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2/6/2008 2:53:54 PM

Anyone Who Posts or Replies in Threads About Recon Armor Will Be Banned

First, and most importantly, [url=]Click Here[/url]. Because people still can't be bothered to read the rules, here's an FAQ regarding Recon Armor. Recon armor topics and debates have recently become a full blown epidemic. In this case, [b][u]any thread about Recon Armor will be met with a stern ban.[/b][/u] Bungie has decided to use Recon as a means to either reward exceptional community members or any other way they see fit. Begging for it, selling yourself into slavery, hippo licking™ or posting every "leet" video that you've ever taken will not get you Recon Armor. Let me also clarify this rule with another post. [url=][quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos If you were following the rules, your thread wouldn't have gotten locked. If you want to find the source of your problem, locate a mirror. The rules apply to everybody - the mods aren't on a power trip because you happen to not like a certain rule. Nothing about Recon armor ever needs to get posted. You can't have it, you don't need to know how to get it, we don't care about your complaints about how you can't have it, or gloating that you do have it. If you want to talk about it so bad, make a group where you can make it so that all threads have to be about Recon armor.[/quote][/url] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ash55 Additional: If you see a thread that is entitled "How do I get reconz?" or anything similar, if you reply to it, [i]you're bumping a spam thread and keeping it alive.[/i] Under no circumstances are you to reply. Even if you intend well, you are ruining the forums by doing so and you will be blacklisted. If you want to tell the OP that their thread is off-topic, do so with a PM only. Thank you, you have been warned.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b]Achilles1108 Ok for all of you who do not understand what ash is saying I will summarize it for you. If you reply to any Recon thread you will get a [b][i]minimum[/b][/i] 3 day blacklisting. If you you do it again they will just get longer. Now is that simple enough to understand?[/quote] [quote][/quote][u]A mini FAQ about Recon:[/u] [b]What is Recon Armor?[/b] [i]Recon Armor is a special set of armor for Halo 3. It was originally given out to Bungie Staff and is a much sought after reward. [/i] [b]How do I obtain some reconz for me?[/b] [i]Posted By: Lukems Following up on this, asking folks from Bungie or here on the forums if we'll give it to you is a pretty great way of ensuring that you won't. Go about your business, be good folks and be excellent to everyone. And I'd probably advise against behaviors that would augment your EXP in some fashion, as well. We're watching, making lists, checking them twice and doling out treats when appropriate.[/i] [url=][i]I’m making a list, I’m checking it twice, and it’s a list of dumb messages (and perfectly polite ones) inquiring about the Recon armor permutation. The short answer to those inquiries is, “No, you can’t have it.” The people you see with the Recon helmet are Bungie employees, and they did nothing in-game to unlock it. There is nothing you can do to unlock it.[/i][/url] [url=][i]We’ll give it out based on good deeds and valuable community service and occasionally because they make us laugh, as seen above. There will be plenty of occasions and reasons to get it. PM-ing and emailing us will not make any difference. But play nice and be a good sport and who knows?[/i][/url] Recently we've been hearing a lot of chatter about “go to this link and send it to 50 of your friends” type messages showing up in people's messages. This [b]will not get you recon[/b] by either sending or trying to participate in them. Ignore them and block the user. Also information about going into your internet browser and changing your Halo 3 Service Record picture to recon will not get you recon. This is only a local change in how your browser reads and you will be the only person who sees a new picture in your Service Record. [b]Where can I see this recon armor?[/b] [i]Follow this link to read Halopedia's article about it [url=] here.[/url] There are also other websites that feature pictures and tidbits of information about it as well, please pick your search engine of choice (google for example) and initiate a search for it. Additionally using Bungie's own search feature and can look up previous topics about Recon.[/i] [b]Can I has recon!?[/b] [i][url=]no u can not has recon or cheezburger![/url][/i] [Edited on 09.04.2008 1:55 PM PDT]
#Halo #Halo3

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  • ok rule # 1 they arent gonna give the damn armor out anytime soon! just sit back and enjoy ur own armor permutation ok? and im just curious but is there absolutly any chance of u guys giving it out to the public in like the 2 year anniversery or sumthin? it would be a good fund raiser... or sumthin like that

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  • I believe it would be more honorable to earn it than it just be given to me...that's my opinion! Anyone would feel honored if Bungie said that "You have received this reward..."

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Elit3 R3ap3r 257 Recon does look good and all that, but asking for it again and again is pointless. I'd like if Bungie could make an automated system to award players with it (Maybe a 1 in 50 or so chance when you get a Steaktacular?). Also, nice post, Yoozel. Heh, bit long, though.[/quote] maybe more like 1 in 1000 or more

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  • I still have yet to meet someone on Xbox Live who has Recon, as much as I would want it, I never really try for it. The sad fact is, I have never done anything cool in Halo. I got a double snipe (through one head into the other) but it turns out that's not special. Also, Recon might give a player unwanted attention with things like spontaneous friend requests from people that they don't know. Also, players may flame an owner of Recon by saying there were many people more deserving. I do hope to be wearing that helmet someday, but until then, my Mark V will fare me well. [Edited on 05.21.2008 12:49 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Aazarah When Halo 3 becomes obsolete, those of us worshipping the Bungie will inherit all of the Bungie's technology, including Recon, for we have followed the Path of the Bungie to it's Great Journey to world domination.[/quote] the Great Journey to World Domination is still going.

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  • When Halo 3 becomes obsolete, those of us worshipping the Bungie will inherit all of the Bungie's technology, including Recon, for we have followed the Path of the Bungie to it's Great Journey to world domination.

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  • i've been playing halo 3 since it came out last fall. so bungie is tell us the die hard fans that we have to earn it? i don't think thats fair since most players jumped ship to play other games, yet you have hardcore fans still playing. i think bungie should give the armor to all as a thank you to the fans because we deserve it . [Edited on 05.20.2008 9:48 PM PDT]

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  • i just can't understand all of the people that are just like "oh if i ask bungie for recon then i will just get it" cuz thats totally it works totally not that i dont want recon i crave for recon but if i ask bungie then i get putt on the list the dreaded list of people that will NEVER EVER get recon an that is not the way to get recon so if you want recon just shut up maby make a good map, pic, or vid but that dosent mean that you will get recon the main point that everyone that wants recon never never ask bungie

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  • for all you people out their!! evryone really needs to stop asking for recon all you people are doing is making it more of a reason why bungie should not give it to you....... so if you just be patient and follow the rules as bungie has posted and said a million times before u may just get it... so stop being a noob and annoying everyone

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  • thnx 4 telling me,i needed to know that

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  • i said g a y in the blam part. im not kidding my friend who is a homo-blam!- said he loves that armour. no im not G a Y but if he likes it it does make me wonder who is ....

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  • dudegotohell you made a freaking ninja turtle. lol . anyway recon is -blam!- only the cool kids play with the good ol mark V getup.

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  • yes same question everybody says bungie favs = recon is this true? anyways what is recon?!!??!?!

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  • id rather have a beer

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  • For one recon armor looks sick, but im not going to wine about it. Although i would like to show off to my friends if (which i probably wont) i ever get it. One question though, rumors are going around that people who get on Bungie Favorites get Recon Armor is that true? Lastly, how do you get Bungie to notice your stuff so you get on Bungie Favorites

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  • Thank you for stopping These stupid spam threads people that get recon are the chosen few, They have done there part to deserve it somehow. And Whoever made that stupid immature spam post, THATS PROBALY NOT A GOOD WAY TO GET IT!!!! I am not a Bungie Employee or admin on these servers niether do i have recon armor.

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  • bungies first mistake with recon was making a armour that no one but them would get knowing the people of today they had to know people would beg. but then they made the biggest mistake in their history they gave it out to someone who did something "spectaulair". That then made it look possible to get the armour then unleashing an army of people begging for recon spaming the forums with i deserave recon threads and this guy should get recon and recon isn't fair blah blah blah. now their like the flood and the only way to defeat them is to DESTROY RECON (or blacklist every one of them) thus ending all threads from even menting recon. (or they could give it to everyone but thats just dumb bungie should have kept it to themselves and their high society of workers(being greedy would have been the right thing to do)). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^keep it known^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [Edited on 05.20.2008 12:33 PM PDT]

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  • EOD chest + Security shoulders + Security helm = my favorite armor. Right now I'm wearing Hayabusa just for the hell of it.

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  • The shouders are kind of ugly, but the helm and chest are awesome-looking. In short, it's really no cooler than the Security armor. I don't see what all the fuss is about.

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  • Theres 5 recon threads on the halo 3 forum right now. on the 1st page. Where are the mods?

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  • ermmm whats hippo licking?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vgnut117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WNxkenetic bungie should SERIOUSLY stop giving out recon armor. Sure SOME people deserve it, but the majority dont. Im just sICK, SICK of all these people groveling at bungies feet for their own self purposes "Oh I got an epic noscope from 2 feet away, can I haz reconz?" I say bungie just KEEP IT TO THEMSELVES This is the WORST community I have ever een. Apart from 10-20 good souls, everyone else here doesnt even DESERVE to play halo, let alone to have recon. If people would stop to think, for just ONE MINUTE, about what recon is, and how bungie wants it for themselves, then they will realize that Bungie put a LOT of hard work and dedication into the creation of halo. Those that demand recon have NO RIGHT to play this game, as without halo, without Bungie, you would HAVE no ABILITY to "haz reconz" It is at this point that I would like to reiterate my earlier statement, STOP GIVING OUT RECON PLEASE. I understand some deserve it, but with every low life that believes they got an awesome shotty kill deserves recon, why let it swamp you? Would it not be better to do away with it entirely? and just leave it with those that have it already? I severely doubt Bungie is enjoying streams of emails they get about recon 24/7. Again, you people that demand recon have made this place a HORRIBLE community, and should be ashamed.[/quote] You pay $60 you deserve to play Halo simple as that. You could be the biggest dick in the world, you pay you play. Personally I'm sick of people who say we should be super suck ups to Bungie because they [i]let[/i] us play Halo 3. They did a great job and we as customers payed them to do it. A simple thanks from the fans and a thanks from Bungie to the fans is all that is needed in the transaction of buying the game. [/quote] never said to suck up just suggesting that no one really deserves recon but the people who REALLY help the community

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  • [quote] [b]Can I has recon!?[/b] [i][url=]no u can not has recon or cheezburger![/url][/i][/quote] I like this guy, hes cool....He has big hammer. I think if someone says "Can I haz Recon?" their post should be edited to show this guy and say "Hail Bungie!"

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  • I actually know how to get recon, and you can too! My three easy steps outline can be found [url=]here[/url].

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