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Edited by aboniks: 10/7/2014 5:25:19 PM

Why do I suck so bad at Destiny PVP?

Alright prokillers, here's your chance to school somebody who will actually appreciate it. Quick backstory; Last time I played an FPS in PVP was when Marathon was hot property, so some of my problems may just be because I'm really rusty. Anyway, what's the deal with PVP in Destiny? I feel like I'm just doing it all wrong...every time I blink somebody gets me with a one-shot kill and it doesn't seem to matter much what weapon they're using, or what I'm trying to do to stay alive. None of my weapons feel anywhere near as powerful as what the other team is using. Honestly I really want to like the Destiny PvP experience, because I've got a sentimental attachment to Bungie and this game is lots of fun for me in PvE. So help me out. How do I get the most out of this game? I've got military experience (which basically boils down to having a great deal of training in following instructions) and lots of time to kill once the game ships (retired), so if you folks can boil this particular PvP system down to some basic tactical and strategic elements I'll be able to pick up on it and have fun with it, but right now I'm feeling pretty worn down after having the brakes beat off me repeatedly in the beta. Thanks in advance for your thoughts (and for the inevitable insults from the kids table). p.s. Don't think I'm blaming the game...obviously people are winning at PvP, so the system works...I just down understand [b]how [/b]it works yet, so I'm not one of them.

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  • First off none of your characters are a high enough level to have any good weapons or armor and if you're doing IB then one shots are reasonable because level advantages are enabled

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    • Starting a scrub club! Join me and be a scrub by commenting below. ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO SUCK AT PVP

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      15 Replies
      • Grab the The Last Word and the gun will do the rest for you. Don't aim down sights just click the right trigger and you'll get kills. After you use that for a while grab the thorn and begin aiming down sights once you shoot someone twice run don't worry they'll die 2 seconds later.

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        • TLW fixes everything

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          • Start using the hawkmoon throwing knife technique it works wonders

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          • Always aim for the head. Don't stand still. Work on strafing side to side. When in pve, act like your in a pvp battle. Try quick scoping for head shots. Sliding for cover. Blinking and shot gunning. Things like that.

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          • What percentage of water is celery ?

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            6 Replies
            • I was doing really bad and then someone told me to play with my eyes open. I did that and bam! I went from 0 kills per game to over 10!! If you're playing with your eyes closed you should definitely try it my way. Worked for me

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            • You gotta know how to look at your radar crouching actuall takes you on and off it choose your firefights and yes yes most importantly [spoiler]get good( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)[/spoiler]

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            • Edited by Sir_Quack: 5/31/2015 8:35:25 PM
              Know your map Use your abilities to the fullest Always have a backup (shores of time has its shotgun and sniper moments) Know which weapons are good for PvP( example: tlw, invective,etc) Adjust to your PvP games And most importantly [spoiler]git gud[/spoiler]

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            • Just practice, learn their spawn points, their ways of fighting, find ways to counter their weapons, use different sensitivity to find what you want, get comfortable with every weapon you use.

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            • Stay with your fireteam untill you get heavy ammo then move away from the pack go avoid rocket splash damage. Learn the maps and youtube how to use destiny radar. Just try and have fun.ive had games with green guns where i went better than with exotics just find the weapon for you. If your on xbone add me we can play together it really helps when your in a team using voice chat. Oh and dont be afraid to save your super for a min or so find the right time to use it.

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            • Practice

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              8 Replies
              • Err, because you're me ???.

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              • Communication. Using weapons that are pvp oriented and powerful. Get skilled with aiming for heads, and fast. Also, learning to snipe under pressure is good. Lastly, practice. Watch some streamers and follow their playstyles or where people are mostly occupying an area on certain maps. Maps always have high traffic areas and close range choke points to catch people.

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              • Step 1. Last Word Step 2. ? Step 3. Profit

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                2 Replies
                • Get a thorn use it to snipe and shotgun

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                • You can start by avoiding the worse guns in the crucible. Analyze the stages and use weapons that seem fit. Pay attention to your team mates position and your own, you can flank enemies much easier this way. When using a sniper, practice measuring where the head is more than likely to appear. Acknowledge that no one is perfect and just have fun, if you lust for the kill, you will always see your end and irritation more sooner. If your team mates aren't helping you, go help them, 2 is better than 1 trust me. Just take note on things that happen commonly, if you see anyone running at you with a shot gun; Warlocks and hunters will spam "blink", so keep your distance or find a closed in area. Also Titans will try to "strike" or spec you, so just jump out of the way.

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                • You'd be suprised how much the high tier loadouts help a beginner out. Thorn/Last Word, with a long-range shotgun/high-impact sniper with Final Round, and any rocket launcher with tracking. There's a reason everyone resorts to these weapons: they require the least amount of effort to succeed with. As for class, go Hunter if you can; either Bladedancer or Gunslinger. Again, just because of the effort/effectiveness tradeoff (Admit it guys, Hunters rule Crucible). All I can say for tactics is: stay close to teammates. Two guns is always better than one. Hope that helps, see you in the Crucible. :)

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                  • You don't use an exotic hand cannon?

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                  • Find a primary you like and do plenty of PvE with it to get control down. Thorn, last word, red death are the top choices from what I've seen. Secondary is just any shotgun with nice perks with range or sniper if u prefer them but maps are designed for more close range combat. In the crucible itself, minimap is ur best friend. Always try to predict what the other team is doing. Never go the same route as everyone else (this goes for everyone standing on the same control point too). Work on grenade tosses. Lightning grenade arcing off a wall clears a room much faster than trying to throw it directly at their feet for example. Heavy weapon is whatever you like best for ur style. I personally pass it up in order to wreck the other heavy drop area. After that it's pretty much just memorizing maps and getting better at predicting other players movements

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                  • Honestly man, playing with friends who are good or playing with friends period, helps to encourage me to not let them down. So if your stressing out on sucking, you should try playing a lot with friends :)

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                  • Edited by Gameknight991: 5/25/2015 11:32:39 PM
                    Stay crouched when you can and keep to cover. Also here is a fact that I learned, scout rifles and hand canons do more damage for hunters, auto rifles and pulse rifle for titan and pulse and canon for warlock

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                  • Just....felwinter's lie and two to the mourge....

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                  • The question why do I suck at destiny. One reason is that sometimes you are not aiming

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                  • Because u haven't even gally bro

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