaze with topics lambasting the game you've made, I wouldn't be surprised if, on your part, there is at the least confusion, at most dismay at the exact nature of the friction. I've read the complaints. However, I feel very strongly that everything in Destiny has been meticulously thought out, planned, and implemented. In simpler terms, [b]there is nothing about this game that doesn't feel intentional[/b]. It feels to me that every aspect of Destiny as it exists now aligns with your vision, and that you have made the game exactly as you wanted to make it. Those of us who have long time experience with similar games, and really want to see the industry evolve, recognize that Destiny could very well be the beginning of a masterpiece, a revolution in how games are experienced and how stories are told. We play it religiously, and we trust you to develop its universe into something really special. It already has established itself as one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've had, and I'm sure that rings true for those like me. But the adherence to your vision is the cornerstone of positivity for this experience. Destiny is going to be a long road, and vocal members of the community that don't truly grasp Destiny's scope and potential will continue to complain. Likely, it will be relentless. I've already seen people go from complaining that they had too easy of a time getting to the level cap, to complaining that the raids are too hard over 3 DAYS. In fact, Destiny seems to have had 3 years worth of complaining cycles crammed into the 1 week it has been available. We have our journey over Destiny's lifetime, and you, Bungie, have yours. I urge you, remember this: [b]You must unflinchingly adhere to your vision.[/b] If anything can be said about the game industry, particularly in MMO type games, it's that "The Customer is Usually Wrong". You can't please everyone, and large scale change will rarely please most. But if every game released is going to strive only to please the most customers, we end up with bland and repetitive titles that rarely venture outside of the status quo. To you I say that you will need to heed this forum's tagline more than any of the users: [b]Be Brave[/b]. Don't buckle to the complaints, and don't stray from making what you see because of the outcry of those who don't agree on its beauty. Sincerely, A Fan.

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  • I agree.

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  • I'll be honest, the first thought through my mind when I watched the final cutscenes was ".... Wait. That was it?" But the more I think about it and the more I read on the lore of this universe, it makes me think that maybe Bungie has given us exactly the amount of plot they intended.

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    2 Replies
    • You know guy. coming from some one who play on TRS-80 up till now. I must say I love the ideal of the game , but not all of us give a flying hoot about pvp and to force us to go there to get above lvl 18 any thing, its not only not right, its wrong yes there are some thing that could be better. but I have been a true gamer, before most of you were even alive . thus saying its not all about what the spoil kid want that move on to the next big thing and forget all about this and move on I think they should be looking to us for the long haul thanks hope this don't fall on dead ears Lt. thomas

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    • I agree with everything this letter says. Good game so far, patch what you feel needs to be patched to adhere to your vision. I love this game so far and I'm excited for what's to come.

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    • I salute you guardian.

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    • I hate pickup legendary engrams and find noting useful inside! I also hate jackrabbit error!

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    • I salute you sir. A TRUE gamer.

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    • In game mic support and in game clan support.(period) It is very lonely out there in destiny land and being a 50 year old grandfather who doesn't have friends who play it would be nice to hook up with players on my map without inviting them....aka borderlands, halo, gears etc If they fixed those two things it would make a large portion of the community happy. sometimes a vision is just wrong.

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    • The silent majority just get on and play the game ... I'm sure we'd all like a small change here or there but it's not my game ... I didn't front the money to develop it nor did I have a hand in its making. Keep the game as is and follow your development.

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    • This!!! I love this game! Especially the raid ^^. We are on the last boss tonight going to kick its ass!! -Overdose for life! Eat sleep raid repeat!

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    • Couldn't agree more. There are amazingly well thought out mechanics in the game. The leveling system is really cool and user friendly for newcommers to RPG's (even though it isn't well explained in the game) The dodging mechanic is excellent and the double jumps make the dodging even more fun. The story is just starting, but looking at the Grimoire cards, you know there is a shitload more to come. You have excellent lore of the Destiny-universe and i hope you keep adding to it. I know a lot of the people that complain about the story are just to lazy to read the cards, but don't cater to the haters, listen to your fans. Don't become Bioware. Because Bioware started this shit with the extended ending of Mass Effect 3. Since that game all whiners think they should get the game they want, not the game the devs want you to play and experience. So do what you were doing Bungie. Don't believe the hate just like we don't need to believe the hype.

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      7 Replies
      • Very well said. I agree that the PvE aspect of Destiny is amazing. I've been waiting to get to 27 to even attempt the raid, but from what I've seen and heard it will be a great time. Once more content there will be more than enough to keep everyone busy. One minor complaint I have about doing strike missions though is that there are so few to choose from at this point. It becomes very old playing septimus prime again and again, but I know down the road there will be more content. I'd say the only downside to this game is the PvP. The time to kill is much too high, and there is no class balance. There is also a huge lack of game modes, and not a single competitive one out there. I fear for the longevity of the PVP with the way things are. The hunter class is clearly far superior to all the others in terms of his super power. These are things I was not expecting to see from Bungie, as they have done amazing jobs in the past. I hope this area will be looked into in the future.

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      • Bungie, me and the entire clan I am a part of, as well as family members, co-workers, and complete strangers I've met....we all LOVE this game. Keep building upon it with what you want to do. Conform when in agreement with the community. The people who have written the reviews, are they really members of your beloved community, or just curios onlookers who have held judgement after a mere week of playing it?

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      • Edited by Dannystaples: 9/18/2014 12:16:15 PM
        They have aligned the game into their vision of turning us on our heads and letting our money fall into their buckets and us buy their DLC for the next ten years is what they have done. The game right now is basically 1/4 of a game and the rest is coming and a lot of it won't be free. Which means by the time you are finished, IF you buy their DLC the game will have cost about £120 for a game worth £40.

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          “I’m coming home, Ace.” -Cayde 6 - old

          Everyone has an opinion. Any game can always be better. Destiny is no different. Everyone just decided to put Destiny on a pedestal from day one. I personally, think they did a great job. It's not your everyday FPS. I like how you aren't the lone hero. I like how challenging it is to obtain gear. I like the look of the game. The environments. The enemies. The classes. I think many gamers have gotten to a point where they think they should beat a game and have all obtainable items within a short period of time. If that's the way you are, Destiny is not for you. It's an endurance race, not a sprint. Once I beat a game and have done everything and obtained everything, I no longer feel the need to play it anymore. Skyrim was a prime example. It was fun to play in the beginning, but after beating it with several characters, it lost its appeal. It's the journey in games that keeps us entertained. Everyone loved and still loves Halo, although all it really has is multi-player and single campaign missions. That's it. Same for Call of Duty. But hardly anyone complains. Destiny has so much more to do, to go after, and to explore. It has more going on than those games. The story can and will be expanded on. To be honest, I'd rather have shorter stories in the Destiny games, than long, drawn out stories where it's a strange and that just makes no sense when you put the games together. I'm happy to experience a game like Destiny. Thank you Bungie.

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        • Destiny isn't a bad game, but it's also not the amazing game we were all promised and teased. Not everyone who dislikes what Destiny has to provide are hating to hate. They usually have some kind of criticism accompanying why they dislike it. I think many if not all of Bungie's fanboys need to see the forest for the trees and not just let Bungie do as they please without complaints. Realize there are things that need to be implemented into the game and fixed as well. This game is far from perfect. Hell, I wanted to trade my game in after beating the main story so far in only 2 days. But I have read what many have posted on here saying that this is only a foundation and I am indeed putting my trust in Bungie that they'll produce content of great quality to justify my purchase. But as it stands, you can't let them bend you over and do as they please without question. It's not always hate. It's constructive criticism as well.

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        • Is this McDonald's? ....cause I'm lovin it!

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          1 Reply
          • Evolution takes time. Good post.

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          • I am a world of warcraft player, and I think it's awesome that a game similar in some ways has come to consoles, and is an easier pick up and play game. From my personal experience with grinding and hoping for the best with loot in WoW, I have no issues whatsoever with this game. And those who are complaining about how long the raid is - you ain't done a raid until you've done a high end WoW raid.

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            1 Reply
            • Yeah Bungie this guy throws some good points, just because you have haters doesn't mean you shouldn't keep going? I find your game quite fun, the last game I had so much fun with was halo 3! Bungie you guys made halo, one of the best FPS's out there, and even if destiny is new. I trust that you could make this game into a masterpiece. One complaint I have but is more of a need from you guys is to fix bee errors or baboon errors. Thanks Bungie for one hell of a game :)

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            • There is a difference between complaining and holding Bungie to the standards they have set before. Destiny falls far short in many areas they have done incredibly well before and your refusal to give useful feedback and constructive criticism is far more damaging to this series than you seem to think. Be a toady all you want but Destiny has killed all of my intentions of supporting Bungies future work.

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            • I think that we can trust Bungie, they know their games and they know their community. If you guys at Bungie read this, know you have my absolute faith as a fan.

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            • this game is broken, the pvp is broken. it can be fixed and made great but we arent seeing it yet.

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            • Its only fair since the amount of hype said this was going to be the greatest game ever. Deal with it

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            • Good man, good man. [b][/b]Bungie, don't alter change a thing. This is your Masterpiece, don't give into the weak minded.

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              4 Replies
              • Well said man. There will always be those that dislike a game and will complain about several of it's features, but that doesn't mean there isn't a just as large group of people who truly enjoy the game and their voice isn't quite as vocal. No matter what others say, that doesn't mean those who are fans of Destiny can't/shouldn't continue to play and forge their path of becoming legend as Bungie takes us on this 10 year journey. Destiny's world is still wide open and awaits to be explored over time.

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