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Edited by Stackguy2581: 9/15/2014 5:59:18 PM

couldn't be happier legendaries are hard to find

I can't be the only one that is enjoying how hard it is to find legendaries right? I don't want the best items to be handed out and think it's pretty ridiculous that people would want it differently. This instant gratification-mentality seems so silly only a week into the game--sit back and enjoy the experience! And sure, it'd be frustrating to find a purple or gold Engram and have it be something for a different class, but it'll make it that much better when you finally do find something. Here's to the more searching and grinding ahead! Cheers! Edit: Hey guys, just wanted to thank you all for the great feedback! As I'm sure you've noticed, it's reassuring to read so many like-minded players who realize that legendaries should be just that--[b]legendary[/b] . Anyway, I'm a level 21 warlock looking for other players for fire teams and eventually raids. I play in MDT time zone and prefer people who have and use mics. Feel free to add me as I'm open to all game types! Cheers!

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  • I'm fine with them being hard to find, I just don't like the fact when i decrypt it, it's always a legendary for another class or just a rare item worse than what I already have.

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  • I absolutely agree with you!!! It is oh so satisfying when that legendary finally drops. It kind of feels like your days work is paid off. Then tomorrow and start again XD

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    • Edited by MysticJon: 9/15/2014 4:41:19 PM
      I have absolutely no problem taking my time and eventually getting good gear, but the loot table probabilities seem so messed up right now. There has to be a middle ground between getting a ton of good items and getting none at all. Not one of my legendary engrams has produced a legendary item. I have one legendary item that came from a rare engram. I play Destiny with many of my friends and we all have the same experiences with engrams. 99% of the time, we get absolute crap from them. It's gotten to the point where I'm not even excited anymore to get an engram, because I know it's gonna be crap inside. Oh and getting items for other classes than the one you're playing? -blam!- you Bungie. Give us items we literally can not use, bit don't allow us to trade? -blam!-ing ridiculous.

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      • This man gets it. One of my friends got the Mask of the Third Man from Xur this weekend and he earned it by putting massive work in on PVP. He's the envy of my entire team because he's the only guy right now with an exotic, and he's proud of it because he earned it by investing the time it takes to earn it. That's the same story I get from everyone I've spoken to who's got purples and golds...if you want it, you have to work to get it. Kind of an amalgam of life in general...problem is the average gamer is a lazy bum, so it doesn't register.

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        6 Replies
        • Just got an Armada Type 3 Armour from a blue engram, level 8 Cosmo strike after nothing all last night on the 20+ strikes haha!

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        • I just randomly got a legendary LMG and it felt awesome! I think I was yelling yay in my ps4 mic for like 10 minutes lol.

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          • couldn't agree more, the hunt for these items is quite fun, but it would be nice if I could actually get something so it feels like I'm making some progress

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            • I feel sorry for all pf u guys that are having that troublr luckily ive gotten almost all legendaries for my titan which I will have come weekly reset. The helm I got was the vanguard helm but it had intelect and strength versus the normal strength and disipline. Bought the new monarchy boots got a legendary engram for gloves that turned into strange coins so I got the exotic arm. Idk if im just lucky

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            • Agreed 100%. At first it was frustrating me that everyone else seemed to be getting such awesome drops and such fast loot, but then I realized that the more work you have to do for these pieces the better. Currently getting close to level 26 and I know I've worked my ass off and earned every piece.

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              • Edited by NickInk311: 9/15/2014 2:27:49 PM
                I love getting items for a different class. It just reminds me that there are 2 more classes that I have yet to play through the game. I have played many MMO and loot based games. The best part of receiving the legendary/exotic gear is the work you put in to finding and grinding it. I haven't even gotten there yet but I am thoroughly enjoying the grind and the drops and how the system works. Put in your time and enjoy actually having to earn your gear!

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                • We need more Light on these forums. Thank the Traveler sparks like you are showing up now. [spoiler]WOW was that cheesy, jeez. Seriously tho, we need more positivity on these forums, it's ridiculous how many but hurt trolls and dickwads are here[/spoiler]

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                  • I got my first legendary at level 20 out of a blue engram. Im a warlock and i got a hunter armor.

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                  • Got my first legendary yesterday. A beasty ass helm. Almost spilt my Jack and Coke when I saw it.

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                    • Edited by Simperheve: 9/15/2014 2:38:17 PM
                      I'm pretty glad we're gonna have to work for our legendaries. If they didn't everyone would just have a full legendary sets on day 1 and it'd be shit :(

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                        I'm lovin' It my self! The way that gear is coming you know and feel that you have earned it. I got lucky and revived my First Legendary boots from a Engram when I was level 21 I freaked out! I was pissed at first about loot but then I thought to my self I actually earned this and it has me craving for more!

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                        • People like you give me hope for this game's community

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                          • Im lvl 22 got my first ever legendary engram only to be trolles into rare

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                              True but its kinda depressing when you see the lowest scored person get a legendary helmet on crucible and the highest scoring person gets nothing..

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                              • I agree! Actually I think they are a bit too easy myself. I was surprised I ended up with 2 purples by the end of the weekend, granted I played over 40 hours this weekend too (was off Friday). One I randomly got in the mail (from the Cryptarch maybe for hitting lvl 4?) and the other I bought/earned from getting rank 2 with Dead Orbit. Well mail one was an engram that luckily decoded to a purple helm, I'd actually earned 2 or 3 purple engrams thru pvp but the decoded to greens. But yeah I agree we shouldn't be entitled too them, half the fun is the "oh shit, look at what I got" moment when one decodes your way. I just fell short of the 3rd Man Helm, got 10 coins. I hope next weekend he has different loot myself.

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                              • The games been out less than a week and I have three legendary items and two exotics. When the mark cap resets I'll have full purples and two yellows. If anything it's too easy

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                                5 Replies
                                • I like the difficulty, it feels right. The ability to get the vendor ones is too easy however

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                                • I haven't even got a single legendary ever just check my profile

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                                  • While I agree that it's better that the good stuff isn't just handed out all over the place. I'm disappointed thus far with how the looting works. For all their talk of people being able to see your gun and know that you got it from X raid/strike. There isn't any of that. What people really think is either "Did you buy it?" or "You got lucky with an engram". I'm still waiting out to see what happens with further content, but as of right now the loot drops are random and are of no proof of what you went through to get it like they have been trying to sell for the past few months.

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                                    • My main is a titan. First legendary was a helmet, warlock only. Second was a shotgun. Third was a pair of titan gloves. I would rather focus on leveling up my reputation with the Vanguard and Crucible and use my marks to ensure legendary items instead of farming engrams from those locations people are recommending.

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                                      2 Replies
                                      • Totally agree!

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                                      • I think it's brilliant, in this sense there's a proper mmorpg feel in that not everyone is running around with the best gear after 2 days, I love grinding for gear and being rewarded with high level gear. No better feeling than that, it's the same with WoW and that

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