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9/15/2014 3:05:38 AM

PvP no longer fun?

I find myself no longer enjoying the PvP in this game like I used to, and I will explain why. I want to keep the discussion civil on both sides, and I would like to hear your input. At first I found the PvP to be immensely fun. It was mostly just gunplay, and the fight came down to who had the better aim. You would occasionally die from a super but I was ok with that. Now I find the PvP to be immensely frustrating. Everyone has a good shotgun with ridiculous range. It seems like every time I come around a corner I'm eating a shotgun to the face or getting sniped from far away. At this point I think there is too much special ammo on the map. You can literally run with a shotgun, sniper, or fusion rifle the entire match. The shotgun seems to be best, since most the maps revolve around close quarters combat. This is a problem, because one hit kill weapons especially the shotgun are much easier to use than the primary weapons. Any noob can use a shotgun and slide around and get kills. This problem is further impacted when blink is unlocked as now everyone is blinking around with a shotgun. The one hit killing really gets out of hand now that everyone is level 20. Everyone has so many one hit kill abilities. Whether it is the titan's stormfist or the hunter'a bladedancer. It just seems at this point that I am mostly dying from one hit kill weapons, or abilities instead of having those intense gun fights. Special weapons and abilities are fine to an extent, but at this point it just seems like overkill. My suggestion would be for Bungie to reduce the amount of special ammo drastically. I don't think it's fun running around with my shotgun that holds 20 rounds all game long, and I don't think it's fun dying instantly 50% of the time. What do you guys think? Do you think the PvP has gotten worse as the game has wore on? For me it started fun as it mostly revolved around gun fights but now it seems it's just one big shotgun war, or I'm dying from some random ability. Also if you think it's because I'm bad I am not, I'm actually a pretty good player. Let me know what you guys think, and remember to keep it civil! TLDR: As the game has wore on the amount of one hit kill weapons/abilities in the PvP has become ridiculous. What do you guys think?

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  • Hold In there man you have yet to play the iron banner where your character level will come in to play where your armor should negate 1 shot kills(for the most part) but if your having troubles with PVP might I suggest looking at better items and class build options.. Also if you haven't tried to learn how to blink yet. Blink is the ultimate defense against enemy specials because you dodge bullet and explosions whilst in mid teleport it's a strong counter to the blade dancer speed as well as disengaging a close range fight with a shotgun or jumping Into the face of a sniper so he can't aim I have several clips of fighting enemies 1v5 because I could teleport

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    2 Replies
    • 1
      Please for the love of dinklebots PLEASE add map voting to the game bungie !!!!!

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    • You probably play on Bastion a lot.

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    • Funny to hear all this when you have a 185 kills using a shotgun. They are balancing a PVP and PVE game, so drastically changing one effects the other. If everyone else is getting one shot kills, wouldn't it be fair to say your getting them as well, which means you truly have some personal issues you should work out.

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      2 Replies
      • I don't particularly agree with being able to bring custom weapons to pvp unless there's a separate mode for it. I wish they really customized pvp to where you have a default starting weapon and weapon pickups throughout the map. Then implement different game modes or game rules where you have different weapons in different modes much like halo had team snipers, shotty snipers, team brs, and things of that nature. I always felt halos mp was one of the more balanced mp games because of that.

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      • Edited by Folk: 9/17/2014 4:22:03 AM
        PVP is goofy and extremely unbalanced. I'll get my MP kicks from Master Chief Collection this November.

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        2 Replies
        • I use a revolver and a scout rifle (whichever's does the most damage) and i'm doing just fine. The shotgun is only "easy to use" in near range, it has AWFUL range and the spread will barely tickle an opponent if they're more than an arm's length away (range-y shotguns being the only exception but they're not that precise either). Fusion rifle is a thing though, feel like it should be a heavy weapon or be slightly nerfed (three shots to kill instead of two). Still do fine against them because i know that if I can't get him/her down after I get hit once then I have move out of the way and get closer. Supers are fine. I've gotten killed while in arc blade mode because the other person saw me and just back pedaled and triple jumped out of my range. They're super (hence the name) op but seeing how the other classes have their own, very situation specific, supers then it balances it out. I've been matched up with players that range from 18-23 and there are still gunfights. I still get auto rifled, I still get picked off by people with scout rifles, there are still tense revolver duels. It hasn't devolved to ''LEL SUPERS AND SPECIAL WEAPONS ONLY''. And it has only gotten more fun for me since i've learned the maps, weapons and the general flow of the crucible.

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        • Rumble is a lot of fun.

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          5 Replies
          • I dont know about your region and how people play on it, but realy if u think a sniper and shotgun is being a problem to you then u need to do two things: Learn how to use ur abilities and check your weapons abilities. They work as ur loadout in all matches and your weapons DONT have different damage base they are all balanced so if u have a white shotgun it will do the same damage as a blue shotgun, the only difference is their mods that give em the edge compared to lower lvl weapons. Your skills will matter more here then in the pve side of the game, youll need to think carfully what will benefit u more on this matter, more agility or more defense ?/ use this granade that stuns the enemy or use the one that do DOT? And even if u have all thst sorted out it will still be up to u to how and when to use em, you need to know how to move and how to react at certain circunstances, its not easy and can be a hell of a pain, but if u know how to time it right u can send ur enemy to the grave with you. Twith all that said its all up to ur ability as a player to deal with the advesities other players will put you in, and honestly, maybe in the end your good may not be good enough.

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            6 Replies
            • In all honesty there is always a way past those annoying 1 shot 1 kills, I personally have a good time winning or losing.

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              8 Replies
              • Edited by StiviX: 9/17/2014 5:08:47 AM
                The excessive use of shotguns and fusion rifles has ruined it for me. If the maps were larger or at least had more variation in layout it wouldn't be an issue. There's too many sharp corners and corridors that encourage shotgun/fusion rifle use.

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                1 Reply
                • Is there an official detail on what affects what in the PVP? I find it very hard to believe everything is 100% level playing field in the current PVP setup. Some buddies and I were testing it and higher level guns are definitely killing people faster than lower level ones. Maybe it's just the recoil/elemental damages/fire-rate - but a good blue weapon is DEFINITELY more destructive than a grey normal weapon in the PVP.

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                  2 Replies
                  • I totally agree, the special ammo should be treated like heavy ammo. Empty at the start of a match, and when it does come around, only the person that picks it up and a near by team member should be able to grab it. This ammo type needs to be more scarce, especially since the blink ability is becoming a spam feat alongside shotguns. At least with increased scarcity to special ammo, the blink spamming won't likely reward them with a quick shotgun kill after teleporting right up to them since they will most likely be relying on their primary weapon.

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                  • I don't care much for the pvp. Like you said shotguns and snipers... I hate more fun with the pvp in the alpha/beta. Don't know why, just did.

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                    11 Replies
                    • the need to fix the dam netcode the delaying is bullshit

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                      3 Replies
                      • I'd say a lot of this comes down to play style. I personally prefer primary weapons over special weapons most of the time. I find them more diverse and when used properly you can best a shotgun and sniper user with primary weapons. Just be aware of where you are, and where you're going, how much distance is between you and your potential enemy? If you let them get within shotgun range and you don't have a shotgun or equally strong answer to the engagement you're death is on you, not the games balance. It's plenty easy to best a shotgun user, especially when there are so many who run around most of the map using one, even when in positions where out of range encounters are likely to happen.

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                      • Edited by GandalfTheBald: 9/16/2014 3:53:09 PM
                        I love how you're talking like you've been PVPing for years or something and it's been less than a week. If you go through a I love this to burn out phase in a week I wonder if it's possible to say you ever really liked it. What I mean is, how could it have *become* ridiculous. It's such a new thing it seems like the only claim that could be made is that it *is* ridiculous. That being said I like it I'm just struggling to understand how it had enough time to turn into anything more or less than what it simply is at this point

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                        3 Replies
                        • My shotgun must be rubbish! I have to constantly shoot sat close range and then go in with a melee to finish off an opponent - unless I am more or less point blank then it is a one hit kill. I do agree though with limiting special ammo. I do get a thrill or sorts when I realise that my boom stick has run dry and I have to bring out the pulse rifle (or if I am lucky - the LMG - affectionately known as 'Big Momma')

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                          3 Replies
                          • Get a clan... Develop a strategy for a map... geez, this is not Call of Duty

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                            4 Replies
                            • Edited by Cloudiroth7: 9/16/2014 4:48:03 PM
                              I have no problems with the pvp at all. I just feel like if im getting blasted by shotties im using the wrong approach. Snipers are different though. If I get sniped it doesn't bother me just means my aim wasn't good enough or I just missed them while trying to focus on the objective. Shotguns aren't even that bad fusion rifles are just plain out evil in the right or wrong hands. I mean if you let someone with a shotgun get close to you then you basically deserve to get blasted. Just gotta keep room between you and a shotgun user. If it's a corner shotgun user you better pray for that clutch moment or meet them with a shotty too.

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                            • If you have a problem now with everyone's stats being the same in the PvP playlists that are there now, then I can't wait to hear your complaints when Iron Banner comes out...

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                              5 Replies
                              • Yea the guy a few comments below is right.. I've got a rare shotgun and I have to be right on you and to kill you.. I see what you are saying because it's happened to me a lot too and that's why I decided to use the shotgun as well.

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                              • Was never fun for me.. it is very un balanced in there lol

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                              • Played 60 matches of crucible, I've never been killed by a fusion rifle. Ever. Shotguns are the same threat they've been in every fps ever produced and snipers will always be 1 shot head shot. How are these still issues for people?

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                                14 Replies
                                • The iron banner will separate the boys from the men

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                                • Thank you for your thoughtful post. Please post this also somewhere on IGN so we can help make sure this turd does not get better than a 6. Bungle is now in a panic situation and will pay beaucoup $$$ for anybody to lie about how bad Destiny is. Also, please tell IGN to hurry the F up already and quit stalling for more Bungle $$$. Regards.

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