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originally posted in: SO MUCH FOR TOLERANCE
7/22/2014 8:55:54 PM
To all Athiests - CAN YOU PROVE THERE IS NO GOD? To all Christians - CAN YOU PROVE THERE IS A GOD? You're both dumb. :)

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  • [quote]To all Athiests - CAN YOU PROVE THERE IS NO GOD?[/quote] 1- You cannot prove something doesn't exist. There is no positive proof for a negative. Logically, you can only prove something does exist. 2- This isn't what atheists, in general, believe. Atheists don't believe in any deities. That is distinctly different than believing there are no deities. 3- Christians are only one degree less of an atheist than atheists are. There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of other gods that Christians don't believe in. The list of gods that atheists don't believe in is only one longer. The way atheists feel about the Christian God is the same way Christians feel about the Egyptian sun god Ra.

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  • 1 - Thank you for making my point, 2 - You are wrong - 3 - refer to 2.

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  • 1 - Um, not at all. I didn't prove your point; I showed you how wrong your premise is. 2 - The more accepted definition is: [quote]a person who lacks belief in the existence of God or gods[/quote]Take note that lack of belief in God or gods is NOT the same as believing no God or gods exist. Subtle but distinct difference. 3 - I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Do you believe in the Sun God Ra? If not, that's how atheists feel about the Christian God.

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  • [quote]3- Christians are only one degree less of an atheist than atheists are. There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of other gods that Christians don't believe in. The list of gods that atheists don't believe in is only one longer. The way atheists feel about the Christian God is the same way Christians feel about the Egyptian sun god Ra.[/quote] I seriously have never considered this angle before, you just broke my brain.... lol owww

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  • Glad to be of service.

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  • If you can proof something it's not believing anymore, it's knowing

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  • Again, Atheists aren't claiming something. They are just taking a position that there isn't enough evidence to claim that there is a god. It isn't a position of knowledge. It is a position that the extraordinary claim that there is a god, hasn't met the burden of proof that is required to definitively say that without a shadow of a doubt that there is a god. Just like in courts, a jury doesn't render a verdict of guilty or innocent, they render a verdict of guilty or not guilty. Meaning if they are found not guilty, it just means that there wasn't enough evidence to find them guilty. Most religions believe that there is some form of deity out there so much that nothing you can say can change their minds. Personally, I think that is very close minded to think that way. When religion was created, mankind was savage and stupid to the extreme, and it needed some form of afterlife punishment to kind of whip us into shape, but it is unnecessary now. Think of it. When Jesus supposedly walked the earth. everyone thought the earth was flat. It took another 1500 years to figure out it was round. 1000 years ago, people knew that the sun rotated the earth. Now we know it is actually the earth that rotates the sun. Imagine what we could know tomorrow once we move religion out of the way, and stop filling in the answers of the unknown with "well god did it". Besides, don't you think that it is a little preposterous to think that a god created this entire universe, just to watch you masturbate. That is like creating a 50lb cookie just to watch one atom of carbon vibrate.

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  • Dude, you are so wrong. People knew that the earth was not flat before Christ was even born. As early as 350 B.C. Aristotle declared the earth was round. Please don't act high and mighty if you don't know simple facts. Moreover, most atheists are making an argument that there is no God. Similar to defense attorneys argue that there was no crime/that the defendant did not commit it. They are arguing against the witnesses which claim God exists, in various forms and so on (it only makes sense if God is so great as to create everything, he would not simply be understood, and so when people got a little, they made up the rest). I think it's silly when people say "no evidence for God"- people who say this must not listen very well. You can say "I do not accept the evidence" but not that there is none. As for your final statement, I do not think that anyone think God created anything just to watch you masturbate.

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  • Edited by IDEVILMANI: 7/24/2014 11:07:07 AM
    As far as evidence of God, there is actually no demonstrative evidence of such a deity. It is really a catch-22. Because if there is demonstrative evidence of a god, then it can be something we can record, test, and maybe even reproduce in nature or in science labs, or can easily be explained with science. And even if something does happen, that happens to be unknown, (we can record it, we can see it, but we don't really have a scientific explanation for it yet) Doesn't necessarily mean that it was an act of god. It just means we don't have an explanation for it yet. People are so afraid of the unknown that they just close their eyes and say "god did it" and let that be the end of it. When the proper answer should be "I don't know, let's find out" is replaced with "god" it literally weakens our minds, and our place in the human race. We used to strive for the stars, now we are just waiting for the end of all things. That shouldn't be the way it is.

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  • I agree that we should not just write it off as "God" but investigate it. We should keep moving forward. But none of these are incompatible with a belief of God. Moreover, if God made everything, he essentially created the laws of physics, so obviously he would be above them. Therefore, we cannot expect to, by science be able to detect or test him.

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  • I am not as wrong as you think. I just went with a broadened term. Yes, the Greeks did experiments to prove that the earth was round and spherical, However it took time for that scientific fact to spread and be accepted as fact. Some cultures in ancient china still presumed the earth was flat and square up until the 17th century. Sorry for the approximation. And as for the masturbate glib. That is what it is. Just a joke. So many people think that god is looking out for them, when the universe is so massive, that to any form of a god, we probably wouldn't even exist in its eyes.

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  • Well if he's so big and powerful, I'm sure he could know everything we're doing. Since he likely is not made of atoms (i could explain why I come to this conclusion) he likely operates from another timeline. By this I mean, he is outside of time because time is relative, so we can expect atoms operate compared to atoms. But if some thing are made by something else, it's not necessarily bound to the relative time of atoms.

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  • Agnostic works for many people

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  • I can but this is not the place for it ;)

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  • You know christians are a very small demographic of believers in God right?

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  • You know that over 1/3 of the worlds population holds the belief in a form of Christianity right. That is actually a very large demographic

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  • Hah you got me there. I had no idea that many were Christian. I'm just saying there's jews and muslims believing in the same God too

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  • A lot of people seem to forget that. lol

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  • Agnostics for the win

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  • Look!!! An Agnostic?!? I didn't think they existed anymore :P

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