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9/17/2014 9:02:38 PM

An Open Letter to Bungie: Many of us Understand.

Dear Bungie, With Destiny's launch, there has been a tumultuous storm of opinions and thoughts flying around across the internet. Everybody seems to have an opinion, more often than not a complaint, or an idea of what needs to happen. Arguably poor review scores from many publications feed an ever increasing loop of groupthink and lead to unfair conclusions and accusations about what, from a real perspective, has the potential to turn into a masterpiece. With the forums ablaze with topics lambasting the game you've made, I wouldn't be surprised if, on your part, there is at the least confusion, at most dismay at the exact nature of the friction. I've read the complaints. However, I feel very strongly that everything in Destiny has been meticulously thought out, planned, and implemented. In simpler terms, [b]there is nothing about this game that doesn't feel intentional[/b]. It feels to me that every aspect of Destiny as it exists now aligns with your vision, and that you have made the game exactly as you wanted to make it. Those of us who have long time experience with similar games, and really want to see the industry evolve, recognize that Destiny could very well be the beginning of a masterpiece, a revolution in how games are experienced and how stories are told. We play it religiously, and we trust you to develop its universe into something really special. It already has established itself as one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've had, and I'm sure that rings true for those like me. But the adherence to your vision is the cornerstone of positivity for this experience. Destiny is going to be a long road, and vocal members of the community that don't truly grasp Destiny's scope and potential will continue to complain. Likely, it will be relentless. I've already seen people go from complaining that they had too easy of a time getting to the level cap, to complaining that the raids are too hard over 3 DAYS. In fact, Destiny seems to have had 3 years worth of complaining cycles crammed into the 1 week it has been available. We have our journey over Destiny's lifetime, and you, Bungie, have yours. I urge you, remember this: [b]You must unflinchingly adhere to your vision.[/b] If anything can be said about the game industry, particularly in MMO type games, it's that "The Customer is Usually Wrong". You can't please everyone, and large scale change will rarely please most. But if every game released is going to strive only to please the most customers, we end up with bland and repetitive titles that rarely venture outside of the status quo. To you I say that you will need to heed this forum's tagline more than any of the users: [b]Be Brave[/b]. Don't buckle to the complaints, and don't stray from making what you see because of the outcry of those who don't agree on its beauty. Sincerely, A Fan.

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  • So, you vision a off balance second week between classes? Giving Hunters and Titan's exotics for both their spec lines and only giving the same item to warlocks? Okay, well I can't wait to see what I don't get next week. Or maybe what I do that gives me some kind of bonus to void. After all, it does seem left out and like it's greatness is being kept till other classes are able to withstand the uberness that is the Void Warlock. Bwhahahaha, trolling...

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    • Oh god the butt kissery here is making me want to projectile vomit. Adorn your requests as you wish but it does not change the fact you have your own agenda just as the rest of us do. Fyi you have it all wrong. You don't get unanimous hate because of a few bad reviews starting a chain effect. You get unanimous hate by annoying too many factions of loyal fans. Your average Joe casual is not going to go on forum and start a hate speech now is he? No the ones with experience that expected more and trusted Bungie to make a good game are the ones that will be offended.

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    • I admire your venture from the onslaught of negative feedback, and I must say I agree with your well written words.

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    • Yay, an actual amazing post that is made by rage or pure envy. All hail the king op!

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    • Edited by HurtfulTurkey: 9/19/2014 7:50:53 AM
      For those of us that respect Bungie but don't foam at the mouth over Destiny, it's very important to discuss the numerous glaring flaws in the game. The very fact that every single facet of the game, including its absent plot, nonexistent social support, and boring/repetitive mission structure, should concern you. The plan for several sequels and DLC shouldn't assuage the negativity that is pouring out. Your post isn't constructive, it's part of the vapid circlejerk that arises with every new Bungie release.

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      2 Replies
      • I agree with this post, the game is amazing. Please please PLEASE do not change the game to try to make the complainers happy. and DEFINITLY don't implement communication with people that aren't on your friends list. This was a bold move that I LOVE. Simply put, there are gamers I'd rather not talk to, and the ones I do want to talk to are my friends. Makes sense. Love it.

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      • The only thing that actually makes sense on these forums

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      • GG Bungie

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      • I couldn't agree more with the OP. The longer you play the game (not just Crucible) you begin to see that for every complaint the FPS fanboys have there's a pretty clear reason why Bungie chose to zig instead of zag.

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      • I share your opinion and find Destiny so much fun to play! Lvl 24 with some 30 hours into the game and i'm still really much enjoyed by it. There is [b]always[/b] something to do and i'm still not tired of doing the same missions, but also I haven't done every mission still so there is still so much to do. I'm disappointed by all of the mediocre reviews. Is the best game i played on the ps4 and is also in my top 10 for best game ever. Please focus on the positive Bungie and continue this awesome project! [spoiler]and if you don't like: it do something else[/spoiler]

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      • The thing is, if legendary weapons/armor were easier to get, and everyone had completely legendary equipment in the SECOND WEEK OF THE GAME, there would be little reason for them to continue to play in the lulls between DLC releases. If you have a legendary item, much less two or three, you have no reason to be complaining; the game just came out. Now, I know we all rage a little, and I likely use profanity toward seemingly BS kills(fusion rifle, etc.), or degradation of purple to blue drops more than anyone, but the reality is, it has to stay this way. You have to be encouraged to keep playing, and trust me: When things start getting handed out, the game is literally on its way out.

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      • Serial though...good job, bungie.

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      • This is my problem. FIX THE ONLINE LAG IN THE CRUCIBLE. I absolutely hate kill trading and that's all i ever think the online revolves around now. I was just in 3 matches in a row being killed multiple times by a person across the map with a sniper when i was hiding behind cover. This seems like battlefield 4 0.95. It's worse in my opinion and i will forever not play it because of the connection issues.

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      • Edited by JakeChillinhall: 9/19/2014 5:10:39 AM
        no complaints only construction: REWARDS (k/d ratio) TRADES and COMMUNICATION all need to be adjusted, the lack of communication makes this amazing universe seem lifeless p.s. greatest game of all time

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      • Honestly, I was looking forward to this game for a long time. Saw so much potential and honestly expected it to be the game to hold me over for the next year. I didn't care that I hit the level cap the morning after it's release. I honestly was relieved to get the grind out of the way. When I saw, however, that there was a whopping 3 things to do post-game, I (in spirit) threw my controller up and checked out. rep grind, raid grind or pvp grind. It's basically Halo and COD wrapped up into one hot mess of dissapointment. There wasn't even a week's worth of content here. Everyone wants to make changes to fit what they think would have been better. I for one would only have released the title with more content. I can live with not having a trading system. I get that much. Too many exploits involved with games that can trade. I get that you want us to unfold the story at the pace YOU dictate. It only serves to ensure that we the gamers don't beat the whole thing in a week and blow the lid on what I'm still hoping is a good ending. Honestly though, you can't expect everyone to be happy with what you laid out just because of your own expectations. I enjoyed running strikes over and over untill I stopped getting anything I could use out of them. Nothing definitive drops so going in them is no better than Diablo 3 farming. Kill everything untill something happens! PVP is something I never really enjoyed in the past. I enjoy the story telling. I enjoy the struggle of beating the story! But this doesn't mean I don't still play the PVP portion of the game. You put it in there, don't want to judge it without at least trying it. All I can say is: Why would you put vehicles in the game and then take away everyone`s heavy ammo, effectively ensureing a vehicles victory? It takes long enough for a crucible match to start, now I get to take longer fishing for a map that doesn't have vehicles. I can only hope you agree that it was a mistake, but seeing as HALO did the exact same thing, I doubt it. Scenario, Dude-bro1: Let's enjoy a nice, fair match of skill! Dude-bro2: Ok! *Hops in a scorpion tank*... Who am I kidding? Halo was all about T-bagging. Pretty much forgot about that untill now. For the most part, I'm done playing Destiny. I'll come back from time to time to run raids and occaisionally for the random grind. Hopefully some content comes out after a month or so that takes up more than a couple hours.

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      • They're bungie I expected a much better story

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      • Incredibly well written and I couldn't agree more.

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      • Most reviewers do not understand that Destiny is not the final product, it's an ever growing experience. Bungie literally just gave us the beginning, it has only been a week! Reviewers are criticizing it as if it has been 3 years playing. Remind yourselves, Destiny from launch is COMPLETELY different from the Destiny today, and Destiny will continue to change. No other console game has done this before. Destiny next month will be different, Destiny in a year will be different. Completely different. So do not give up on Destiny yet, we have a long exciting road ahead of us, and Bungie will do us proud.

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        12 Replies
        • Try dickriding some more dude. The game is good but it is far from as good as you try to make it sound.

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          • Agreed. What you call groupthink I've been calling a mob mentality... but yeah.... I'd say this reminds me of the Mass Effect 3 Ending mob.... people rating it a 0/10 on metacritic.... saying it was a great and fun game.... but because they didn't like the ending they docked it from a 7-10 to a 0. In this case its "the hype" or "bungie lied". Lol. The hype was not bungie driven, it was person driven because of how excited everyone was.... and as for lying.... there weren't any confirmed features that I failed to get. Because the metacritic scores are solidifying around 77 and 80 (ps4 and xbone) I think there isn't any reason to think they will change course. Many games would kill for around an 80 metacritic.... and it certainly is no reason for shame. I honestly think it's a miracle it's that high because I've never seen a game graded as harshly as Destiny.... things common in most games are looked at as huge problems in Destiny.... silent protagonist? God forbid! Only 20 hour main campaign? Travesty! Skyrim and any of the Fallouts have much smaller "main" campaigns.... let are lauded for their length. Hell, I'm easily 70 hours in and both my characters are FAR from having even a singke subclass maxed. Here's hoping we get Bungie's original vision.

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            • Edited by Precursor Steel: 9/19/2014 3:05:53 AM
              I don't like it when people blindly praise Destiny or mindlessly mock it. Stop acting like Destiny is perfect. It's not, and it has some clear problems. I'm not bashing the game because I hate it, but rather because I like it and want to love it.

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            • Why does everyone call this an MMO? At most there are yourself and 15 other players in a map. This is NOT an MMO. I called it a mid-scale FPS.

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            • That is exactly right! I agree, I don't want Destiny to be anything different than what Bungie intends for it to be! It's an incredible game as it is now.

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            • Couldn't have said that any better myself... Except for the Cryptarch!!! Something must be done about that guy. Great work Bungie

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            • *salutes, shedding a manly tear*

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