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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Motown XCIII: 9/17/2014 5:42:42 AM

Does anybody realize that Destiny is far from over....?

Just wondering if there are people out there that realize that what we've played so far.. that 20+ hours you've put into this game so far is only the beginning? That the reason the "story" is lacking is because there really isn't one right now on purpose? That all we've seen so far is a brief introduction into the massive world Bungie is opening us up to (and a damn good introduction at that)? This isn't Assassin's Creed where you play it for 4 days, get through the story and be done with it. I honestly think we've only experienced a tenth of what Bungie has in store for us. Being an intelligent consumer you have to know what you're in for, the $90 I spent on this game is not for a 16 hour story and some silly side quests. It's an investment in a franchise from a company which brought us the likes of HALO. Let's have some sense comrades. I look at a lot, not all, but a lot of these complaints and when you break them down people are, in essence, complaining that they haven't played and seen everything the game has to offer yet. Bungie, over the next days, months, years, will be giving us more to play, see and do. Did you people play WoW or Skyrim for a couple days and then cry? No, because you realized that those games, like this one, are far from over after intro. I also realize that some folks are never happy. If Bungie had introduced to us from the very beginning, 4389142 gun types, 4378 enemy types, 76 different planets and such, there would be those that after racing through all of it in a week would still be unhappy. These are the people I pray for at night. I'm saying all this to basically say we need to give Bungie time to reveal to us what they have up their VERY LARGE sleeves. Stop whining about paying for expansions when I bet most of you bought all the Halo DLC when it was nothing but, if my memory serves me right, multiplayer map packs.... nothing to evolve the story like it is in this case... but different maps to shoot each other on... C'mon son... Let's give an ENORMOUS game like Destiny more than a week to prove itself.. I mean hey, you beat CoD in 10 hours and then shoot each other on the same maps for half a year before complaining.

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  • People beat the main mission within the first week , including myself and to them they complain that it was too short. Well, besides from the main story there's a lot to do in this game. I.E looking for new light armor to level up, unlocking new bounties, doing crazy strike missions. Not to mention upcoming events that Bungie is going to throw at us. Also, with future DLC's we will have to much to do. I think we should give Bungie sometime, it's only been a week old since the game has been released, I'm sure they will give us so many more things to do in the near future.

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  • I can tell you what is far from over. The complaints

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    • [quote] I also realize that some folks are never happy. If Bungie had introduced to us from the very beginning, 4389142 gun types, 4378 enemy types, 76 different planets and such, there would be those that after racing through all of it in a week would still be unhappy. These are the people I pray for at night.[/quote] If bungie did that in the beginning I'd say wow that's huge, they really did something amazing here, living up to the hype for sure. But they haven't and still won't say exactly how big their biggest game ever really is. Even right after the beta, people were worried that destiny isn't going to be as big as everyone was led to believe, what was bungies response? All they said is how this is the biggest game they've ever created. But isn't that strange? Bungie seems to like talk numbers, they talked about how many people downloaded and played the demo and how many kills and after the game was released they talked about how much money they made. But why not how many guns and how many planets and how many enemy types?

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    • Destiny is the prologue to what may well be an epic story. I agree with you, the best is yet to come. It will be somewhat gratifying to see all those people complaining and talking Destiny down eating humble pie as this game expands and grows. Destiny has been touted to be a mix of FPS and MMO. That being the case I for one hope to see Bungie deliver expansions just like an MMO does. Small add-ons here and there to keep adding new stuff, then larger expansions that continue the story and offer more content. Think along the lines of popular MMOs like World of Warcraft, Ever Quest 1 and 2, and Lineage 2. Each expansion added a plethora of story and content to each game. One cannot simply create an Epic. Every monumental creation that has stood the test of time required a solid foundation for which to build, and Destiny has that. I want to know more about the Reef, who is this Queen, and why did she cast off my Awoken like a broken light bulb, and what's up with her brother (did anyone else really want to punch that guy in the face)? The Grimoire contains entries about Jupiter and Saturn, not a lot but just enough to make me curious about what is happening beyond the Red Planet. And what is this mention of the Vex having routes to other galaxies? Will the Guardians have the opportunity (or be required) to venture out to other star systems? If nothing else Bungie has delivered a sweet taste of things to come. The visuals are amazing, no more work needed there. The control systems is sound, only tweaking needed there. The classes are designed and fun to play, perhaps some tweaking for balance but nothing out of the ordinary. So all that's left is content, an evolving story that could span the next few years. I for one don't care what the reviews say. I am in. Besides any review that gives a Madden game higher than a 7/10 (or equivalent) is not a review you should trust. That game has not changed in a way that makes it better since it made the change from 2D to 3D.

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      9 Replies
      • You hit the nail right on the head, this post is awesome for some reason, and yes i was talking to my cousin about the story of this game, is barely the beginning. I'm hoping to see more planets and maybe even more galaxies in this game.

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      • Edited by GENERAL FUNK17: 9/17/2014 6:58:16 PM
        Yes, but the fact that the story isn't well done isn't encouraging. Bungie had a contract with Activision to earn a bonus if they got 90 on metacritic. A huge reason it fell way short is the lack of story. Sure, even if you accept that this is a prologue and more is to come, the little we have is poorly developed. Forget to hire writers? Most missions are poorly explained, and you really have no idea why you're doing what you are, or the backstory for the stuff your ghost tells you and somehow expects you to just ignore obvious questions. Most missions are shallow "deploy your ghost", defend against bad dudes, repeating over and over. Sure, even if we have a prelude so far with more to come, what we have could have been given much more detail than 1 sentence as the map loads. It is sort of like a Transformers movie - sure, it's fun, but who the heck wrote that crap?

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        • Hey I love this game! No complaints except I have a hard time communicating with people. Anyone else who loves this game and want to team up for some strikes or whatever feel free to add me or message me on here! PS4 - Falsiva I'm really sick of all the people complaining we've become so jaded can't even see what's good anymore and probably some of those people wouldn't enjoy any game and find some reason to nitpick. I am looking forward to them leaving! Anyways hit me up I'm usually on 6ish CST would like to meet some new people (mature) to run some strikes/story with, even crucible.

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        • Use the Bungie site and follow what your cards show and complete those. That will take a hell of alot longer than 12 hours. Just saying!

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        • I feel the same as you for the most part. I feel like what we have is a framework for the rest that is to come. I've gotten my money's worth out of it already so anything else that comes out is just a bonus for me. I will say, though, that I had hoped the "run here, wait for this door to unlock, kill enemies while you wait, okay it's okay to go through the door now" kind of objectives wouldn't be in Destiny. That is my only real disappointment. Everything else has been a blast. That's the main reason I play games - to have fun. I get a lot of creative fulfillment in movies and books, and though I don't mind deep stories in games, usually, I tend to want to get in and get out in and have as much fun as possible in the time I have to play. Deep narratives and long cut scenes get in the way of that for me. Plus, let's not forget. A lot of what makes Halo's story so great is the parts that were never seen or heard in any of the games.

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        • Well said sir. Let's just be patient...... But also, be patient and hope that they add proximity chat.

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          3 Replies
          • Only thing most peeps complained about is content The campaign depth honestly was a let down and no cinematic story scenes, set pieces and variety They could have done a chase level where you escape away with the sparrow and a legion of cabals chasing with big tanks look the levels are massive would be awesome. Thats just 1example The multiplayer content is fine We got pvp and co op modes thats fine n dandy In time destiny gets better n better But gonna be f ing expensive

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            • My thoughts exactly!

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            • This is the same point I have been trying to explain to all the complainers out there saying the story sucks game is short and boring. It is just the beginning when they say it is a ten year game I bet they have plenty of content coming just not going to release all at once. Keeps the longevity of this amazing game.

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            • True. It will only be over after we spend 400 bucks for the "full" game stripped into micro-expansions releasing semi-anually.

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                At least CoD had most of its content there on day one. Bungie says they've spent 5 years on destiny, yet it looks like what they did for 4 of those years was make the game look pretty.

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                6 Replies
                • Our Journey has just begun

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                • Thanks folks. You make Destiny that much better for me!

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                  • Nov 14th it will be for me if they don't give us a better damn story and better communication/grouping options by then.

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                  • You know what you're talking about. Kudos, sir. Let's enjoy the ride.

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                  • THANK YOU! You are a messenger from Heaven with the last true mouthpiece! I totally agree with you. Thank you so much!

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                  • Well the low scores and people that complain have no clue what they are talking about. This game will constantly have additions and changes so in a sense it is not a "finished" game. People say repetition, well yes ALL mmo's have that. And to the ones that play cod and complain, well every new cod is basically the same game just revamped map My very first fps game i have ever played and i am loving it very much

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                  • [quote]Just wondering if there are people out there that realize that what we've played so far.. that 20+ hours you've put into this game so far is only the beginning? That the reason the "story" is lacking is because there really isn't one right now on purpose? That all we've seen so far is a brief introduction into the massive world Bungie is opening us up to (and a damn good introduction at that)? This isn't Assassin's Creed where you play it for 4 days, get through the story and be done with it. I honestly think we've only experienced a tenth of what Bungie has in store for us. Being an intelligent consumer you have to know what you're in for, the $90 I spent on this game is not for a 16 hour story and some silly side quests. It's an investment in a franchise from a company which brought us the likes of HALO. Let's have some sense comrades. I look at a lot, not all, but a lot of these complaints and when you break them down people are, in essence, complaining that they haven't played and seen everything the game has to offer yet. Bungie, over the next days, months, years, will be giving us more to play, see and do. Did you people play WoW or Skyrim for a couple days and then cry? No, because you realized that those games, like this one, are far from over after intro. I also realize that some folks are never happy. If Bungie had introduced to us from the very beginning, 4389142 gun types, 4378 enemy types, 76 different planets and such, there would be those that after racing through all of it in a week would still be unhappy. These are the people I pray for at night. I'm saying all this to basically say we need to give Bungie time to reveal to us what they have up their VERY LARGE sleeves. Stop whining about paying for expansions when I bet most of you bought all the Halo DLC when it was nothing but, if my memory serves me right, multiplayer map packs.... nothing to evolve the story like it is in this case... but different maps to shoot each other on... C'mon son... Let's give an ENORMOUS game like Destiny more than a week to prove itself.. I mean hey, you beat CoD in 10 hours and then shoot each other on the same maps for half a year before complaining.[/quote] Amen ppl complain way too damn much enjoy the game guys it's not over at all and far from it I got 32 hours logged and still enjoy every minute of it and I know there is alot more to come not o lyrics in dc but updates as well lol too many titty babies

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                  • No, i also think there is a lot of content to come. I made a topic about it which i will repost here. A lot of people are upset because there isn't a lot of story in the game itself, but there is a lot of information in the Grimoire. It's actually pretty amazing if you read it, and gives a lot of background on all the things in the game. There are a few topics that go into detail what people think the story is about and if you read the topics you can see that Destiny has some pretty excellent stories inbound. After reading the Vex topics in the Grimoire it's obvious that the Vex are some sort of superpower that can control time and space and on one of the cards it says that they are working on something big, but that big thing could already have happened in our time. This is from the Heze Protective card : The Protective is clearly engaged in a colossal project, but as with much Vex behavior, it's unclear whether their ultimate purpose is even comprehensible to us. The Protective may be reacting to an event that has yet to occur, or working towards a goal that - to us - is already historical fact. So they are working on something big that maybe already has happened in our time. Could that big thing be the Golden age or the downfall of the Golden age? I think that eventually we will get to timetravel in Destiny (not in this on, but Destiny 3 or 4) And we will get to see the Golden age ourself. It could even be that we are the cause of the downfall of the Golden Age and the Vex are now learning from us how to beat us in the past. I even think that in Destiny 4 (or whatever entry seems fit) we will have to make a choice between the Light and Darkness (Since the exo stranger says something about making a choice even if it's not the right one.) And we will have a big ass epic space battle between the 2 factions to save (or destroy) the Golden Age. I don't think we are necessarily the good guys in this story, but now we see this side of the story and because we're on this side, this is the right side. In future entries it could be possible we explore the universe from the side of the Darkness and we see that the Traveller isn't so good either. Let me know what you guys think. Since reading the Grimoire i'm really interested to see how the story plays out. They have a lot of possibilities with the different races and their motives for fighting. I just hope they don't make it a typical "we're the good guys and everything that shoots at us is bad" kinda story. Only time will tell. So let me know, together we can probably find a lot more theories and ideas for how the story and the universe fits. BTW: English isn't my native language, so sorry if some things in this post don't make sense

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                    3 Replies
                    • totally with you. The depth of this game is more than a bunch of trigger happy COD teens realizes. When you listen to the story you realize how small part of the game we just saw. Even for the starting point "The Tower" is only one spot in the city, we haven't even seen the rest of the city yet. let along all of the universe.

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                    • Well said sir...well said

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                      • You're saying I paid $60 for half a game? I don't CoD. Most games I've played have enjoyable, engaging narratives that last at least 20 hours, usually more, and leave me invested in the world and the chararcters in it. I enjoy the game, but I don't get why people have such an aversion to recognizing that the story is poorly presented and way less than what we usually get for $60.

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