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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Ingloriouswho98: 8/24/2014 11:26:54 PM

That's Pretty Impressive

Honestly, it's amazing how many excuses you guys can come up with for Destiny Seriously, the faster we can admit that Destiny has flaws, the faster we can actually discuss the game Really, do you actually except this game to be [i]the best game ever[/i] or so good that you'll skip school or work for it?? I love Destiny as much as anyone (not you guys though) but honestly it's just a game The conversations you guys hold really worry me "Deej, please cancel his preorder. We don't want him to experience your epic creation" - some fanboy who responded to a legit concern Seriously?? You guys need to admit that it has some flaws No split screen? That's a big flaw "Modern games have no need for split screen" "Split screen holds the game back" Really? If Bungie had added split screen I can guarantee that [b]no one[/b] will be complaining how split screen is such a thing of the past No proximity chat Another big one With how much Bungie is emphasizing teamwork, you would expect a ways to communicate with others right? You're seriously very alone in the "social" world of Destiny "I don't want people raging through my mic" Then mute them Is it really that hard to spend five seconds to mute someone?? These features are optional You don't want them, don't use it They're easy to add but still You guys defend Bungie like they're always right And after the beta, there were obviously many features that we didn't like or didn't see "ITS JUST A BETA" I hate that so much We were a month from launch Did you really except them to add all your beloved features in? Whatever you saw in the beta, that's it From the beta to the launch is just to smooth out bugs or to fix up any technical problems And they really didn't try to hold back in the beta Don't try the "they blocked off a large percentage of the beta" thing "We're treating the beta as its own product. It's going to be big. We're throwing everything we got at this thing" - some interview with Bungie It was advertised as the preorder bonus and its own grand journey Honestly, it left a lot to be desired I'm not going to say what the beta failed at because every game has flaws I'm okay with that It's just the community coming to defending every mistake that pisses me off Now after the beta and you get more and more info, toy realize that the content is much smaller than you thought and that it doesn't live up to expectations You then try to push the problem away by saying "DLC! DLC!" "Private matches in DLC" "More planets in DLC" Seriously, the fact that there are DLCs in the first place is terrible The game should come with the full game Not as a disc with downloads later on Trust me, DLCs don't offer that much From what I've seen of Destiny, DLCs are likely to include -Couple of new missions -Some new guns and items -New maps Do you really expect this game to be all that?? And when you find a legit concern, you mark it off as a O/1O troll to avoid addressing the problem #Destiny is basically Praise Destiny No opinions That being said, I love Destiny It's a great game Not the best or groundbreaking but very good But this forum is very self defeating You post questions that you already "know" the answers to "Will there be/Will you do/Why would you Blah Blah Blah in Destiny?" How do you know what's going to be in Destiny? You want so much in this game that of course you're going to think that it's all included This is the same argument you use on people with concerns for the game "You don't know what Destiny is like so don't criticize it" Yet you go right back to daydreaming about your beloved features that you want in the game Once (if) you finally realize that Destiny isn't perfect, we can have discussion "Oh this weapon/feature/map/gamemode is lacking. What can we do to fix it?" Or "Oh man, this weapon/map/mission/feature totally sucks. Let's see what we can do to make it better" But there's none of that because you think the game is perfect Let's please come back to Earth and be real Thanks Edit: I'm not complaining about the game I'm complaining about fanboys defending it

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  • Edited by Blackliukang: 8/24/2014 1:39:45 AM
    But what of I think its perfect? Just because you don't like certain aspects of the game doesn't mean I should have a problem with it too and by you making this thread means we can have a discussion about it because im allowed to comment and disagree. If you choose to not reply then that's you bro lol if you have a problem with the game take that shit to the feedback section.

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  • I normaly fully agree with the dlc part, but the fact that bungies "shared world shooter with some mmo aspects" could function like wow or other mmorpgs (content wise, adding new zones, strikes, raids and planets... who knows) with the dlc i think its ok. Also take in note: their time was probably limited or the cd was just to full. I bet destiny is a pretty big game (meaning that it could have no space left on the cd) so releasing dlcs is a good thing, if there is enough content. Constantly swapping cds just for different planets would be shit. (Also i and many others wouldnt wanted to wait much longer for the game to come out). They say they want to support the game 10 years, so dlcs are just fine with the propper content. Lets just wait the 16 days, play the story and the raids and then brag about it.

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  • [quote]Let's please come back to Earth and be real[/quote] Nah, I'd rather stay here on the Moon. Still trying to figure out where that Wizard came from.

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  • So you don't like what Destiny is bringing to the table at launch. That's fine. Maybe they will add the features you want eventually and maybe not. What you should do is pretend Destiny launches a year from now and check it out then. At that time you'll be able to see if Destiny meets your gaming standards. Me personally I want this game right -blam!-ing now and would be pissed as hell if it got delayed to add these minor things you mentioned.

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    • -_- hm another pointless post. Everything you just said isn't going to change what anybody else has said. All you did was waste your own personal time typing this when you could have just ignored all the stupid people.

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    • Expect*

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      • People complaining, people complaining about people complaining, and now this guy complaining about people not complaining. Where does it end? I just wish it was 9/9 so everyone could just shut up about Destiny and start playing it.

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        • Edited by EmperorRick: 8/24/2014 4:26:25 AM
          Interesting perspective considering the majority of commenters have very few good things to say about the game. I think it looks spectacular. I don't think it's perfect and I do think it will be a work in progress. But let's put it this way: World of Warcraft is the undisputed king of MMOs. There is no discussion, there is no argument. The numbers, popularity, and it's longevity are a testament to this. If you disagree, your opinion is only that, and of personal preference, not fact. If Blizzard did not evolve, improve, and reinvent WoW over the years, it would have stalled, turned nose first to the ground, and exploded in a giant ball if fire long, long ago. I remember shortly after launch in November 2004, they had to shut their servers down for an entire week to address massive problems. They continue, EVERY SINGLE TUESDAY, to shut down for 8 hour maintenance periods - nearly 10 full years later. So let me turn this around on you. Answer these questions: Do you honestly expect any game of completely massive proportion to be released with absolute perfection? ( ie. you had zero issues with the game's state, ever.) If yes, explain and provide an example of where this has happened. Do you believe that Bungie will release the game, and not change a single thing to improve, augment, or accommodate to better/more gameplay over the life span of this game? (Supposedly 10 years). I'll wait.... Did you believe (truthfully), given the trend over the last 5-6 years, that DLC content would not exist on this game? ( ie, similar to the first question, that this game would be released with every piece of content they could imagine creating) Why do you think that every complaint or suggestion is met with blind faith in the game? Clearly there have been many good suggestions from the community, and many of them will be addressed in one way or another by the Bungie team, either now or soon. Similarly, if people are genuinely excited that this might be [i]their[/i] best game ever, why do you feel it is your right to take that away from them? Personally, no game is "great" enough to skip work or university (because I have my shit together, and games are secondary to life - you kids will learn too, one day), but it is a big game, and it is exciting, regardless of the short comings it has (reality or perceived). And finally, look at this objectively: You are mad because lots of people are excited, and are defending the game they want to play. Conversely, they are mad because you are trying to tell them the game is a disappointment. Why is your opinion worth more? Or Less? Why does everything devolve into a ridiculous, argumentative state? Bottom line, if it ain't worth the 60 bones to you to play the game, then bounce on outta here and find something that makes you happy (or less negative). If it is worth it, then great. You'll find out if it has staying power or not soon enough. Y so serious?

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          • Edited by Nestroit: 8/24/2014 7:34:50 AM
            Shure it has got some flaws but the overall experience is amazing and addictive, the beta was crazy fun, why complaining? Skyrim and the fallout games had bigger flaws and I would still consider them being at least 9/10 Games, the experience/adventure matters.

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          • Wait i thought you left?

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          • You're pretty wrong on a lot of those posts. Split screen does technically make the game worse, load up Halo 4 and play Complex, then load that same map in split screen, and tell me it doesn't suddenly have incredible framerate drop. For the Halo games Bungie actually made, they would cut textures in split screen and other things just to keep it running smoothly. It's also in no way a 'big flaw', it's an optional thing that is nice to have for some people. Proximity chat is also not a big flaw. In any mode where you have a team, you are able to talk to them. The only place you don't hear people is free roam, in strikes/raids/missions you have to be on a fireteam to play with other people, and that is exactly when you can hear people imagine that. You also seriously underestimate what they are able to do, as much as some people overestimate what they can do. And did you really think people were skipping school because it was "Perfect?" Bitch please, people skip because they want to enjoy it because it will be fun, just like we did with Halo 3 and 2 etc. not because we think it's some magical end-all game that will never be topped. You are a complete hypocrite, if for this line only, "You post questions that you already "know" the answers to", and then you come on here acting as if you 'know' all of these flaws, and that based on your own skewed perspective are 'huge flaws'. Get off your high horse, you are just as bad as anyone saying it's perfect, you are only posting to try to justify your complaints, it's pathetic.

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            • Yeah, no split screen is a bummer , but I understand why it wasn't added into the game.

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            • Here's a tip. If you want to try and be the voice of "reason" or appear impartial you probably shouldn't imply that anyone who defends why certain features aren't in a game or ARE in a game are simply fanboys with their heads in the clouds. People are allowed to have different opinions. It's just as bad as dismissing anyone who has a gripe as a troll. In the interest of actually having a discussion about something other than console wars etc, I'll add my viewpoints on your list. No complaints on split screen? I guess you never experienced matches in Halo: Reach where a team of four playing split screen would grab host and lag the game out if their internet connection wasn't pristine. Leaving it out over those concerns is a legitimate choice in a game with matchmaking going on in the background in public spaces. It's not a flaw if it's a different type of game. The lack of proximity chat? I think it should be enabled when exploring the world and disabled in the Tower with the option of leaving it off all the time. Why? Given the number of people who congregate in the tower I can imagine the personal hell of trying to figure out which person standing on top of an awning in a group of 30 doing the same thing is the one with 7 yapping dogs in their house. The "its just a beta" argument? Most of the time I saw it in response to someone crying because they didn't have enough to do gameplay-wise. It was a smaller slice of a larger bunch of activities. In that context it's perfectly reasonable The whole "A game should be the finished when you buy it" statement in regards to DLC is totally unrealistic and entitled. You're getting the full game. The planned DLC that's coming later is extra AND it adds some content without them going to a subscription model like WoW other games with persistent online worlds (Which by the way consistently offered expansions or "DLC" for a price as well). They aren't making some stripped down hulk of a game that's going to suck and then ask for DLC to finish it. Games like that don't last long enough for anyone to even buy the DLC. NOTHING is perfect, but when I choose to experience art or entertainment I'm spending my time and money to enjoy it, not pick it apart. I have no doubt that Bungie is going to put out a game that's fun to play. It's that simple. Are there constructive changes that can be made to the voice chat system? Yes. Does it make the game suck? No. That's the problem. People want to accuse people of thinking a game is perfect when they defend it, while unrealistically expecting perfection themselves.

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              • well this is the best game i have played, that's a fact.

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              • I think you like the game. There's things you want in the game but you know that launch is around the corner so, you are upset because you know Bungie is not fixing your flaws. Let me tell you that everyone has there own opinions about Destiny. Me personally I love it. Its new to me I guess thats why I love it. Im a COD fanboy but how is it that a game like this is keeping me from playing COD advance warfare this year ? I made it very clear that COD is no more for me that I was ready for a change. Destiny happen to shed that light that I was waiting for. My gaming spirits were dead until I participated in Destiny (Alpha). It made me feel something I haven't felt for a game in a long time and that my friend is excitement. I don't think I'm the only one who feels great anticipation for Destiny. Its not called blind or ignoring flaws its basically called passion. That's what Destiny is " Passion ". The game is that good that I think those small flaws you pointed out are not that much big of a deal. I read threads these past few months and saw people upset about split screen and proximity chat but those flaws were left out for a reason. So far I know bungie is going to ace this game. Already nominated over 150 awards and broke the record at game stop for the most pre-order ever in gaming history. I know Bungie is not disappointing no one with Destiny. This is my opinion on how I feel about Destiny. Strong enough to ignore the bad and just think of the good that is there to come. Be safe guardian and trust me you are going to forget those flaws of yours.

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                • Split- Screen an awful flaw? that is your opinion. I am glad no split screen cause I don't want to play with people using split screen. Is that selfish? Yes but I am playing for me, not for you. Thank you Bungie Voice-chat, I don't want waste my time muting people all day, I hate taking my time in Titanfall to figure out who is talking then muting, yet I want to use voice-chat for the few people that take advantage of it. Bungie gets it thank god, prox chat is a horrible idea. DCUO proves it. So Bungie thanks. So just cause people disagree with you doesn't mean they are fanboys. Some people really do agree with Bungie, they gave me things I didn't even know I wanted at first. DLCs I am happy with as long game holds my interest. I played $15 a month just to play games like WoW, FF11, FF14ARR, Rift, so paying every few months for a little extra content don't bother me.

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                • Edited by Khârn the Betrayer: 8/24/2014 9:32:51 AM
                  I am not going to take a big shit on you, that's the biggest waste of effort on any forum. What you have here is a difference of opinion with a collective, your frustration with not being able to sway said collective is really showing in your post. Splitscreen: If we were still on an N64, where internet did not exist in its current state, I would be on my horse right beside you. Up in arms and ready to hack any jerk who said it was dumb. Splitscreen is a family oriented design, first and foremost. If you love gaming with your brothers, sisters or parents then this luxury item is a must have. But, this day and age is a bit different than the one a lot of us grew up in. The online population for FPS genre's exceed traditional methods and as an additional production cost to include splitscreen and online pseudo mmo persistent world gameplay, is just not there. Typical counter argument: You could do that in the later Halo games. This would be incorrect, Halo was strictly a lobby style game that outside of story gameplay which was traditional and linear as hell, had no persistent online world. It was a matchmaking lobby. With less to focus on in core design, adding additional commands being sent from the console to the servers was easier to achieve. You should also remember, this wasn't a day one deal, it took time to get to that point. Destiny is a different beast and we know we are getting 3 more games. Proximity chat: Default off, I am ok with this. Nobody should be forced to stop their gameplay in order to mute every random. It goes beyond taking 5 seconds to mute a single person, with the instancing set up, you may need to mute a new person every 5 seconds. The compounding inconvenience far outweighs the perceived necessity, where-as having your friends and fireteam only is the easiest solution. Nobody is dismissing the benefits, they just don't compare to the mountain of cons attached to it. If you're a seasoned FPS gamer, you know the problems associated with proximity chat that persist, cross platform and generation. Issues from the Beta: Yeah, it is a Beta, that's the time to have issues and get people to speak up about it. But there are more factors than an irate few to determine whether the issue is an issue, or just user bias and preference. Metrics, Reports, in house testing which is compared against beta feedback. If someones complaint doesn't add up, it's not game breaking, limiting or even a problem. The user is their own problem, either due to hypersensitivity or other issues that no one would dare to accuse. Misconceptions of DLC are huge, especially on the internet and in communities like Reddit, Imgur and any other popular outlet that uses the silly Pie model to explain DLC. The fact is, you're always getting the whole game as it is intended to be on release. Very rarely do you get something that should be there but isn't due to a pay gate. While you can choose to be ignorant of this and continue to argue against DLC with nothing but assertions, you should at least acknowledge the truth of it. 1: Return on Investment and cost bloat, it takes more to make more. Self explanatory is self explanatory. 2: Cut content that was a part of scope bloat, this was the fat that didn't make the final cut but after a redesign, was a good fit for the game. 3: DLC gives a studio a reason to keep people on board and justify their jobs. Most Contracts are 6-9 months, depending on the department you specialize in and your previous experience. Yes, there are contracts for longer, considering some games take 5 years to make now, but if you want to get your foot into the door, this is your life. RFT is hard to come by in the gaming industry and is a huge reason why many designers just wash out after a few years, DLC offers more work and experience. 4: Was the part of a sequel, but funding got cut so it's time to get what you can with what you have. It may save the franchise, so you might as well shoot for the stars and possibly hit the moon. That being said, there are cases where a game was slimmed to make DLC. This practice is distasteful... But with Engines like Unreal out there, where next gen is possible and they want to make it as cheap as possible (cheaper than last gen productions, excluding inflation) then there is hope for the future. There is no such thing as perfect my friend. You're mixing peoples willingness to overlook minor details in order to see the grand picture, with blind faith, because lets face it, even masterpieces have flaws.

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                  7 Replies
                  • Splitscreen can actually cause performance limitations. A console has to more or less render 2-4 versions of a game simultaneously. The game has to be able to capable of allowing that. Smaller areas, lower FPS, etc might need to be done to accomplish that.

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                  • Why can't I be a rabid fan? I mean it does stand for fanatic. And for me it can be a perfect game and still have flaws, oblivion is one of my favorite games ever and it has a shit ton of flaws.

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                    • You are right, the beta was a test, made for further improvements.

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                    • Bungie isn't in the business of wish fulfillment? [spoiler]No one is[/spoiler]

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                    • [quote]no split screen[/quote] Yes, it is sad to see that the next bungie game is without it. And maybe it would have been nice to see if they could have that new kind of split screen that breaks up the image to different polarizations so two people can play using a whole screen. But: Maybe split screen takes up a lot of processing power and memory that they need elsewhere. Just a thought. [quote] No prox chat[/quote] Yup. That would have been nice to have. at least in tower/pve. [quote] these features are optional[/quote] Yes they are and I would add aim assist and aim acceleration to the list of options we dont have. [quote] Its just a beta[/quote] Yes. I agree that people use this a lot. And with big uppercase letters they tell you how its a beta and that means everything will change. Im thinking it was more of a demo. The beta part was first an foremost for network and server testing. [quote]Theres always DLC[/quote] I love this one. If the game is short, the game is short. But all in all, Destiny does shape up to be a pretty good game. The main problem is the lack of information from Bungie. They are god damn masterminds at saying zero things with many words.

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                      • Edited by Strix: 8/24/2014 10:49:00 AM

                        I am a night owl. - old

                        Every game has flaws. Not every game has great gameplay. In this case Destiny's gameplay more than makes up for the few flaws (which can still be addressed in future patches). That's the right way to launch a game in my opinion.

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                      • Opinions =/= Facts Stop trying to pass them off as facts "No Sliptscreen is a flaw" <--- opinion.

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                        3 Replies
                        • You've not even played the game yet you donut. Jesus Christ you're even worse than those fanboys. You've basically read the back of a book and said "sounds meh". Read the book first. So pipe down, wait to play the full game and then form an opinion.

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                          4 Replies
                          • Wait.....WAIT..... [spoiler]Nope...[/spoiler]

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