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2/5/2008 2:43:22 PM

Glitch in Member Roles/Titles?

Last night I went to bed as a member. I wake up this morning as a Mythic Member. What happened?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Noshotskill The system is still messed up, they took heroic members from people that should have them, while some who shouldn't still have highier member titles still have theirs.[/quote] He givith with ease, he taketh with ease. Who are you to decide who deserves what? [Edited on 02.19.2008 9:49 PM PST]

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  • The system is still messed up, they took heroic members from people that should have them, while some who shouldn't still have highier member titles still have theirs.

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  • I went back to being a regular member. I was a little disappointed considering the only reason I don't have my old account is so that I don't have two random emails for MSN and bungie. I have been a member since 2004 I think. But not on this account :/

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  • sucks for you guys [Edited on 02.19.2008 3:48 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Big Black Bear [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gamer 152 I was heroic, I'm now just a regular member. I'm certain Bungie must of changed the title system.[/quote]Fasntastic detective work there, Sherlock.[/quote] isn't it no s*** sherlock? EDIT: nooooooooooooooooooooooo I've gone back to member =( [Edited on 02.19.2008 1:46 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gamer 152 I was heroic, I'm now just a regular member. I'm certain Bungie must of changed the title system.[/quote]Fasntastic detective work there, Sherlock.

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  • I was heroic, I'm now just a regular member. I'm certain Bungie must of changed the title system.

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  • When the ranks were messed up, I was boosted to a Legendary member. Then they were fixed, and I was a Heroic member. It's been that way since now, where I am now a Member... Perhaps I don't understand the system that well, but I assumed that I would stay a Heroic member until I either got promo'ed again or did something stupid and got banned. Neither has happened - what gives? (P.S. - Totally not a big deal. Just wondering!)

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  • If you've read the entire thread (which I don't blame you for not doing), you'd discover that the system is based on 'trust', which I guess is like +rep'ing someone.

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  • but, how do you go up in ranks? Like go from Member to Heroic member?

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  • A couple days ago, I was a Heroic Member. But now, I am just a member...makes me a little sad....

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  • "Heroes are born. Legends are made." I'm tempted to sit on a store shelf and steadily decrease in price.

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  • iPhone support.

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  • Guess its set in stone that I'm a lengend. Meh...

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  • The other day i was an herioc member, now im just an ordinary member again

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Big Black Bear [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nothing Works Damn. Oh well. Heroic was fun while it lasted. Time to bend over and take my demotion...[/quote]Guys... Enough already. It wasn't a demotion. It was a correction. They fixed a bug that was never right to begin with. You are where you should be now.[/quote] lol, I got a promotion :-D. Seriously though, its a small thing next to your name. Grow up about it.

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  • i agree

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  • i was heroic and i am now testing if i demoted *this is the test*

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  • I am legendary, But I am more than sure that I ranked up before all of this happened.

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  • hmm I didn't notice yesterday...

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  • [u] [b] just a day ago i was a heroic member and now i looked at my stats and I'm just a member and i send a message to bugs and they just said that all member ships were corrected and that 70,000 people got promoted to heroic by mistake like others have been promoted to legendary and Mythic and now with yesterday's update it has been all corrected. [/b] [/u]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nothing Works Damn. Oh well. Heroic was fun while it lasted. Time to bend over and take my demotion...[/quote]Guys... Enough already. It wasn't a demotion. It was a correction. They fixed a bug that was never right to begin with. You are where you should be now.

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  • Damn. Oh well. Heroic was fun while it lasted. Time to bend over and take my demotion...

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  • Lol funny edit: yay im heroic !! [Edited on 02.15.2008 3:02 AM PST]

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  • i was demoted from heroic to a normal member and i don't know why. i havent been banned i post at least 10 time a week and i've been here for 2 years so whats up?

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  • Did something else get tweaked again?

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