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Edited by Aura : 8/9/2014 10:30:45 AM

So, Your Beta Guardian is now dead. But how did it die?

Let's try and lighten up the forums a little bit, shall we? Tell us all the story of how your Guardian died! Their final moments.. What were they doing? What were they thinking? So to get the ball rolling... MY Guardian died after trying to get it on with that big ol' handsome Fallen, y'know, the one that jumped on the car? Yeah.. needless to say it didn't end well. TL;DR. Don't spank a fallen.

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  • It all started the day the Beta ended...... at the time we didn't know it, but there had a been a virus but into the game, when you died there was no respawns. Dead. Gone. Offline. To add to that every 5 minutes someone in orbit and the tower died. The only truly safe place was Old Russia...... I remember being in the Tower at the time it all started. Me and my other friends: a fellow hunter, Titan, and two warlocks. The Titan and warlocks decided to do the Devils Lair, not knowing what was going on. So they went to strike and we stayed at the tower for a bit. It was actually fun, we had a dance party! Everyone was jumping around and dancing then, one player just dropped dead. He was a warlock. We all stopped dancing, waiting for him to respawn but he never did. His ghost just hovering over his dead body as if it was his tombstone. It happened twice more before me and my friend decided to go to earth and kill some fallen on our assumed last day of beta. While on earth we continued to see dying guardians all whom never came back. We were confused, and didnt know what to do. Then the Titan joined our fireteam and told us what happened.... "It was a regular strike, until we got to Sepiks prime, the warlocks rushed into Sepiks prime hand and hand. Then it did his dumb energy drain. I watched the life get sucked out of them, there souls where just being drained.... Then they didn't respawn. I killed Sepiks prime and went to the tower to investigate. People were saying its a virus, a virus Bungie but into the game to wipe all the players in creative way. It kills a player every 5 minutes in orbit or the tower. And when you die, no coming back" it was crazy but now we were on earth and we were far to afraid to go to the tower or orbit. While we were playing, a public event happened it was the fallen devil walker. We were fighting it and got its health low. We knocked down the 4th leg of the walker and our Titan went finish him with the Fist of Havoc! But the walker came to life and did the energy pulse in the middle of the fist of havok pushing our Titan back. All I could do was watch...... as he was flying back the walker shot him with the cannon..... he couldn't escape. Me and the other hunter, in a pit of rage, shot the walker down with our golden guns. We played for 7 hours not daring to log off, any one who did was gone forever. Very few players remained, most were hunters. We met 4 other hunters while in the wild and in respect for our elders remade the group known as The Legend of the Six Coyotes, but named ourselves The Last of the Coyotes. We then survived another three hours. It was about here where we all got a message friend Bungie saying "Congratulations for lasting this long but now even the last six must go, farewell guardians." Then the sky became black as if for a public event..... but this time the sky stayed black and fallen ships came into sight, at least 20 of them. We were in the Forgotten Shores about to become forgotten guardians..... Waves of pikes rolled in, fallen captains dropped in waves after waves. All the hunters did one golden gun together, and the fight began. Hundreds upon hundreds flooded up the hill to the destroyed ship where made out stand shooting out golden guns into the faces of our enemies. I remember a fallen ship come in and a hunter shot it down with his launcher and it came crashing down killing hundreds of fallen. Then the first of six fell and there was no time to morn we kept shooting. Dreg after dreg ran up the hill all 5 of us had out light machine guns and defined the phrase "mowing them down". Then water was filled with fallen blood and they kept coming, over whelming us so we had to jump off the edge and kill the pikes riders below. As we jumped on hunter was grabbed by a captain and pulled into the crowd of monsters and all I heard was "ahhhh nooo!!" Followed by silence, I could have only imagined what happened. We fell and shot of the pike riders. And as we head toward the pass to the Moth Yards we saw fallen jumping off the cliff running after us. As we were entering the pass a group of pikes started tailing 4 of us and actually blew up one of our fellow hunters. Strangely they stopped following us after that. We didn't know why. Then we saw three fallen captains with giant launches on the cliff. We saw rockets fly in and damage all our pikes and create a massive smoke scream for good escape. We drove out on our pikes but it was only be and my friend left. I looked in the smoke and only saw the outline of a fallen captain holding a head. Then out of the smoke hundreds of fallen, we ran..... Low on ammo and high on hopes. That was us, if we were gonna die it was gonna be back to back. So that's what we did, stood back to back. All we had was handcannon ammo and primary ammo. Surrounded, out number, out gunned, we started shooting tearing through fallen like men, yelling "Ahhhhh, COME GET SOME" and just like that my guardian had a stealth vandal blade through his chest. He blacked out and the screen went dark. I though it was over but no, the screen came back on and I could see we were in a fallen ship held prisoner chained up side by side. The knife was still in my chest. We were alone, so we tried to escape but couldn't break the chains, a fallen Arcorn captain came into the room. Boy was he big he pulled the knife out of my guardians back and stabbed my friend with it. My fellow hunter looked at me and then at the fallen and yelled "DO IT, COME ON DO IT!!" And the fallen captain pulled upwards slicing the top half of his body in two. Now he was a human so that was the grossest thing on destiny. I was an exo so what the fallen did was stick a live incendiary grenade in the whole that was stabbed in my chest. I looked at him and could only smile, then I yelled "DO IT, END ME!!" He shot his gun and I swear that bullet took ages to hit that grenade but it did and my exo exploded into tiny bits and pieces. It was over. Done.

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