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originally posted in: Why is there a "console war"
8/25/2014 6:26:33 AM
ah, it's simply good old classic tradition in gaming - and you just gotta respect the classics! but don't loose your nerves about any of the cockyness in it - my example: Playstation now obviously rules all known and unknown, possible and impossible worlds - hurrah! lol-PC-pseudo-Master-Race? hah! degenerated to some, in multi-platform releases comparatively per-user less-profitable (lower prices payed vs. larger troubles made...), for success in copy-sales to amazing insignificance shrinked (just one example: GTA5...), underpowered hardware-using (the PC = not the comparatively few High-End-PC's out there, but instead the avarage Gamer-PC that actually stands on the users desks worldwide - a fu**ing piece of garbage!), Retro-Game-Niche-Platform community! and the BoXX'ers? pay more4less? M'kayhh... . like i said, everybody has they're own stance in this classic, varying in intensity - just try to not take the thing as a whole too serious - as most people (like obviously myself) are just waaaay too much dragged to one side in this, to be even just qualified for any credible statement in it :) .

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