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originally posted in: SO MUCH FOR TOLERANCE
Edited by awyeahguuurl: 7/22/2014 5:28:47 PM
I think there is a sense in which the segregation of a gaming community can be seen as divisive because gaming is the thing that is suppose to bring us together. Destiny has no connotations of sexuality, creed, or religion. It's mostly secular, aside from a few a few psuedo-religious overtones for the narrative of the game. Ultimately, there should not be a problem with Christians playing with non-believers or LGBT playing with Christians because we come together to enjoy a game that has nothing to do with how I identify myself outside of gaming. When a Christian displays a desire to separate and make distinctions with whom he /she plays with, people infer things that may or may not be there, such as perceiving that being Christian makes a person superior and all other are unworthy to socialize with. Additionally, because of the exclusive claims of the Bible and the implications of those claims, people get offended and lash out (I don't blame them, it's suppose to do that). I think that what people forget, both Christians and non-believers, is that in order to be identified as a Christian you first have to be an admitted sinner who has broken the law, is irredeemable without the work of Jesus Christ, and the very recognition of their standing before God as a sinner, even their faith, is a gift of grace from God (grace: unmerited favor). From this perspective, a Christian is no better than anyone and should have no problem merely playing a videogame with non-believers or LGBT people, whom Christians are called to love with the same love and grace that God has shown towards Christians. Moreover, Christians are called to be salt and light to the world and it's impossible to do that when Christians want to remove themselves completely from it. Lastly, Jesus spent much of his time with people the society of the time considered outcasts and sinner preaching himself out of love for them and Paul warned early believers not to associate with people who say they are believers and live in complete opposition of their confession, yet modern Christians seem to not realize this and have our priorities inverted. This is my complaint with the desire to only play with other Christians. I don't have to accept the way another person lives or what they believe to play a game or even befriend them, but [b]I am called to love them[/b] where they are at because that is what Christ afforded to all of us that have come to faith. I can't love them if I decide to not know them. EDIT: Much of this holds true for the LGBT/Furry community as well. Though they aren't held to the same ethic, we should not forsake each other. Though I can sympathize with wanting to find safety from being antagonized, ridiculed, and marginalized; still, it should not be lost that Christians receive the same treatment from other people. Personally, I think that is why many Christian seek other Christians to play with. Safety or feeling as if I can enjoy myself in a game is important for everyone.

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