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originally posted in: SO MUCH FOR TOLERANCE
7/22/2014 5:37:01 PM
Christian like to point with fingers and many many specially from the US are very intolerant to other world views like how christian try to remove Evolution from Schools for instance or they dont grant others the rights they take for themselves like for intance stupid things like viewing LBGT as sickness, How they would like to refuse service to anyone LBGT or how they try to control the reproductive rights of women and their many more things like that. and last but not least also mostly having that "holier than thou" attidute how everyone has to just accept what the christian says if you dont agree or try to have a civil discussion they get rude and insult people

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  • I dont understand what the actions of any group, religious or otherwise, has to do with them seeking like-minded individuals in a game. Your post does nothing but make you look just as bad as the group you're decrying.

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  • Lol I was commenting because of a previous post and only stated what I believed and got called hurler lol then ppl are trying to tell me why in stupid just proving my point

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  • Yeah, those are the die-hard Christians. I myself am an Athiest, but am friends with quite a few Christians without that attitude, and they are all quite embarrassed by those people

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  • And if God meant for gay relations it wouldn't take a man and a women to create life but it does nature itself should teach you...

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  • Edited by H0RSE: 7/22/2014 6:08:09 PM
    wrong. homosexuality exists among the animal kingdom. It has for many many years. heterosexual sex is only needed fro reproduction, so there's nothing stopping gay men and women from continuing to be gay, and just volunteering or "donating" for hetero sex to contribute to populating the species, and then continue being gay afterwards. Hetero relationships are not needed to continue human life, just the sex part is. Hell, just sperm and egg are needed, no sex required.

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  • Believe what you want bible says it's a sin it is and regardless what you believe heaven is real and so is he'll we all will find ourselves in one of them

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  • No I disagree with homosexuality it is wrong however I don't go around saying things to people in fact at my school I was asked what I believe I told them and because I didn't back down and stood by what I believe I got labeled a hater but in reality it's usually the homosexual group that gives out the verbal abuse calling the people that don't lose their standards haters

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  • ive replied to your posts once already but i caught something in this one. "at your school"...... youre a child and have no business professing to know anything about the interactions between different religious groups and ideals. no disrespect to you little man but discussions like these are best left to people whove had time to grow their personal beleifs with experience and knowledge, not what there parents have told them for 15 years...

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  • Haha think I'm a child😂

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  • It's funny how you think my parents have stuffed this down my throat they haven't I'm not a kid that lives in his mothers basement I choose to live like this when I said school I meant past experiences I'm already graduated bro

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  • ah the cry of every quelled internet argument " i was talking about before!" it doesnt matter to me or anyone else how old you are or wich one of your parents basements you reside in, youve shown how truelly uninformed and frankly child like your opinion is "bro". as ive said believe what you will, just dont try to explain much because without the knowledge to make informed arguments, you end up looking like a fool. really, an infinite mass of energy where two points met causing the most intense explosive event that EXISTENCE has ever known, so strong we CAN DETECT the remnant heat from it in space is so unbelievable compared to some guy hiding in the clouds creating stuff on a whim... please just stop...

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  • Haha explosions destroy not create you sound quite foolish and don't capitalize your words and act all big bad and angry haha

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  • without the explosion of hundreds of stars before our slice of the universe even existed, we never would have existed. prepare for about 50 other people to call you dumb in the coming moments.

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  • Haha whatever dude I love the way I live and what I believe anyway bye

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  • I didn't even finish reading your comment tired of your hate I simply stated what I believe two hours ago and keep getting hateful comments on how in wrong and childish when in reality you speak as a fool now goodbye seriously this is getting annoying I'm tired of all y'all telling me what i believe is wrong

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  • your actually just getting frustrated because were all explaining your comments away, and you dont have enough information or any explanation to vindicate your beliefs. no ones hating, and i may get a little aggressive when presenting some facts or ideas, but i said in one of my posts i meant no disrespect, i only pointed out your ignorance of a subject you try to disprove but cant and another you try to prove but cant. this is why i like science and any with an interest in it, try to offer proof that ones idea is wrong and instead of one crying harrasment of their beliefs like a child they search the truth out by using fact, what can be observed, proven. woe to us all who live in a world where such open mindedness isnt the norm

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  • Whoa there buddies! There no need for all this vitriol. How about we all get in a Skype call together a beat off to each other's fap folder? Think of it as a cultural exchange.

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  • Sexuality isn't a choice, kid. That's like saying someone is "wrong" for being born with brown eyes or "wrong" for being born into the wrong culture. You know who else thought that way? Hitler. Don't be a bigot.

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  • See that's what I'm saying I am simply saying what I believe and you compare me to hitler. I disagree I'm not gonna argue about that but I won't drop my morals either and kid? Your probably what 16 or something

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  • Stop with your "I'm being oppressed" bullshit. One of the fundamental differences between Christians and the LGBT community, is choice. Being LGBT is not a choice. Being Christian is, so if you follow the doctrines and teachings of your holy book, you're choosing to do so. Those gays you don't agree with - they don't have a choice. When you choose to share your beliefs with others, you have a right to do so, however, you do not have the right to not be offended or have people disagree with you. You say something and people don't agree with you and lash out, that comes with the territory of free speech.

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  • I am not sure what you mean by "don't have a choice" there is always a choice. Yes, they may have been born with a chemical composition that makes them more likely to make the choice to be homosexual, but that does not make it involuntary.

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  • Edited by H0RSE: 7/22/2014 6:49:47 PM
    do you choose to be heterosexual? Are you telling me you could be gay if you wanted to, but you just choose not to... it has nothing to do with having zero attraction to the same sex, it's just a choice, right? They weren't born with a chemical composition that makes them "more likely" to be homosexual, they are born with one that makes them 100% likely to be homosexual. What you are talking about is bisexual, or perhaps pansexuality.

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  • Haha it is a choice but whatever keep telling yourself that

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  • Haha, I'm much older. I called you a kid because you mentioned your school. If you meant college, I apologize. If you look up the word "bigoted," though, that's exactly what you're being. I have no problems with Christianity or its followers, but when you start talking about certain groups - especially an estimated 10% of all humanity - like they are wrong by nature, I have a problem with that.

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  • The reason I'm against it is because the bible is and that's what I believe in. Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Don't hate anyone just don't drop my morals

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