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2/1/2008 6:13:25 AM

Bungie Webcam

Bungie has always been mysterious with so many things so the webcams are a good way to find out little things that could lead to even bigger things. If you see something interesting just let us know. [url=]Bungie Webcams[/url] Cams for you by stoshy: [IMG]HTTP://WWW.BUNGIE.NET/INSIDE/WEBCAM.ASHX?CAMERA=0[/IMG] [IMG]HTTP://WWW.BUNGIE.NET/INSIDE/WEBCAM.ASHX?CAMERA=1[/IMG] [IMG]HTTP://WWW.BUNGIE.NET/INSIDE/WEBCAM.ASHX?CAMERA=2[/IMG] [Edited on 01.28.2010 10:18 AM PST by stosh]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] tsassi2 P.S. Now there is a very low quality picture of a space shuttle on a launch pad at night. Maybe they are hinting to soon reveal what the mysterious Bungie Aerospace and Crimson are.[/quote] Maybes... Or maybe they like the shiny lights. [url=]Screencap for future lookings at. (well, as long as imageshack doesn't delete it)[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] I ZEROC00L I Lots of weird stuff on the newspaper on the wall. Luna Primo Passo? [Edited on 05.16.2011 9:47 AM PDT][/quote] It's italy. Translates to: First step on moon. They all look like articles from different countries about the first moon landing. P.S. Now there is a very low quality picture of a space shuttle on a launch pad at night. Maybe they are hinting to soon reveal what the mysterious Bungie Aerospace and Crimson are.

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  • Lots of weird stuff on the newspaper on the wall. Luna Primo Passo? [Edited on 05.16.2011 9:47 AM PDT]

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  • Nice to see the Cams update for once in a great while. Awesome!

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  • I suppose that's the snoopy astronaught people were talking about ages ago but didn't take screencaps of? He looks awesome. Nice to see new sights, even if thar be a roadrunner infront of one of them. Just wondering, should any Bungie peep's drop by, did roadrunner take a trip with you to take that picture, or is he between a webcam and an incredibly detailed printout?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Halo biggest fan and the first one looks like a really crappy photo of Shuttle Endeavour's launch site.[/quote]Which just had a successful launch :)

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  • Why yes it is. The last photo looks like an old rocket and the first one looks like a really crappy photo of Shuttle Endeavour's launch site. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] H0FFman J Is that ... the roadrunner? [/quote] [Edited on 05.16.2011 6:06 AM PDT]

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  • Is that ... the roadrunner? We need to enhance that image! Quick, call the CSI team to throw more pixels into that picture.

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  • Kennedy Space Center? Aerospace references... [Edited on 05.16.2011 4:14 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cpl Crosseyes I don't know if all these are references to Bungie Aerospace, Endeavor, or both.[/quote] Highly possible the lift off is today!

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  • Oh yes...Stuff is starting to get more interesting :-)

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  • I don't know if all these are references to Bungie Aerospace, Endeavor, or both.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hylebos Wow. Big Webcam Update. They are taunting us with more Aerospace Images. God Damn.[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hylebos Wow. Big Webcam Update. They are taunting us with more Aerospace Images. God Damn.[/quote] Soon they will give us some information about Aerospace. At least I hope.

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  • Wow. Big Webcam Update. They are taunting us with more Aerospace Images. God Damn.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PKF_647 Can I add my cam to the page? I promise too keep it exciting and pg13. :) 18A after hours ;p[/quote] Sorry, you were mentioned on Bungies cam via Sticky Note. When that happens you are moved to the back of the line. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 dollars.

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  • 0
    Almost 10k replies, wow!

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  • What's this with liquid nitrogen?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] goofenhour I hope that the changing of the picture back to the H2 cam means that there will be a new webcam pic soon. [/quote] Agreed. I remember they would put Halo 2 brutes up there during the E3 time every year. :/

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  • I hope that the changing of the picture back to the H2 cam means that there will be a new webcam pic soon. Edit: Wow. I went to check back on the webcam and the pictures changed back to sawnose. [Edited on 05.09.2011 6:16 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XxXAlesanaXxX [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zzthejimzz The cams haven't updated in a LONG time.[/quote] Bungie is to busy to patch the cams.... lol[/quote] ..can't wait for the next update, hopefully they put something kool up.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zzthejimzz The cams haven't updated in a LONG time.[/quote] Bungie is to busy to patch the cams.... lol

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  • The cams haven't updated in a LONG time.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Will 043 So what does the little guy under the visor look like to you? I can guess at the last two, but that one doesn't make a lot of sense.[/quote]I see Snoopy.

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  • So what does the little guy under the visor look like to you? I can guess at the last two, but that one doesn't make a lot of sense.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] tsassi2 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Slayer Lord The telescopes could be to make us think about [url=]this[/url] maybe? Who knowwwwws[/quote] You might be right. I didn't even thought of that. But what's up with that liquid nitrogen? Is Bungie planning to bulid new servers?[/quote]Ingenious new rocket fuel!

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