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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Motown XCIII: 9/17/2014 5:42:42 AM

Does anybody realize that Destiny is far from over....?

Just wondering if there are people out there that realize that what we've played so far.. that 20+ hours you've put into this game so far is only the beginning? That the reason the "story" is lacking is because there really isn't one right now on purpose? That all we've seen so far is a brief introduction into the massive world Bungie is opening us up to (and a damn good introduction at that)? This isn't Assassin's Creed where you play it for 4 days, get through the story and be done with it. I honestly think we've only experienced a tenth of what Bungie has in store for us. Being an intelligent consumer you have to know what you're in for, the $90 I spent on this game is not for a 16 hour story and some silly side quests. It's an investment in a franchise from a company which brought us the likes of HALO. Let's have some sense comrades. I look at a lot, not all, but a lot of these complaints and when you break them down people are, in essence, complaining that they haven't played and seen everything the game has to offer yet. Bungie, over the next days, months, years, will be giving us more to play, see and do. Did you people play WoW or Skyrim for a couple days and then cry? No, because you realized that those games, like this one, are far from over after intro. I also realize that some folks are never happy. If Bungie had introduced to us from the very beginning, 4389142 gun types, 4378 enemy types, 76 different planets and such, there would be those that after racing through all of it in a week would still be unhappy. These are the people I pray for at night. I'm saying all this to basically say we need to give Bungie time to reveal to us what they have up their VERY LARGE sleeves. Stop whining about paying for expansions when I bet most of you bought all the Halo DLC when it was nothing but, if my memory serves me right, multiplayer map packs.... nothing to evolve the story like it is in this case... but different maps to shoot each other on... C'mon son... Let's give an ENORMOUS game like Destiny more than a week to prove itself.. I mean hey, you beat CoD in 10 hours and then shoot each other on the same maps for half a year before complaining.

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  • The game is great fun for those who have friends that play with them, but for others like me who don't know anyone else who plays....welll, it kinda sucks. If I only PvP'd then it would be ok, but I have been on raid teams in MMO's and you can't just raid with any Tom, Dick, or Harry. Raid teams have to gel, so Destiny's endgame is not for casual gamers who just wanna have fun and almost feels like a job trying to assemble a team. Not sure I'm willing to make that kind of investment with my time for another raid team.

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    • Agreed. People are pissed off having to pay for DLC and yet pay monthly subscriptions to WOW or large MMOs. They also play great games like Last of Us and Tomb Raider for 18-25 hours and love every second, but then put it on the shelf, satisfied with their purchase. As they should be. Yet they play Destiny for 30-40 hours and call it boring and not worth their money. Where is the logic in all this?

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      5 Replies
      • Thank you. You should be the speaker.

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      • You have bought into a product or a game, then admit that it is lacking right now and choose to support it because it is going to get better later? I'm sorry but Destiny right now is a complete letdown and your hope that it is going to get better is completely misplaced. Seriously, can you point to a their promises that they are legally bound to give you more quality content that will improve the game substantially? A true commitment they have written and confirmed that they will deliver an exceptional game?. Here is a question. Where is the drop in and drop out feature in Destiny that they showcased in trailers? Where is the fallen AI that climbs and feels different to fight? The promises they have made to get you to buy the game are barely there and poorly fulfilled. The difference between WOW and Destiny is that WOW is ancient and delivered on a scope that is unimaginable for that time. Destiny is doing the same thing as The Division and is not groundbreaking the way WOW was. The difference between Destiny and Skyrim? You didn't have to wait for Skyrim to be good and Skyrim will still be better than Destiny years from now. If you trust Activision to create deliver an amazing experience as you wait fine. But Destiny as it is now is just above average at best and most of us didn't buy into Destiny to get an unfinished game (or a terrible story/content that we need to wait months to improve). They have no legal obligation to make it better and if I have to wait for any game to get better I will be waiting for the likes of Star Citizen and Black Desert Online which have proven their commitment to quality and content.

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        18 Replies
        • Exactly how I feel as well. Thumbs up to you sir.

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        • I honestly think it's sad how other people don't realize what's going to be in store for this game. There are going to be tons of things added onto this game over the years to come.

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        • Most of the complainers can't wrap their heads around this concept. Seems like most gamers today lack the attention span to actually invest in something over time to see where it goes.

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          8 Replies
          • Ayup! How long has the freaking game been out? Anybody? And I can almost guarantee that the people whining about the poor story or lack thereof, havn't even taken a look or read through the Grimoire cards. Holy balls, if you Need more information on the craziness out there, go read up on it! It's almost all there! Plus spaces for other planets and factions! I get a hell of a kick out of reading up on all the different classes for the alien races I'm blowing apart and punching into mush! Not to mention the flavor text on all the weapons and gear available that keeps changing as NPC's update their shops. This isn't a kiddy game where every little bit is spoon fed to you via QTE's or In-Game movies. You have to Look for it. You have to Read. Omg READ! But yeah, Eddie, totally agree with ya. People are way to eager early for true Bad reviews about this game. Again, how many days has it been out so far? And has anybody noticed... the Servers have not been down for like, a week... unlike some other Massive title games that launched and then burned in the first few Hours? That Alone gets my damn Thumbs Up. A massive title launches... and so far, I havn't had one Issue with the game being down.

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            2 Replies
            • to me destiny is a masterpiece(despite the connection issues that i'm still having) to make it better just with more vehicles, space combat, more weapons, more enemies....90% of this probably will come in a dlc on the expansion packs.

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            • Well said. I know I already got my money's worth out of this game and expect to put a lot more hours into it. As a long time solo player (except for co-op with my brother, who doesn't have an XBox One), I am even enjoying the patrol fights with randoms and the sporadic public event battles. Yet, I still have plenty of solo gaming logged in. Nothing wrong with people expecting more and wanting something better, but sometimes we can just sit back and enjoy what a lot of amazing people have created for our entertainment. Maybe I will get bored and take a break from Destiny in the near future when the Borderlands Prequel shows up next month, but not right now. The quest for leveling up, finding new gear, and killing these nasties has me hooked.

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            • oh, i realized this....trying to play this alpha version, but keeps kicking me out....

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            • I was a bit disappointed at first, but I think that's due to all the hype. Since I have hit lvl20 I'm enjoying it much more. I'm hoping that bungie continue to expand the story with further content, however I will be disappointed if we are forced to pay for it.

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            • Thank you can some won give this man some applaus

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            • I don't think many people know that bungie will be updating the game with free content over time.

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              2 Replies
              • This isn't even the end of beginning. This is basically setting the stage. Also some of the the things you find in the Grimoire... is like "WHAT?". For example... [spoiler]One of the conversations reveals the people having a conversation are also being simulated INSIDE THE MIND OF A VEX.... when I read that I was like "WTF... where can this take us now?" Could the Vex actually BE us from the future? Also the story of the Ghost who tried to find a Guardian to join with on Mars... for something that is mechanical it makes you feel sorry for it.[/spoiler] I'm hoping the Queen missions are more than the patrol missions... I know there is a Queen's faction (Queen's Wrath) but will need to see more to be convinced... but I have hopes, high hopes.

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              • Usually review sites do a work in progress for this kind of game (wildstar,ff14). Yet, with Destiny they rushed through the story and based a review on 10-20 hours of game time. I really can't understand the folks, who say there is no content. There is so much to do! People, who tell me actually that it's jhst grinding the same content are kidding themselves. People played the same maps in Halo for ages, without any progress in unlocking stuff or getting new weapons. There were no dailies, weeklies or special events. Most Games have a 8-15 hour campaign and after than you are done. Most of the time you have 2 options. Grinding the campaign for trophies or playing pvp all day long. I have so much game time in Destiny hat I have paid less than 1 buck per hour. How greedy can people get?

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                5 Replies
                • Yeah bro

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                • Edited by AdunSaveMe: 9/17/2014 9:06:46 AM
                  So, it's [i]supposed[/i] to be empty? The story is [i]meant[/i] to be poorly told and [i]intentionally[/i] makes you feel unimportant? Sorry, but that's [b]not[/b] an excuse, in any way, shape or form. Especially not from Bungie. I mean, I like the game, I really do. it's a lot of fun. But the world is small and the game is repetitive. It doesn't matter how many different experiences you have in the same area because despite all the new crap that goes on, [u]it's still the same area.[/u] And the areas ARE small. There is absolutely no way you can possibly deny the fact that the areas are small; it doesn't matter how many little copy/pasted rooms you can find loot in, the areas are SMALL. And it's worse because at one point, it was said that all you see would be playable terrain. Honestly, if this is an introduction, it's not a good one. You don't get people hooked by making an intentionally crap story. And yeah, it's kinda bad, when you think about the Halo universe they created; everything from unimaginative names ('the darkness'? really? christ, they must've sat for DAYS on that one) to the massive gaps in the story. Nobody EXPLAINS anything. ANYTHING. And that is [b]NOT[/b] a good thing. That is[b] NOT[/b] an introduction. Also, Peter Dinklage's acting wasn't great. Don't give me that 'he's a robot, he's meant to sound bored' bullshit. That does not cut it. We don't just need to 'wait to see what they have up their sleeves'. Because if what they have up their sleeves is as poorly done as what they've given us, it won't even be worth the wait. Again, I enjoy the game. It's fun. But I can see it's sub-par. It is average. It is definitely not the best they could do. It doesn't matter what's coming, because what we've got, our 'introduction', is poorly done; a chopped up gap-filled story with poor telling and a few linear shootups through the same areas. The excuses I'm seeing (there's more to come, it's an introduction, it'll grow) mean NOTHING. What comes next does not change what we've got, it won't make it better. It'll add on to it, but it won't CHANGE it. Again, as I keep saying, whatever comes next, 'Release Version' Destiny is average. The future won't change that unless they redo half the game.

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                  13 Replies
                  • Its more normal to buy MP dlc, story shouldn't be expanded if there isn't one right now

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                  • I love this game and your statement is completely accurate i -blam!-ing love this game i physically cannot put it down if i could melt it down into crack and shoot it into my arm so i could take destiny to work i would. This game has so much freaking potential i cannot wait to see where it all goes theres an infinite number of planets to explore countless races to meet both friendly and non friendly (maybe a new class sometime) back story continuation of story more modes to add and raids to play... the list is endless! My titan is 26 i almost have full legendary armor im 7 cores off of an exotic fusion gun and ill be working for that AR in new monarchy soon i play with friends and strangers who become friends. Im gonna gear up and raid away. Cannot wait. Destiny. Just wow.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Ok I thought I was the only one. Please rid the destiny community of all the people complaining about BULLSh. T they are honestly probably either not mature enough for this game or have no sense of hard work and earning things. I agree with this post 100% and wish everyone who has complained to Bungie to see this and I pray Bungie doesn't let this game go to shit because of the people complaining. I would be very very very upset

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                    • Destiny's lifespan has just begun, we got 10 more years of destiny to look forward to

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                    • I'm hooked

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                      2 Replies
                      • People just want instant gratification and it's supposed to make them happy. This game is awesome. I love it and you totally hit the nail on the head. I completely agree with you. I love grinding yet I can understand why people don't like to grind but people need to do research on a game before they buy it and therefore makes them think they are entitled to something they thought they were gonna get but didn't. Either way I love the game. Screw the haters

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                        6 Replies
                        • I totally agree with what your saying! Iv been playing this game everyday since launch and haven't been bored at all yet. It says iv played 31hrs but I know its way more then that. I'm a level 24 titan and I just got to Venus in the story cause iv been busy with vanguard strike, crucible and patrol so iv been taking my time on story cause there is so many things to do. I see a lot of people complaining that the story doesn't explain much info about stuff in the game and well why would bungie give away all the info in the first game? This is the into to a 10 year game so obviously the first game will leave you in the dark about so much and have you wondering a million questions. Well that's my opinion anyway :)

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                        • well said dude!

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