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originally posted in: Cattle Error
9/10/2014 9:13:11 PM
Have the same problem, started up the game without any problems. Set the charater, started the introduction and played maybe 10 min in the game until the Error Cattle code came. Have been rebooting the router, setting the port forwarding as they are recommending in the guides (have never had problem before with any other game with that settings), just saying. And still getting the Error Cattle code. By the way, living in Sweden and more of my friends have problems as well with the same error. Can´t get that BUNGIE is dropping a game after so long time and with an Beta for testing the servers. Still problems for a lot of customers/gamers out here. And on top of that, they recommend us to set our routers to different settings despite that many of us already been playing many other games on PS4/Xbox.. with no problems or do any settings. Please! Give us some kind of message about anything.

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