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Clan Recruitment

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Edited by Striza: 12/15/2014 8:08:23 PM

☠★[PVP]★ SCYLLA ★[PVE]★☠ Trials of Osiris ★ Iron Banner ★

____________________________________________ [b]Available Spaces: [/b][i]Limited[/i] ____________________________________________ [b]What is SCYLLA? [/b] ____________________________________________ SCYLLA is a clan for players whom wish to progress through content and enjoy a well developed and mannered community. We are small , and focused on quality over quantity. Members who are allowed to join are revered within crucible and exceptional raiders. We are not interested in one type of player, but a well rounded , and active guardian. [b]Please note: [/b] We are reconstructing the clan therefore it looks as we have no members, please don't let this from stop you from joining us. ____________________________________________ [b]Expectations: [/b] ____________________________________________ Our clan environment will encourage communication, teamwork and map strategy when playing together. Members at Unholy are expected to share and experiment with different map tactics and class rotations for best possible outcome later to be shared with the clan within the clans forum via Bungies website. ____________________________________________ [b]Clan Environment: [/b] ____________________________________________ We are a very laid back and mellow clan, with high expectations when going into a game. We do not tolerate childish behaviour, racism, sexist remarks or anything that could offend another member of Destiny's community. Therefore if you feel that this applies to you please refrain from applying to this clan. ____________________________________________ [b]Popular timezones of players: [/b] ____________________________________________ GMT, Central & Est ____________________________________________ [b]How to join: [/b] ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ [b]Application form[/b] ____________________________________________ •PSN: • K/D: • DTR Rank: •Class: •Level: •Defence: •Nickname/name: •Location: •Timezone: •Do you PVE? •Do you PVP? •How often do you play: •Do you own a mic: •What are you looking for in a clan: _______________________________________ Please fill out the application form above, and repost it to this thread, players who apply that fail to fill out an application form will not be considered. Thank you.

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  • Edited by DarkEidolon: 8/4/2014 2:40:06 AM
    PS3 currently Psn:DarkEidolion Nickname:DarkE or Eido Location:Oahu,Hawaii Time zone : Hawaii standard time PvE: quite fond of it Strike>explore>campaign RAID unranked but looking Forward to it PvP : like it could do better though Active time: whenever I can (I keep random/odd hours) Mic: will have by release What I'm looking for in clan: A place that is accepting of those who make mistakes yet want to improve, a guild that is tolerent of those with disabilities (I have A.D.D. And aspergers) aside from that would love to raid and learn to interact with other players better I main as a Titan

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      •PSN: Zwirbs •Nickname/name: Dan, Zwirbs, Frost •Location: Boston •Timezone: EST •Do you PVE? Yes •Do you PVP? Yes •How often do you play: as much as I can!! •Do you own a mic: not yet •What are you looking for in a clan: People that are committed to playing to the best of their abilities to achieve great things. People to PuG with. Random killing sprees.

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      • •PSN: Galamon113 •Nickname/name: Galamon •Location: Pittsburgh •Timezone: EST •Do you PVE? Yes •Do you PVP? Yes •How often do you play: As often as work and life permits •Do you own a mic: Yes •What are you looking for in a clan: To find a group of people that want to have fun playing a great game, wanting clear all of the end game PVE content and play PVP at a high level.

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        • Leaders of Destiny Created for the Leadership of the #DestinyClans. Its a spot to have admins and leaders alike meet up and get more organization for their clans, share ideas, talk about upcoming events, and get their members into groups. -PvP/PvE discussions -Xbox and PS friendly -Raid discussions -loot finds -General meet and greet networking for clan leaders FB and Destiny links available. Pass this along to your leaders. -Snap

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        • Why was I even invited to this. (ಠ_ಠ) I've just been going around punching forum topics... I think I'm fairly childish. This goes against your thinger ya got there.

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        • •PSN: Suprsaiyen •Nickname/name: Zender •Location: montreal •Timezone: Eastern Standard Time •Do you PVE? Yes •Do you PVP? Yes •How often do you play: a lot •Do you own a mic: Yes •What are you looking for in a clan: People to play with. Good players. Friends.

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        • Edited by GrandAutismo: 8/3/2014 9:46:54 PM
          PSN ps3- XTAYLORX95 Nickname/name- Taylor Location- Texas Time zone- central PVE- yes PVP- yes How often do I play- as often as I can Do you own a mic- yes What are you looking for in a clan- A group o people whom I can play the game and have fun with on a daily basis and enjoy and meat new friends and have fun and be competitive Thank you for considering my application and be brave fellow guardians

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          • PSN: christopholis95 Name: Chris Location: Texas Time zone: central Do you pve: of course Do you pvp: I can, in domination, my Titan can lock down a flag alone. But I prefer not to. How often do you play: whenever I'm within range of my ps4 Do you own a mic: yes, but I try to keep talking to a fair medium, as I tend to raise my voice without realizing it What are you looking for in a clan: people who are above the age of 13 at the least, if people are mature that's fine. But I'm not a fan of playing with crying 10 year olds. Not a fan of rage quitters. Looking to raid a lot, I've played plenty of mmo's and raided too much to not know the process at this point

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            • Edited by Orpheus148: 8/3/2014 5:23:45 PM
              •PSN: Cepheus1 •Nickname/name: Braden, name on Bungie is Orpheus148 •Location: Kansas •Timezone: Central •Do you PVE? Yes •Do you PVP? Yes •How often do you play: nights and weekends •Do you own a mic: Yes •What are you looking for in a clan: Awesome group of people to play endgame PvP and PvE with.

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              • •PSN:Imakeitsplash930 •Nickname/name: trey •Location: Scotland •Timezone: GMT •Do you PVE? yep •Do you PVP? yep •How often do you play: Depends on work hours, I try to get a good few hours a day, much more on the weekends •Do you own a mic: Yes, hope everyone has one! •What are you looking for in a clan: Looking to do raids in a stable group.

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                • •PSN:Jay-boy55 •Nickname/name: Jay •Location: England •Timezone: GMT •Do you PVE? Who doesn't? •Do you PVP? Yes!!!!!!!!! 2.1 k/d •How often do you play: 8hrs / daily •Do you own a mic: Yes •What are you looking for in a clan: Looking to join an active community, and interesting in meeting new people

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                  • •PSN: Angelfire023 (PS4) •Nickname/name: Vic •Location: Florida •Timezone: EST •Do you PVE? Yes, PVE is my primary pastime. •Do you PVP? Yes, when I get good friends together that know how to have fun. •How often do you play: Nightly, post 8:30 PM and as often as I can on the weekends. •Do you own a mic: Yes. •What are you looking for in a clan: I am looking to join a clan with the like mind of passion and progression for both PVE and PVP. I am looking for a dedicated group to play with nightly during both leveling and post end game content. I hear that Nightfall and VoG are gonna be killer!

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                    • Psn Ps3 ID: REX_RTX Nickname/name: Rex Location: Dallas, Texas Timezone: CMT Do you PVE? Kinda Do you PVP? Yes all the time How often do you play: weekends and occasional week days Do you own a mic: Yes i do What are you looking for in a clan: Fun guys to kick it with.

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                      • PSN: TattooedFox Nickname/name: Fox Location: UK Timezone: GMT Do you PVE? Yes Do you PVP? Yes How often do you play: Just about everyday. Do you own a mic: Yes What are you looking for in a clan: Looking for a bunch of like-minded people who are quite relaxed and laid back but at the same time take the game seriously and want to do well in end-game raiding and other end-game content.

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                        • Application form: •PSN: flykicks316 •Nickname/name: Chris •Location: New Hampshire,U.S. •Timezone: Eastern Standard Time •Do you PVE? Yes •Do you PVP? Yes •How often do you play: A LOT •Do you own a mic: Yes •What are you looking for in a clan: People to play with. Good players. Friends.

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                          • Edited by king-conman7-88: 8/2/2014 7:32:55 PM

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                              •PSN:iNaztalgic •Nickname/name: Naz •Location:New York •Timezone: EST(UTC-5) •Do you PVE?Yes •Do you PVP?Yes •How often do you play: Everyday •Do you own a mic:Yes •What are you looking for in a clan: I'm looking for others who plan on clearing the content before anyone else. This includes Vault Glass and any other content Bungie has in stored for us. For PvP, I'm looking for a team that will have map control and communicate and be the best in PvP.

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                              • PSN:Das_Hudlem Nickname: Em Location: Stationed in Japan Timezone: JST DO you PVE? Yes Do you PVP? Yes How often do you play? Everyday Do you own a mic? No, but I will be investing in one before the game comes out to communicate with team members. What are you looking for in a clan? I'm really looking for a group of people that are going to be down to get deep into this game. Go on raids, strikes, and love PVP. I'm a big team player. Always got the troop to the front and back of you. And will be the one who runs out there to revive you or get the attention of the enime.

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                                2 Replies
                                • PSN: ruben_1999-rc Name: Ruben Location: US Timezone: EST PvE: Yes PvP: Yes How often?: I FEIN Own a mic: Yes Co-operation

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                                  • Edited by Babak: 8/2/2014 11:37:53 AM
                                    •PSN: shootinputin147 •Nickname/name: B •Location: Sweden •Timezone: CET •Do you PVE? Yes •Do you PVP? Yes •How often do you play: 2-4 hours a day •Do you own a mic: will purchase along with destiny! •What are you looking for in a clan: making new friends and enjoy bungies next masterpiece togheter with other people. Also building up a respecteble reputation in the community

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                                    • •PSN: Jayroy_ •Nickname/name: Jayroy •Location: USA West Coast •Timezone: Pacific Time Zone •Do you PVE? YES •Do you PVP? YES •How often do you play: About an hour or more everyday •Do you own a mic: YES, Astro a40s •What are you looking for in a clan: I'm looking to make friends with a cool group of guys that can hang with me in both casual and competitive play as I tread the terrain of DESTINY!!!!!!

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                                      • Bump

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                                      • PS3 or ps4? Also do you have a group made for your clan?

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                                        • PSN: Trueseeker1218 Nickname/name: True, TS, Dave Location: St. Louis, MO Timezone: Central Do you PVE? Yes (Alot) Do you PVP? Very Little but Yes How often do you play: Most days several 3-4 hrs Do you own a mic: Yes What are you looking for in a clan: The ability play casually and but effectively with people who while aren't serious in nature could play with some organization (and are fun of course).

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                                          • Come join the fun guys!

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                                          • Hi :) PSN: raszagal1689 Nickname/name: Drew Location: Costa Rica Timezone: GMT -6 Do you PVE? Yes Do you PVP? Yes How often do you play: As often as I can, usually everyday after work at least a couple of hours and most of the day on weekends (when there's not some pesky real life thing going on XD) Do you own a mic: Yes What are you looking for in a clan: For people to communicate, be friendly and persistent in the content that we can't finish on the first try, also jokes. :0 Thanks.

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