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8/1/2014 12:21:13 AM

TOP 5 Reasons to Cancel Your Preorders!

[b]TOP 5 Reasons to Cancel Your Preorders![/b] [b]5 - No Ranking System[/b] - Why play competitive multiplayer if everyone wins? This type of special Olympics feel good pseudo-competition caters only to bad kids and offers nothing for skilled or veteran players. It creates a CoD style of cancerous gameplay where the only thing people are concerned with is maintaining a high K/D so nobody plays objective, rather they will simply go for kills or camping, regardless of gametype. Ranking Systems cater to all players, allowing a quick measure of skill level and experience, and ensure that each player is matched properly to others on their level. Apparently Bungie just wants everyone to suffer, with the veterans crushing bad kids game after game, except when bad kids join in progress and ruin their games. [b]4 - No Ranked Matches[/b] - Ranked matches are integral to FPS games, and offer a much higher level of competition to skilled and veteran players, while bad kids are free to goof off casually in Social/Unranked. Also a big part of Ranked matches is tighter structure, less probability of teammates quitting, less probability of getting matched with bad kids, no join in progress, no team swapping and NO SPLITTING YOUR 6 MAN FIRETEAMS. Having the choice between Ranked and Unranked caters to every player, yet Bungie is firm on making everyone play like a bad kid. [b]3 - Artificially Inflated Difficulty[/b] - The best way to describe this complex system to a noob is probably to explain what the opposite is. Halo 3, for example, did not have a level system, yet as the game progressed enemies still got stronger by having better armor, shields, weapons and tactics, not to mention brute force numbers. However, as long as you were skilled, you could dispatch any enemy with well placed headshots from a sniper, a rocket, or a close blast from the ol shottie. Destiny seeks to dismantle this well balanced structure and instead make every enemy carbon copies of the last, the only difference is their level. Higher level enemies are magically IMMUNE to headshots, rockets and buckshot, and can OHKO you instantly. This is not revolutionary gameplay. This is not a challenging and rewarding system. This is not skill based design. No this is lazy programming bordering on mentally challenged. Rather than customize each enemy, progressively increasing the AI intelligence and gear of the enemies as the game goes on, Bungie decided to let the level system act as an artificial buffer to ensure you cant run through the game with a sniper rifle and skilled aim, rather you must constantly play the grind game to level match (or even overlevel) the enemies before you can even damage them. [b]2 - Level Buffer Is One Sided[/b] - So you couldn't kill a level 15 Dreg while you were level 8 in the Beta? Maybe you dreamed of being level 20+ one day and returning back, and feeling like a god as that Dreg couldn't damage you? WRONG. Thanks to IGN's latest Destiny video mishap - [url=]See What a Lvl 29 Titan Can Do[/url] - it is painfully clear and depressingly obvious that even a maxed out lvl 29 Titan with exotic/legendary gear can still get killed relatively quickly by a lvl 2 Dreg. Not only that, but those level 2 Dregs still take the same amount of shots to kill with the exotic Red Death as when you used a crappy starter rifle in the Beta. Perhaps Bungie's intention is to prevent farming? But in that case get rid of levels altogether rather than making them one sided and punish every player, especially the ones that actually put in the long hours and effort to max out their characters and gear. Thanks Bungie, but no thanks. [b]1 - Huge Letdown from E3 2012 Lies[/b] - Bungie has probably spent 499 million of their 500 mill budget on hyping Destiny up, creating fake gameplay vids, building a huge army of blind fanboys and sheeple from among the CoD/Doritos/IGN/Fedora community as well as first time FPS noobs that never played Halo 2/3, Counterstrike, or Gears of War, and telling us all the sweet things we want to hear while ignoring the negative/ stuff that matters. From little things such as the E3 demo vid where characters drop in from their (dare I say "flyable and customizable" ships) into the gameworld to spawn next to their friends, to bigger things such as the whole "this Tower is not a skybox. In Destiny everything is explorable. You can go anywhere you see", well that's funny because the Tower IS just a skybox, you cannot go down to the City, and invisible walls and WARNING RETURN TO MAP IN 10 SEC kill timers ensure that you NEVER get to explore really anything you see that's off the main path. This ensures Destiny is an on-rails shooter rather than an open-world mmorpg, with such simplified elements of exploration that they DIDNT EVEN NEED TO BOTHER INCLUDING INGAME MAPS. Destiny is truly a game designed for casuals and bad kids. Its both limited by having to run on old gen systems, as well as the poor design choices that Bungie has been consistently making since Halo Reach. And just like Halo Reach, everyone will still buy the game and pretend to love it, (especially the ghost edition superfanboys) yet as soon as the hype dies (roughly 4-6 weeks post launch) the servers will be barren and everyone will have moved on/forgotten/surpressed the bad memory, at least until Destiny 2 is forcibly rushed by Activision and released years ahead of schedule. "10 years of content planned for Destiny"? LOL GG Bungie trolls.

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  • You must definitely be a master hunter. Not only does your bait bring in so much prey, it is also all true.

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  • Your points are well articulated and convincing. I will cancel my preorder. I cannot believe I never noticed any of the mentioned short comings. I mean I'd be crazy to spend money on something that was enjoyable, regardless of what the developers said or intended. You know, I think I will also destroy every other game I've played that was fun outside of the scope of what the developers envisioned. Hell, why stop with games. I'll destroy everything that was enjoyable or entertaining outside of the parameters of what it was intended for.

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  • I can't really disagree with any of your criticisms. In fact, I agree with most of them. I still had a lot of fun with the beta though, and I still plan to purchase the final release. I believe I'll have enough fun with my friends in the game to warrant the full purchase price.

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  • Are people still falling for this????

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    • Your right I'm canceling my preorder! (Not one single person has said that)

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    • Am I a fanboy, because I really liked the beta, and cant wait for the game to come out, and buy all DLC's.

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      • K.

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      • Translation: I'm a FPS God and since I can't prove my Imaginary skills to the world, now I deem this game unworthy. However, That is not going to stop me from trolling the living hell out the millions of fans that actually had fun in the beta and will have fun upon release.

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      • Then cancel your pre-order and GTFO No one cares that bungie didn't make your super-callofduty game or whatever it was you were expecting.

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      • Lol? And what if I only want to play a fun game and not a MLGnoscrubsallowed game?

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        • Reason 0: I want a ghost edition, so some of you should cancel.

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          6 Replies
          • Edited by Plenty4Twenty: 8/9/2014 2:14:28 AM
            Holy shit dude get a life. Seriously it's just a game yet you take that much time out of your day to write that shit. Nobody is making buy the game cancel your pre order I'm sticking with mine.

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            • Edited by dragonsfollwer: 8/9/2014 1:46:08 AM
              heres the thing dumb ass A) not everyone wants the game for pvp B) 99% of the shit you're going off about is pointless IT WAS A BETA C) if YOU dont like it cancel your preorder but DO NOT tell me to cancel mine edit: happy now

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              3 Replies
              • Copy paste troll bait. Repost of content. Post rep farming at its finest.

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                6 Replies
                • Edited by brockly: 8/3/2014 7:07:37 PM
                  While there were some things that I didn't like in the beta and it definitely seemed like the game was a but underwhelming compared to what was promised I think it would be prudent to hold our opinions until we get to play the actual game and not the beta. This post seems like a lot of opinion regarding something that you have not actually experienced yet. Have faith that Bungie will deliver!

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                • iv played halo 2 and 3 and counter strike and gears of wars all competitively and professionally for some and I'm super excited for this game I had a blast with this game and I almost couldn't be happier there are a few things I wish they would change with the campaign but other then that I think it's amazing

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                  3 Replies
                  • [quote]2 - Level Buffer Is One Sided - So you couldn't kill a level 15 Dreg while you were level 8 in the Beta? Maybe you dreamed of being level 20+ one day and returning back, and feeling like a god as that Dreg couldn't damage you? WRONG. Thanks to IGN's latest Destiny video mishap - See What a Lvl 29 Titan Can Do - it is painfully clear and depressingly obvious that even a maxed out lvl 29 Titan with exotic/legendary gear can still get killed relatively quickly by a lvl 2 Dreg. Not only that, but those level 2 Dregs still take the same amount of shots to kill with the exotic Red Death as when you used a crappy starter rifle in the Beta. Perhaps Bungie's intention is to prevent farming? But in that case get rid of levels altogether rather than making them one sided and punish every player, especially the ones that actually put in the long hours and effort to max out their characters and gear. Thanks Bungie, but no thanks.[/quote] This game has a high damage nerf to prevent abuse. It makes sure that level 20+ guardians won't be able to go around low level places and kill everything with just a look. Also helps high level players play with lower level friends. [quote]creating fake gameplay vids[/quote] Have yet to see a fake gameplay video. [quote] CoD/Doritos/IGN/Fedora community[/quote] Even though I am allergic to fish, I understand Cod is a very tasty food selection Doritos are amazing IGN is my go-to place for gaming news Fedoras are a very stylish hat choice [quote]first time FPS noobs that never played Halo 2/3, Counterstrike, or Gears of War[/quote] So basically every Playstation player? Because I have never owned a xbox console, therefore never played these games. [quote]Destiny is truly a game designed for casuals and bad kids[/quote] As apposed to a hardcore good kid? [quote]everyone will have moved on/forgotten/surpressed the bad memory,[/quote] You can never truly say what/how people will react to a certain game. I heard The Master Chief collection is coming out soon. You should just play that and be happy.

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                    • Edited by Batcave Gaming: 8/9/2014 12:51:56 AM
                      Destiny is not gonna BE PERFECT! I don't see u making a game so shut up and get a life Also camping is a strategy and if you have nothing to counter it then you JUST SUCK and your a noob >:D

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                    • This was fun to read.

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                    • Sure glad I'm a casual. Oh wait what exactly is a casual? How many hours do you have to put in a week to not be a casual? Hmm I will have to die to not pick up my pre order of Destiny. Seriously that is the only way.

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                    • This post gave me cancer

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                    • Cool story bro needs more dragons.

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                      4 Replies
                      • I would just like to say me, my friends, and many people I've met actually legitimately liked and still like Halo Reach and Bungie makes crappy design choices I disagree but I wish to see you make and lead a video game company that's more popular then Bungie and better at making games then well talk

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                        2 Replies
                        • 3
                          Dude! I thought the same thing when I watched the ign video I was a like how in Dafuq is a level 2 dreg not dying from one! Shot of red death

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                          • Bungie has always catered to BK's. This shouldn't come as a surprise, honestly you should have expected it. They left the competitive community behind back in 2010 when Reach was released.

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                            2 Replies
                            • I agree with all these. 1-3 especially. 1 more than anything. Straight up lied over and over about what the game is. The fact that you can't actually explore even 2% of what you can see is such a far cry joke from what they actually said you could do. It's actually the clear opposite of a "go anywhere you can see" game. Not ryse level of tunnel play but it's -blam!-ing bullshit. I'll still give it a shot but they should've focused more on making the game fun and big and different and not making the sky look pretty.

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