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2/6/2008 2:53:54 PM

Anyone Who Posts or Replies in Threads About Recon Armor Will Be Banned

First, and most importantly, [url=]Click Here[/url]. Because people still can't be bothered to read the rules, here's an FAQ regarding Recon Armor. Recon armor topics and debates have recently become a full blown epidemic. In this case, [b][u]any thread about Recon Armor will be met with a stern ban.[/b][/u] Bungie has decided to use Recon as a means to either reward exceptional community members or any other way they see fit. Begging for it, selling yourself into slavery, hippo licking™ or posting every "leet" video that you've ever taken will not get you Recon Armor. Let me also clarify this rule with another post. [url=][quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos If you were following the rules, your thread wouldn't have gotten locked. If you want to find the source of your problem, locate a mirror. The rules apply to everybody - the mods aren't on a power trip because you happen to not like a certain rule. Nothing about Recon armor ever needs to get posted. You can't have it, you don't need to know how to get it, we don't care about your complaints about how you can't have it, or gloating that you do have it. If you want to talk about it so bad, make a group where you can make it so that all threads have to be about Recon armor.[/quote][/url] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ash55 Additional: If you see a thread that is entitled "How do I get reconz?" or anything similar, if you reply to it, [i]you're bumping a spam thread and keeping it alive.[/i] Under no circumstances are you to reply. Even if you intend well, you are ruining the forums by doing so and you will be blacklisted. If you want to tell the OP that their thread is off-topic, do so with a PM only. Thank you, you have been warned.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b]Achilles1108 Ok for all of you who do not understand what ash is saying I will summarize it for you. If you reply to any Recon thread you will get a [b][i]minimum[/b][/i] 3 day blacklisting. If you you do it again they will just get longer. Now is that simple enough to understand?[/quote] [quote][/quote][u]A mini FAQ about Recon:[/u] [b]What is Recon Armor?[/b] [i]Recon Armor is a special set of armor for Halo 3. It was originally given out to Bungie Staff and is a much sought after reward. [/i] [b]How do I obtain some reconz for me?[/b] [i]Posted By: Lukems Following up on this, asking folks from Bungie or here on the forums if we'll give it to you is a pretty great way of ensuring that you won't. Go about your business, be good folks and be excellent to everyone. And I'd probably advise against behaviors that would augment your EXP in some fashion, as well. We're watching, making lists, checking them twice and doling out treats when appropriate.[/i] [url=][i]I’m making a list, I’m checking it twice, and it’s a list of dumb messages (and perfectly polite ones) inquiring about the Recon armor permutation. The short answer to those inquiries is, “No, you can’t have it.” The people you see with the Recon helmet are Bungie employees, and they did nothing in-game to unlock it. There is nothing you can do to unlock it.[/i][/url] [url=][i]We’ll give it out based on good deeds and valuable community service and occasionally because they make us laugh, as seen above. There will be plenty of occasions and reasons to get it. PM-ing and emailing us will not make any difference. But play nice and be a good sport and who knows?[/i][/url] Recently we've been hearing a lot of chatter about “go to this link and send it to 50 of your friends” type messages showing up in people's messages. This [b]will not get you recon[/b] by either sending or trying to participate in them. Ignore them and block the user. Also information about going into your internet browser and changing your Halo 3 Service Record picture to recon will not get you recon. This is only a local change in how your browser reads and you will be the only person who sees a new picture in your Service Record. [b]Where can I see this recon armor?[/b] [i]Follow this link to read Halopedia's article about it [url=] here.[/url] There are also other websites that feature pictures and tidbits of information about it as well, please pick your search engine of choice (google for example) and initiate a search for it. Additionally using Bungie's own search feature and can look up previous topics about Recon.[/i] [b]Can I has recon!?[/b] [i][url=]no u can not has recon or cheezburger![/url][/i] [Edited on 09.04.2008 1:55 PM PDT]
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  • What would Bungie define as Community service?

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  • death to recon

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  • first rule of recon dont talk about recon lulz XD

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  • I know I will probably get a ban for this but I can't care less and I just think I need to say this: I think it's kind of unfair how the recon is handed out. I think actually only American or English people can get it because I know you need to do a community service and / or make bungie laugh or impress them. The only way I think this is possible is making an original and funny machinima, because there aren't any original funny kill's possible anymore since the street cone like splatter kill. I think now the only way of achieving recon is making a great Machinima. And people who don't have English as their mother language like me can't make their video with great voices, unless you speak English perfectly. I hope you all kinda get my point.

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  • Dude i totally agree! I have received about a 10000000000000000000 messages on xbox live from friends or recent players, that contains a picture with a description saying"post to all friends and recent players to get recon armor". That is the stupidest way (almost cheating) to try and get something on Bungie Favourites., consequentially leading to someone on bungie faves to get recon armor. Just put the picture in your file share, if it goes on bungie faves it goes, if it doesnt then get on with your "finishing the fight". Thanx

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  • i already have recon its not worth all that i got killed bye a explodiing mongoose the mongoose exploded and the tire hit me like a mile away and killed me

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  • WTF!? Who made Bungie, Bungie. The people who go on your website and chat endlessly about meaningless -blam!- like Recon Armor and who shelled out 60 bucks for each of your games. Now you're dealing out bans for being on the same post as someone who asks for Recon. Maybe you've seen that last scene in "Layer Cake" one to many times and you think you're so high up, you can't smell your own -blam!-, but this comes across as too high and mighty for me. Sorry you can't be bothered by your supporter's want of getting as much of your product as they can get their hands on. You created this atmosphere by creating the "cool kids get recon armor" crap. I used to make the pretty girl in high school laugh next thing you know I'm sparking joints with the 'A'-listers. How the hell did community members find out that some people who got Recon weren't Bungie employees anyway? Let me guess, one of the people you gave Recon to was such an ass they went around bragging about what they had...very deserving individual. Then at the end of this post you decide to post a link where we can find a picture of Recon Armor. Building up the hype and prestige for it is fine. All the unintended consequences? Well let's punish our loyal supporters. As for Bungie Employees having Recon, that's awesome. More power to you. You deserve it, but don't be so stupid as to think that people especially kids won't want it once they see other people parading it around like a brand new DS. I doubt you'll read my criticism, but it's more important to stand up then it is to be counted. [Edited on 06.06.2008 11:58 AM PDT]

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  • Haha, not to be a smart ass, but i am more then sure, they made more then "1" tiny part for themselves. Example; Bungie Armor... I think you have to be a real dumbass to say that makers of a game, only made 1 tiny armor permutation for themselves and friends to use throughout gameplay... The probably have hundreds of things that you have no idea about.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Yoozel Recon armor topics and debates have recently become a full blown epidemic. In this case, [b][u]any thread about Recon Armor will be met with a stern ban.[/b][/u] Bungie has decided to use Recon as a means to either reward exceptional community members or any other way they see fit. Begging for it, selling yourself into slavery, hippo licking™ or posting every "leet" video that you've ever taken will not get you Recon Armor.[/quote] Isold my soul to bungie. can i have recon? joking don't ban me

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AlexTheRed I like the look of the recon armor, but I'm not going to cry myself to sleep because I don't have it. Bungie made the freaking game, so I think they are entitled to create their own permutation if they want to. As for handing it out unfairly, Bungie controls every aspect of Halo anyway. They created the game! They can give the armor to whoever they want, because they designed it. And for the people who think that is it "unfair" that Bungie decided to keep one tiny part of the game for themselves, without them there wouldn't be a Halo 3. So find something useful to complain about.[/quote] I think im in love<3

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  • I don't know if this was already spoken of but my friends are telling me all these ways bungie rewards recon such as if I get a 50 skill in hardcore playlists, complete certain mazes, or get on bungie favorites. Are any of these true cuz That's all there talking about and if their wrong than I'd like to tell them so they'll shutup about it

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  • Thanks for this bit of information on the SERIOUSNESS of Recon Armor. I thought it was a little bit more accessible than you say it is but it's okay. My friends just saw one of my video clips from a custom game we were playing and they thought it was worthy of Recon armor because they heard of the player who got recon for blowing up a fusion coil and geting killed by a street cone. You probably don't care anyways. Well, thanks for the info.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HELLS W0LF [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vgnut117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HELLS W0LF [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vgnut117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HELLS W0LF [/quote] Isn't being a loyal fan enough to impress Bungie? [/quote] In my opinion no... Just because someone started to play Halo from the very start does not mean he or she should automadically get it. It is not fair because I started to play Halo when I was 7. (Yes I am 13) And I think just I am a big fan of bungie does not mean that I should get it just for playing for a long 6 years... My point is if you give one person recon for being a fan of Halo since it came out then all the people that heard it will start to lie that they are big fans of the Halo series. Then other people will start to whine and complain like what little cry babies do now about the armor. I can't believe people actually think if they annoy the crap out of bungie and all the other people they will magically get (The Armor)... Also people that kiss up to people to think that he or she is a understanding person on this topic ( I nwhich they can't make up their own words so they have to kiss ass)... And the last thing its armor don't worry about it plus its in a game if it was in real life that you could walk around in it they I would see your point but further more if bungie wants to give THIER customized armor that was JUST to be for BUNGIE then fine. Your Furry Friend - Wolfy[/quote] I've told you from the begining they handled the situation poorly and immaturely at times. They worked hard on Halo 3 yes, but remember that is their profession and if they want the best selling now second best selling game you obviously need to work hard. They need to stop pulling the "We worked extra hard" card. Yeah they did work hard, lots of game developers do and most of them would give Recon in a heart beat to have Bungie's success. Like I said I believe they mean well by it but have handled it very immaturely at times. Bungie had their fun and with no new armor coming out, why not release Recon as that free dlc. [b]([/b]And the armor was originally suppose to be for everyone. Such as when bungie revealed it [u]and said[/u] anyone could unlock it, and after Halo 3's release when they decided to immaturely take people on wild goose chases for the armor just to get laughs. It was only after Bungie decided they had grown tired of if that they went out and said it was only for them. [i]And then[/i] after growing tired on fan backlash they came up with a solution. Ban anyone who mentions Recon on the forum[b])[/b] [Edited on 06.05.2008 6:44 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vgnut117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HELLS W0LF [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vgnut117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HELLS W0LF [/quote] Isn't being a loyal fan enough to impress Bungie? [/quote] In my opinion no... Just because someone started to play Halo from the very start does not mean he or she should automadically get it. It is not fair because I started to play Halo when I was 7. (Yes I am 13) And I think just I am a big fan of bungie does not mean that I should get it just for playing for a long 6 years... My point is if you give one person recon for being a fan of Halo since it came out then all the people that heard it will start to lie that they are big fans of the Halo series. Then other people will start to whine and complain like what little cry babies do now about the armor. I can't believe people actually think if they annoy the crap out of bungie and all the other people they will magically get (The Armor)... Also people that kiss up to people to think that he or she is a understanding person on this topic ( I nwhich they can't make up their own words so they have to kiss ass)... And the last thing its armor don't worry about it plus its in a game if it was in real life that you could walk around in it they I would see your point but further more if bungie wants to give THIER customized armor that was JUST to be for BUNGIE then fine. Your Furry Friend - Wolfy

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  • i'm sorry if this has been asked already, there's just 77 pages and i don't know about reading all of them... is recon built into the game like acually burned onto the disk or is it dlc?

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  • i love recon and i have always wanted it but i can handle not having it

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  • So simply playing on Halo and Being well behaved on the Forums will bag that sweet set?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spngefan11 [url=]Bungie's reaction to any who ask.[/url] Go to 2:04 and see.[/quote] ROFL that is funny, i bet thats what everyone does when they see a recon topic lol

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  • will replying to this or asking a bungie worker over xbox live get u banned from "IT"

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  • well said Lostcowbot i honor ur words, ah men bro

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  • And yet idiots insist on making the threads... Tell ya what, why don't we just give them the BOOTS of the recon? You know, so we can shove our feet up their ass?

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  • [url=]Bungie's reaction to any who ask.[/url] Go to 2:04 and see.

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  • can i have the recon armor plz

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  • Im an elite so...recon=phail.

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  • I have to agree with Vgnut117, Bungie is acting like teh government when trying to cover things up and all that. If Bungie would give away Recon to MOST everyone, not those spammers, then spam here would decrease immensely.

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  • One more qustion. Bungie why did you do this. Why. Just accept defeat. The mojority of the peolpe want to put an end to this. We payed for this game. We have wasted many hours of our life on Halo. We have bought mecendice like the legenary edition and toys. We could just stop..........and let Halo die. Bungie doesn't have the power........WE DO. Sponcered by Coca Cola [Edited on 06.05.2008 8:07 AM PDT]

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