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Edited by Evilcam: 8/29/2014 7:19:28 PM

What are your top 5 games of all time?

With destiny less than two weeks away, i have been wondering if this game is gonna take a spot in my top 5. Im curious to see what your top 5 games are. This is not about story, multiplayer, content, or anything besides pure enjoyment in the game. Mine are fallout 3, gta 5, battlefield 3, modern warfare 2 :0, and star wars battlefront 2. These are the games i remember playing the most and having tons of fun with.

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  • I'm more for more story and originality over graphics and content. Soooo 1. Chrono trigger/Chrono cross 2. Megaman 3. Golden Axe 4. Surprisingly and don't hate me till you try it . Glover 5. Champions of Norath In order of best to worst

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  • KOTOR Battlefront 2 Skyrim MW2 SWTOR/LOTRO/GW2 (3 way tie)

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  • I just can't put them in order, it's too hard Halo CE Halo 3 Zelda A link to the past GTA V Monkey Island

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  • 1. FFVII 2. Halo: CE 3. Halo 3 4. TES V: Skyrim 5. TES III: Morrowind

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  • Zork,Lode Runner, Quake 2,FF VII,Halo series.

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  • I can't choose between games so I'll give my favorite series, hope that's okay. 1. Dragon Age series 2. Mass Effect trilogy 3. Diablo 3 4. Bioshock trilogy 5. Gears of War trilogy

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  • Borderlands 2 mario 3 skyrim mass effect

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  • Edited by Snicklebits: 8/29/2014 12:25:26 AM
    1. Final Fantasy 11 (the mmorpg) 2. Final Fantasy 7 3. Resident Evil: 4 4. CoD: Blops 5. Dark Souls

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  • 1. Dark Souls 2. Halo 3 3. Halo: Reach 4. Star Wars Battlefront 5. Mario Party 7* *Don't judge me..... [spoiler]Seriously, don't. I know where you live![/spoiler]

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by Kisj: 8/29/2014 12:18:52 AM
      I have no idea, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say: The legend of zelda ocarina of time, probably going to be destiny too, the legend of zelda majoras mask, road rash jailbreak, super Mario 64. If I change my mind about some of these i will probably edit this post.

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    • Edited by ballunix: 8/29/2014 12:06:43 AM
      I'd think 5 is too little for most of us even if you only limit it to a single system (unless one has very little exposure to a particular platform). Can anyone, after giving it some real thought, even pick their favourite Mario games? 1 - the best zelda 2 - the best Metroid 3 - the best Mario 4 - the best final fantasy 5 - Chrono Trigger. No, wait Secret of Mana. No, wait, The best Phantasy Star. NO! WAIT! CASTLEVANIA! NOOOOOOOO! WAIT!!!! yeah. . .

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      1 Reply
      • Edited by aboniks: 8/28/2014 11:49:02 PM
        Not in any order, but my all time favorites: Marathon (mac) R-Type (arcade) Angband (pc) Samurai Shodown 2 (arcade) Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 (nes)

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      • 1 - The Legend of Zelda (NES) 2 - Halo 2 3 - Metal Gear Solid 4 - Castlevania - Symphony of the Night 5 - Bioshock

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      • Final Fantasy Tactics Madden 06 (the last good one) Skyrim Uncharted 2 Age of Empires 3

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      • Other than Destiny: 1. Waiting for Destiny 2. Not being able to play Destiny 3. Destiny withdraw 4. Annoying my friends by talking about Destiny 5. Destiny withdraw: Game of the year edition

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      • No order. Zelda link to the past Breath of fire 2 and 3 Metal gear solid Halo 2 and 3 Kung fu E.V.O Super Mario Bros Super ghouls and ghosts Blades of steel RBI baseball

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      • 1. Halo 3 2. Halo 2 3. CoD MW 4. Halo Reach 5. CoD Ghosts

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      • In no particular order: Star Wars battlefront 2 Time splitters 2 Halo reach Borderlands 2 CoD blops ,blops 2, or WaW can't decide So yes I like shooting things

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      • Edited by Tacticus: 8/28/2014 11:57:47 PM
        1) The entire Marathon Trilogy 2) Myst 2: Riven 3) Star Wars Battlefront 2 4) Pathways into Darkness 5) Age of Empires 3 I predict destiny will bump off riven as my 2nd favorite

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      • The Legend of Zelda, A Link to the Past Chrono Trigger Doom II Diablo Mass Effect The list above is in order of the time frame I experienced them. Not sure if I could really place a 1-5 order to them in preference as they are all vastly different experiences. There are tons of other great games I have played, but I would have to say these five were the ones that when I began the journey of playing them, they gave me that sense of awe and excitement that I was experiencing something new. Some of the sequels were technically superior but didn't have that same sense of something 'new' if that makes sense. I have either put an absurd amount of hours into each of these and/or played through them multiple times (something I don't do often with games, movies, or books unless they have a real impact on me). Destiny gave me that renewed sense and feel when I played the beta...

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      • The Last Of Us and Destiny

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      • 5)Mario Kart 4)Assassins Creed 2 3)Fifa 12 2)Halo 3 1)Call of Duty 4

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      • 5. Gothic 4. Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind 3. Civilization Series 2. Halo 3 1. Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn

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      • Edited by r o b b i e: 8/28/2014 11:44:04 PM
        1.destiny 2.destiny 3.destiny 4.destiny 5.destiny :)

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      • Cod 4 Cod 5 Cod 6 Cod 7 Cod 8

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        2 Replies
        • 5. star fox 4.ac4 black flag 3.infamous 2 2. Kingdom hearts 1&2 (put them as one) 1. The Last of Us (Destiny may go on this list but it has not been released) (I played on playstation so I did not get to experience gears or halo sadly)

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