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2/5/2008 2:43:22 PM

Glitch in Member Roles/Titles?

Last night I went to bed as a member. I wake up this morning as a Mythic Member. What happened?

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  • Most curious. I'm now all the way down to 'member' status. I assume this isn't a glitch. It is based on merit after all. Yet I would like to know just exactly what I've done wrong. It'd be nice if I got a pm whenever that field was changed... Someone here must dislike me I guess. [Edited on 02.25.2008 10:55 AM PST]

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  • The system is still glitched, I see to many Heroic Members who have been here since Oct 2007, after Halo 3 cameout. Theres way to many normal members who have been here since 2006 without that rank. It makes no sense, only real explanation is the system for ranks still has bug issues.

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  • idk, ive been around since 06 and got a 3 day ban for responding to spam, oh well, it just looks a little cooler i guess

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  • I think I'm a glitched person too. I didn't even have an account made until after halo 3 came out. I'm actually making this post to see if I'm still glitched. Nope, they fixed me. [Edited on 02.22.2008 6:30 AM PST]

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  • I don't think there is a point to be honest except stroking some peoples ego's. In my opinion you should care more about what a person posts rather than the length of time they have been posting.

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  • I don't get it, what's the point of the titles? I've been here since 2005 on this account I think and was never banned. I also made it into the Halo 3 friends and families beta. [Edited on 02.22.2008 4:09 AM PST]

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  • I have been here for 1 year so I think that I really should be a Heroic Member.

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  • Last time I noticed, I was a Heroic member. Now I'm just a member?!? I can't believe it. :-( (Actually, I was quite suprised when I became a Heroic Member. I had only been here for about a month)

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  • ^^um ok? [Edited on 02.21.2008 2:07 AM PST]

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  • Don't worry.. Your heroic now. ^(^.^)>

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  • i have no idea whats going on i had been a Heroic member for a couple of months and now i'm just a member. I have been here for 2 years, never been blacklisted or warned, i post almost every day and i don't post on spam topics so maybe they took some of the people who deserved the rank down to a member. i hope it's fixed soon.

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  • ok so when all this glitching started i was legendary. After it settled down, i went back to my original heroic self. Now tonight i find myself once again legendary.... Could i have somehow went up to legendary legitimately?? edit: oh well im not going to worry about it... i've found that to be effective in most situations [Edited on 02.21.2008 10:08 AM PST]

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  • AJAQ, sorting through the millions of people is their job. One they do quite well might I add.

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  • I do my best to include one or 2 French phrases in my posts. It shows Bungie my representation of my homeland. Je suis né à Lyon.

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  • Mine's normal. It will always be normal.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mavrick v2 There is a great storm coming...its name is "Change." It moves slowly and steadily, but drasticaly alters a reality... Tis' be Bungie with their dedicated web team out to fix everything...[/quote] Oh snap...

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  • There is a great storm coming...its name is "Change." It moves slowly and steadily, but drasticaly alters a reality... Tis' be Bungie with their dedicated web team out to fix everything...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ratamacue Qui est-ce un légende maintenant? Nous sommes les légendes.[/quote] Thats French! Sweet I know what he said! I feel so special. But wait! Ghandi2 got banned?! Eh, it was only a matter of time... [Edited on 02.20.2008 3:24 AM PST]

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  • its okay anchronos. im happy :) lol

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  • care to elaborate on trust rating?

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  • My rank hasn't changed. Ghandi 2 got banned, and apparently Blu-ray is the new thing. I don't even know what an HD-DVD is! Or Blu-ray! I see no reason to stay. Good night, you who panic at the technological disaster. -goes to bed listening to his iPod mini-

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Juicybot [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AJAQ [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Noshotskill The system is still messed up, they took heroic members from people that should have them, while some who shouldn't still have highier member titles still have theirs.[/quote] He givith with ease, he taketh with ease. Who are you to decide who deserves what?[/quote] The people should decide who deserves what rating, not some computer.[/quote] Sorting one million people? Seems rather ... annoying. As the saying goes: "This isn't a democracy. Bungie controls all. Play Nice" Side Note: What the $&%* happened to this forum? [Edited on 02.19.2008 9:54 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AJAQ [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Noshotskill The system is still messed up, they took heroic members from people that should have them, while some who shouldn't still have highier member titles still have theirs.[/quote] He givith with ease, he taketh with ease. Who are you to decide who deserves what?[/quote] The people should decide who deserves what rating, not some computer.

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  • Qui est-ce un légende maintenant? Nous sommes les légendes.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Noshotskill The system is still messed up, they took heroic members from people that should have them, while some who shouldn't still have highier member titles still have theirs.[/quote] He givith with ease, he taketh with ease. Who are you to decide who deserves what? [Edited on 02.19.2008 9:49 PM PST]

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