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2/6/2008 2:53:54 PM

Anyone Who Posts or Replies in Threads About Recon Armor Will Be Banned

First, and most importantly, [url=]Click Here[/url]. Because people still can't be bothered to read the rules, here's an FAQ regarding Recon Armor. Recon armor topics and debates have recently become a full blown epidemic. In this case, [b][u]any thread about Recon Armor will be met with a stern ban.[/b][/u] Bungie has decided to use Recon as a means to either reward exceptional community members or any other way they see fit. Begging for it, selling yourself into slavery, hippo licking™ or posting every "leet" video that you've ever taken will not get you Recon Armor. Let me also clarify this rule with another post. [url=][quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos If you were following the rules, your thread wouldn't have gotten locked. If you want to find the source of your problem, locate a mirror. The rules apply to everybody - the mods aren't on a power trip because you happen to not like a certain rule. Nothing about Recon armor ever needs to get posted. You can't have it, you don't need to know how to get it, we don't care about your complaints about how you can't have it, or gloating that you do have it. If you want to talk about it so bad, make a group where you can make it so that all threads have to be about Recon armor.[/quote][/url] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ash55 Additional: If you see a thread that is entitled "How do I get reconz?" or anything similar, if you reply to it, [i]you're bumping a spam thread and keeping it alive.[/i] Under no circumstances are you to reply. Even if you intend well, you are ruining the forums by doing so and you will be blacklisted. If you want to tell the OP that their thread is off-topic, do so with a PM only. Thank you, you have been warned.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b]Achilles1108 Ok for all of you who do not understand what ash is saying I will summarize it for you. If you reply to any Recon thread you will get a [b][i]minimum[/b][/i] 3 day blacklisting. If you you do it again they will just get longer. Now is that simple enough to understand?[/quote] [quote][/quote][u]A mini FAQ about Recon:[/u] [b]What is Recon Armor?[/b] [i]Recon Armor is a special set of armor for Halo 3. It was originally given out to Bungie Staff and is a much sought after reward. [/i] [b]How do I obtain some reconz for me?[/b] [i]Posted By: Lukems Following up on this, asking folks from Bungie or here on the forums if we'll give it to you is a pretty great way of ensuring that you won't. Go about your business, be good folks and be excellent to everyone. And I'd probably advise against behaviors that would augment your EXP in some fashion, as well. We're watching, making lists, checking them twice and doling out treats when appropriate.[/i] [url=][i]I’m making a list, I’m checking it twice, and it’s a list of dumb messages (and perfectly polite ones) inquiring about the Recon armor permutation. The short answer to those inquiries is, “No, you can’t have it.” The people you see with the Recon helmet are Bungie employees, and they did nothing in-game to unlock it. There is nothing you can do to unlock it.[/i][/url] [url=][i]We’ll give it out based on good deeds and valuable community service and occasionally because they make us laugh, as seen above. There will be plenty of occasions and reasons to get it. PM-ing and emailing us will not make any difference. But play nice and be a good sport and who knows?[/i][/url] Recently we've been hearing a lot of chatter about “go to this link and send it to 50 of your friends” type messages showing up in people's messages. This [b]will not get you recon[/b] by either sending or trying to participate in them. Ignore them and block the user. Also information about going into your internet browser and changing your Halo 3 Service Record picture to recon will not get you recon. This is only a local change in how your browser reads and you will be the only person who sees a new picture in your Service Record. [b]Where can I see this recon armor?[/b] [i]Follow this link to read Halopedia's article about it [url=] here.[/url] There are also other websites that feature pictures and tidbits of information about it as well, please pick your search engine of choice (google for example) and initiate a search for it. Additionally using Bungie's own search feature and can look up previous topics about Recon.[/i] [b]Can I has recon!?[/b] [i][url=]no u can not has recon or cheezburger![/url][/i] [Edited on 09.04.2008 1:55 PM PDT]
#Halo #Halo3

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  • Hey all those noobs who are desporate for this recon armour dont I said get a cqb head and then put on e.v.a shoulders.then put on the e.o.d body.Afterall if u trully are a huge noob who cant beat campain on normal u -blam!-3d.Ucant evan look like recon.all those -blam!-en noobs get off this post and suck -blam!-en -blam!-.wooooo.oopsy. sorry bung ie for my language.IM JUST TIRED OF NOOBS. [Edited on 05.15.2008 1:05 PM PDT]

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  • Its always to hard for me to tell if I'm playing with someone with Recon, the only time I remember playing with someone who had it was when I played with Master (i only looked for it cause he also had the flaming head though lol) It'd be cool if they made it a little more unique then the other armours.

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  • Thank you so much for postin g this. i hated that recon craze so much i mean ffs its for you guys!!! yiou created the -blam!- triiology u deserve it not those -blam!-tards who think theyre lett cozx they got an overkill

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  • Why not just do away with recon. I know Bungie tried to do a good thing with recon, but it has gotten out of hand. People in this forum are constantly disrespecting each other out of want for this armor, , and frankly Im tired of these people. People are always putting other people down for it I got blacklisted for doing that, and yes I do feel bad for that, but if there was no recon, problems such as this would not arise. Bungie can't easily do away with this now, because of the insane amount of want for it, but it would be in their best intentions and the forums. Bungies because their massive (im sure) influx of "I WANT HAS RECON" PMs, and the community, which could more easily settle down, and be better as a whole. I know some people will despise bungie if they ever got rid of the recon, but the fact of the matter is, no one really deserves it. Everyone is having something that has to do with a want for recon in almost all their posts. Hell, im even hoping for recon with this post, proving myself good. Thats why I want this armor to not be handed out. Its for the community. I dont hate recon, I want it as much as the next guy but people are balantly throwing their lives away for it, and I dont want that. Please hear me out Bungie. Now if you excuse me, I am going to help some orphans build shelters for the homeless

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  • I think it's about time everyone takes into account that it' only an armour, i'm not saying I don't want it (no beg) just that people are getting too extreme about it. What really annoys me know is when people trick others on Halo 3 into getting recon armour,so overall thank you yoozel you may of received my message,sorry about that I didn't know,and we can have what the Halo franchise was made for, a great time.

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  • I agree, It would also be cool if there was an elite version to the recon too. Maybe using the "Real" arbiter armour. Who knows... Bungie might surprise us once again :)

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  • umm what is hippo licking???

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  • guys who just responded didnt u read the 67663539500039753029843393777 replys not to ask bungie for recon.oh and they probaly are coming out with new elite armor. its going to be arbiter armor[pwn tastic].oh saaaaaam u if u ask for recon actually spell it right[idiot] hhh reacon. [Edited on 05.14.2008 3:25 PM PDT]

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  • i want reacon ! !

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  • if ican can has recon than so ca i has recon LOL!

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  • I like most of the Spartan armor, but Flight and Commando are my favorites. I actually wish there was more Elite armor to balance the game out.

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  • I received a blacklisting for complaining about people asking for recon, but I'm not positive if I'm on the bad list, or the [i] really bad [/i] list...

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  • I know I am on their list for insulting Bungie, the moderators and the stupid kids on these forums, but I am happy that I know that I won't have to worry if I get it or not. Not that I was worried about it or anything but it worries me what other people will do to try and get it.

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  • How do I know if I achieved being on the list. (I don't want to be on there, but I think it's reserved for "very bad deeds.") Anyone know how?

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  • Bungie dosnt accept poorly writen letters like can i haz recon orcan i plz have recon.That is noob talk.Also especially when u say plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.You have to have a reason.Also when u ask with no reason you are a noob.And every noob put on scout heads and throw napolms on your head and like magic u got recon armor[for noobs].Or be an idiot like most noobs and ask for it.And long plzzzzzzzzzzes get u no where.Like me I have a reason.I got awesome pics[PLEASE RATE ON MY PROFILE].I beat that skartholon thingy on avalanche.I got a triple laser film when theirs 1 mongoose[2 passengers] and a ghost[ 1 passenger].I have to live with no odst and no marothon helmet.What im trying to say is if u want it so bad try

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  • Rmor is no big deal. It would be cool to have... but then again I don't want some annoying child following me around asking how I got it the entire game. Maybe I don't want it so much after all...

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  • um, your new correct, well i send u a message, i think u should read it......

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  • thats ok i dont want it much [Edited on 05.14.2008 8:19 AM PDT]

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  • CAN I HAZ RECON i dont mind if u say no [Edited on 05.14.2008 9:47 AM PDT]

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  • ok, now i know what not to do on recon armor. thanks for posting this. i'll try to be a good sport when i get off groundage and am able to play halo again. but i do have one question. and it's NOT " can i have recon armor!!" if bungie employees wear the armor and you sometimes give it out to good little girls and boys, how do you tell them apart??please message me i'm not on all the time like i'd like to be cuz the internet is always tied up. message me on my email '' or my account. preferablly the email address.

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  • Good idea posting this. Alot less people will be asking for it, and it caught my eye, i never knew you couldnt post in a forum that was asking for it. So thanks for the help guys.

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  • u can not get it u idiot did u read anythin

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  • that is pretty awesome. SPIDERMAN ARMOR all the way..../oh also ghost recon armor

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