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9/17/2014 9:02:38 PM

An Open Letter to Bungie: Many of us Understand.

Dear Bungie, With Destiny's launch, there has been a tumultuous storm of opinions and thoughts flying around across the internet. Everybody seems to have an opinion, more often than not a complaint, or an idea of what needs to happen. Arguably poor review scores from many publications feed an ever increasing loop of groupthink and lead to unfair conclusions and accusations about what, from a real perspective, has the potential to turn into a masterpiece. With the forums ablaze with topics lambasting the game you've made, I wouldn't be surprised if, on your part, there is at the least confusion, at most dismay at the exact nature of the friction. I've read the complaints. However, I feel very strongly that everything in Destiny has been meticulously thought out, planned, and implemented. In simpler terms, [b]there is nothing about this game that doesn't feel intentional[/b]. It feels to me that every aspect of Destiny as it exists now aligns with your vision, and that you have made the game exactly as you wanted to make it. Those of us who have long time experience with similar games, and really want to see the industry evolve, recognize that Destiny could very well be the beginning of a masterpiece, a revolution in how games are experienced and how stories are told. We play it religiously, and we trust you to develop its universe into something really special. It already has established itself as one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've had, and I'm sure that rings true for those like me. But the adherence to your vision is the cornerstone of positivity for this experience. Destiny is going to be a long road, and vocal members of the community that don't truly grasp Destiny's scope and potential will continue to complain. Likely, it will be relentless. I've already seen people go from complaining that they had too easy of a time getting to the level cap, to complaining that the raids are too hard over 3 DAYS. In fact, Destiny seems to have had 3 years worth of complaining cycles crammed into the 1 week it has been available. We have our journey over Destiny's lifetime, and you, Bungie, have yours. I urge you, remember this: [b]You must unflinchingly adhere to your vision.[/b] If anything can be said about the game industry, particularly in MMO type games, it's that "The Customer is Usually Wrong". You can't please everyone, and large scale change will rarely please most. But if every game released is going to strive only to please the most customers, we end up with bland and repetitive titles that rarely venture outside of the status quo. To you I say that you will need to heed this forum's tagline more than any of the users: [b]Be Brave[/b]. Don't buckle to the complaints, and don't stray from making what you see because of the outcry of those who don't agree on its beauty. Sincerely, A Fan.

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  • Agree with it all except the part where you say they're gonna revolutionise gaming because millions have said it but 9/10 they have been wrong only has halo 1,2 and COD (especially MW1) ever done that. (Btw not saying COD is any good anymore)

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    4 Replies
    • I agree 1000%. Bungie, keep forging ahead with what you're doing. I have been waiting for a game, story, experience just like this for so long. This is one of the best experiences I've had playing video games since Halo 1. Thank you.

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    • Well said fan!

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    • Best thing I've seen about Bungie: 'We make games we play." It's apparent, and this game is damn fun. The thing I've noticed: those complaining are still playing lololol. What's more, they're also interacting with your website.

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      • There is a feedback page for this kind of thing. Stop attention seeking

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        • Edited by Dodgy55: 9/18/2014 10:36:35 PM
          The only thing I hope they add is an easier way to get social with other players. For people who bought xbox one recently, seeing as there were very little good games till now, and the next coming months I have like 4 people on my friends list. So I can't raid, and theres no match making for weekly strikes, and raids? You need to add them, eventually your raid will get easy enough to do it with a PUB, maybe not on hard but yeah. Also you should add in game mic support for both PVP and strike teams. When playing with people and they suck, it would be nice to be able to tell them how to do the boss fight without dieing. Also, you should increase the limit on vanguard marks & crucible marks... Its a grind game for loot, you shouldn't limit it. Maybe 200 would be better. I get you don't want people to gear up to quick, but yeah.. Also, making a exotic bounty was cool - But requiring people to use a fusion riffle in PVP is not cool guys... I was pulling my hair out last night trying to get my 500 points.

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        • Keep doing your thing, Bungie. Telling an artist on how to paint a picture will, in the end, taint the picture, and will never become a masterpiece. Bungie, stick to your gut. I have faith in you.

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        • You see [i]gamers[/i] these days always have something to complain about. Ok i have to say that i kinda wished that destiny would have had more features like more Vehicles, Spaceship exploration and so on. But i dont think that it is overhyped. [i]They didnt make any promises.[/i] Bungie didn't say that this feature will be in there and it wasnt. The advertisement was over the top. But thats Activisions fault. They get to decide how much advertising they are going to do on a game. Plus I think that wasnt all of the content we saw in the first playthrough. If you played the raid you'll noticed how much extra content there was for that mission. New enemies and new features like platforming, a shield weapon, puzzle like boss fights and if you did a little exploration you'll see how many areas there are in the game that we cant enter yet. Im starting to belieave that bungie planned this. They took the risk of losing whiny gamers at the start to give the [i]true[/i] gamers a better game experience.

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          • I love this game too, but i wish they added some mini-games, or a customizable android/pet.

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          • Good post. I agree with everything you said.

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          • This needs to be hung up somewhere in Bungie's studio. Could not have been said better.

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          • Edited by Rubicon722: 9/18/2014 9:11:51 PM
            +1, I agree completely!

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          • This guy.....he knows..........he...knows

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          • It seems to me their vision has included wiggle room for listening to and implementing fan feedback since the Alpha. As an exclusively online experience, "unflinchingly adhering to their vision" is going to mean lots of change over time. They've said as much. Maybe not story-wise, or with major fundamental changes. But if enough people point out a legitimate issue, chances are Bungie will address it. That's what is going to marry this new fanbase to their franchise over time--consideration for the hivemind. <<RESISTANCE IS FUTILE>>

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          • Unpopular opinion, OP does have a point.

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          • Well written. I honestly have not slept properly since release 0.o

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            2 Replies
            • I love you

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            • I for one agree that Destiny is the dawn of a new type of gaming experience that we will see more of. It is the first game that I have played on the new consoles that I would actually give the title next generation. It will someday be the standard. Thank you Bungie for not making call of duty in space, another halo, or battlefield with aliens. Also a fan.

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            • Destiny as it sands now is way better than any game that has recently been released in past two years. I feel the game will grow with time and feel you should continue making the game your way not how people or companies tell you. As a side note though: Plz hurry up and add both game and proximity chat.

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            • Thank you for being a good and considerable person

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            • I for one agree. How can someone rate or even complain about a game given only one week when it's life span is contracted to 10 years. We who see the larger picture are behind you bungie. Continue crafting this master piece. Also PvP is awesome actual tactics are needed not just a run and gun like COD or what halo has turned into.

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              3 Replies
              • I agree. This game is great. I honestly didn't think I would like it very much. But it's really fun. The ONLY complaints I have are shotguns in multiplayer are just obnoxious. And its annoying to get random weapon drops for guns that I don't and won't ever use. AKA hand cannons and auto rifles. Get all excited to get a legendary and its for a hand cannon. Other than that, this game is just polished and really well made.

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                • I jumped into destiny with zero hype or expectation. It's what you do for MMO's or hype is built on things. I'm really enjoying the game among others, and taking to forums to join a clan of other like minded players. Keep up the good work bungie.

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                • Masterpiece game, Bungie.

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                • Stupid. You think games can't improve or need adjustments after being released?? And dismissing different opinions because their not "true gamers" with your equivalent "experience"? You speak for no one but yourself and my opinion is just as valid as yours

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                  • How much time did it took you to write this ?

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