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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Motown XCIII: 9/17/2014 5:42:42 AM

Does anybody realize that Destiny is far from over....?

Just wondering if there are people out there that realize that what we've played so far.. that 20+ hours you've put into this game so far is only the beginning? That the reason the "story" is lacking is because there really isn't one right now on purpose? That all we've seen so far is a brief introduction into the massive world Bungie is opening us up to (and a damn good introduction at that)? This isn't Assassin's Creed where you play it for 4 days, get through the story and be done with it. I honestly think we've only experienced a tenth of what Bungie has in store for us. Being an intelligent consumer you have to know what you're in for, the $90 I spent on this game is not for a 16 hour story and some silly side quests. It's an investment in a franchise from a company which brought us the likes of HALO. Let's have some sense comrades. I look at a lot, not all, but a lot of these complaints and when you break them down people are, in essence, complaining that they haven't played and seen everything the game has to offer yet. Bungie, over the next days, months, years, will be giving us more to play, see and do. Did you people play WoW or Skyrim for a couple days and then cry? No, because you realized that those games, like this one, are far from over after intro. I also realize that some folks are never happy. If Bungie had introduced to us from the very beginning, 4389142 gun types, 4378 enemy types, 76 different planets and such, there would be those that after racing through all of it in a week would still be unhappy. These are the people I pray for at night. I'm saying all this to basically say we need to give Bungie time to reveal to us what they have up their VERY LARGE sleeves. Stop whining about paying for expansions when I bet most of you bought all the Halo DLC when it was nothing but, if my memory serves me right, multiplayer map packs.... nothing to evolve the story like it is in this case... but different maps to shoot each other on... C'mon son... Let's give an ENORMOUS game like Destiny more than a week to prove itself.. I mean hey, you beat CoD in 10 hours and then shoot each other on the same maps for half a year before complaining.

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  • i hear you ,,,this game has allot to still come.

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  • Its supposed to last 10 years and people think this is all we get i dont understand:/ o well i cant wait for what bungie has in store

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    • WHAt? you mean the game is supposed to last longer than a week? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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      • Just so you guys know, IGN gave Halo 4 a 9 or 9.5/10... Those reviews don't mean shiiiiit, this game is just the beginning of my hype lol.

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      • So what you're saying is, give it a few years, and we'll be rocking out with level 100 Guardians sporting 10,000 damage weapons after experiencing an epic multi-year story like some sort of Diablo on Steroids? Goddamn man, I wish you were right, but I'm afraid you're living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.

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      • I just hope we don't have to spend more money just to get the story or any other part of the world.

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        • Problem is, it feels like its far from beginning. Barely more here than a very basic intro. The core game should have far more, and then build on that. Seems like the core game was a slightly extented tutorial.

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        • Its the good games that don't get the good scores if you notice. It is a perfect example why we can not trust game reviewers. Companies need to realize that the people who actually care to voice their opinion on their games only represent 1% of the actually consumers buying the product. The other percentages sits there and actually enjoys the games that are made, they will only voice their opinion when it ends and have no more access to it. Its not that they don't care its that they have lives, they go to work then come home to play their game they enjoy. Their lives are essentially too busy to find time to come on these forums.

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        • It's a fruitless effort to try and talk sense into some of these complainers. They simply got caught up in the hype train and let themselves down. Either that or they expected something different even though information everywhere gave the answers. While these people have the right to complain you won't be able to change their mind. They expected a lot of content on launch. While destiny has more then most console games it wasn't enough for the people who got too hyped.

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          • Very well put. To the people that are moaning, what have we seen in the last 72 hours? We've seen raids which quite frankly they can go anywhere with, I think we can agree there will be one on every map at least, and then of course bungie released night fall strike missions A few days ago, bungie are doing the smart thing and releasing the game in dribs and drabs to keep the hype going, and not releasing everything in one go, I personally have bashed this game since it came out and I am not getting bored of it, I also think the vanguard and crucible cap at 100 per week is a good thing, and with daily and weekly challenges being available, i don't understand all the criticism to be honest, I think we are a long way from seeing everything destiny has to offer.

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          • iv stopped wasting my breath with this argument. some ppl are just whiny little tissue filling children that can never be pleased. this game is sick and as you put far from over. bungie is on report saying the going to be investing like ten years into this game this is what week to.not to mention that is another reason for the need of online so shit can be added without having to dl a million ad ons

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            • I applaud you OP.

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              • Edited by bulldog0890: 9/17/2014 1:42:53 PM
                but its really not that enormous right now. I'm level 18 and all ready nearly out of new things to do (except the raid). I just wish the creativity present in the raid was more prevalent in all the rest of the games missions. Like have some puzzle based missions, some vehicle heavy missions, stationary turret defense missions, etc. Honestly, the sword of crota mission was the only nice change of pace i've had so far.

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                11 Replies
                • Absolutely agree with you Eddie! I've been trying to remind people that its only Day 8, relax, more content to come, tuning patches soon, etc. - but that is another great way of putting it too.

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                  • Edited by astral: 9/17/2014 3:36:13 PM
                    I absoultely agree EXCEPT that we just paid for what we know is $60 for a prelude/introduction to the story.. Thats pretty damn pricey even with a LOT of good gameplay that changes EVERY time I go back and play it except Strikes (those are always about the same situations everytime). I just hope we dont have to spend $500+ for 3 games (Destiny 1-3) and all DLC. I will be PISSED OFF unless we get free content and continous updates throught this time with an EXTREMELY good story. So far story is just so-so.

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                    9 Replies
                    • I get what you are saying, and I mostly agree. The thing to be worried about is that Bungie may be falling victim to what I believe is "Gears of War Judgment Syndrome", or GowJS for short. They promise this huge big thing, and all of this hype. Good, fine, great. But if it isn't delivered fast enough, or well enough, everyone leaves and the game soon dies. I love this game, but I think it should have had a lot more at launch than this.

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                    • Exactly, Destiny is not meant to be like those games where all the content is available form day one. Bungie wants to control the pacing of the game, because the game will be ongoing for a long time, possibly a decade, the pace of the game needs to be set so that people don't get tired of the game before they can release new content. See think about this: They probably made 60+ hours of story mission, but only released 16 hours of it to start out with. They also developed several other gameplay types like PVP, Strikes, and Raids to keep us occupied. They will now continue to release content that they have already developed while simultaneously having their growing development team create more new content which they will release for us to enjoy later. This will allow them to continuously release new content for the player to enjoy.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Halo 3/Reach/4 all rushed and enjoyed LESS than Halo CE and 2. I'm going SLOW in Destiny. This will be my ONLY game for 10 years if it's my Destiny.

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                        • Edited by MrAwesome909: 9/17/2014 12:52:17 PM
                          The way I figure it will be is more like an MMO than a shooter. Like DC Universe for the ps3.except better. They too had a soft level cap of 30. But gear makes all the difference. In this game it adds onto your level.

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                          2 Replies
                          • It's over man:

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                            • I would have to agree that the reviews are judging a game that has a 10 year life span. We have yet to hear the entire story in Destiny so they are reviewing something that isn't complete. I don't think Bungie is shaking in their boots at the thought that people are going to stop playing. They are making money and things are going great. I am happy with the game and I find new things out about Destiny everyday. Just when I think the game has reached the limits of content it sends me on a journey for an exotic weapon. This is both fun and frustrating but entertaining over all.

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                              1 Reply
                              • Oh it's over. Check this post out. It explains Destiny's fatal flaw and why it will be free-to-play in 3 months. This is some SERIOUS info:

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                                  5 Replies
                                  • It's a great game, not the best that has ever been but will serve its purpose for the time being.

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                                    3 Replies
                                    • Agreed, it amazes me people expect new content, changes, ect immediately they do realise that they are actual people who have to create this content right? And that it takes time to program?

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                                      • "Expect more to come!" This is all fine and dandy, if they provide more free content and a regular basis. Already listing $20 DLC for December doesn't make me excited about the future. It makes me think "aww crap here's some Activision influence".

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