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Edited by DeeJ: 7/22/2014 9:15:39 PM


OK, I'm assuming many of you have seen these two posts: the person who wants to play Destiny with others within the LGBT/Furry community, and the person who wants to play with Christians. Now let me say first this is not going to devolve into a theological or argument about morals. When the guy(or girl) who made his post about playing with other Christians, his thread was torn apart. He, his beliefs, and anyone who sided with him were discriminated and made fun of. He was told countless times that he was wrong and stupid for believing what he did. Now today there was another post made by a guy(or girl) wishing to play with with those in the LGBT and "furry" communities. This thread, thankfully, was met with nothing but kind words and willingness to play, even by those who were not LGBT. Why is there a difference between the responses to the Christian post and the LGBT/furry post? Neither was condemning those who didn't think like them, simply asking to play with like-minded people of similar backgrounds, yet one was discriminated and made fun of. Why is this OK? We supposedly live in this generation of tolerance, where everyone's beliefs and lifestyles are to be accepted, so why the intolerance? Everybody should remember the Golden rule, treat others the way you want to be treated. Ok guys, it's getting a little out of hand. This is not a topic about religion, it is about respecting each other. Remember, just be nice to people. It doesn't cost anything. You're not required to agree with them, but do not belittle or discriminate against them for thinking differently than you do.

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  • Because liberal morons run the world. Good values an morals are nonexistent. White people are the only one who can be racist Straight people are the only sexists Disarming people will be beneficial. Etc etc Of course it will trickle down into the internet

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    11 Replies
    • Because today's youth are being conditioned to be accepting of the gay community, while simultaneously hating on any community that opposes said gay community.

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    • awesome they want to play with other Christians. That's great. The little children on here know nothing about life or religion which is why they attack them. Understanding you are not the center of the universe is hard for ignorant tiny brained people to wrap their head around. The gay shit is everywhere now and people are forced to accept it or you're an evil [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] bigot. I for one am sick and tired of it and it's disgusting but if they wanna play a video with other gays than by all means. They should be allowed to do so. Just like a Christian should be allowed to play with other Christians without a bunch of ignorant little self centered babies yelling at them.

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    • Idk who supposed that lie, we live in the age of hate. Fear is power and lies are truth and if you don't believe that, you're lying to yourself out of self defense.

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      3 Replies
      • Tolerance has become a lovely double standard now a days. You point fingers and screech intolerance and blasphemy on all those who don't share your view. All the while your the one being just as intolerance and stuck up. Plain and simple both sides do it. One way or another I can easily see why people would want to group up with other like minded people, and if you have different opinions well then go play somewhere else and don't go crazy trying to ruin someone else's fun because they don't share your opinions. In essence, let people play and have fun with their own opinions and do just the same.

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        • At the moment I hate both communities. Both preach about being "tolerant" but neither actually act upon it. The problem is that no one seems to know what tolerance means, it doesn't mean you have to accept or even like others belief/lifestyles it just means you have to put up with it...tolerate it. [b]To LBGT[/b] I say this: you can't force [b]acceptance[/b] so stop bashing our beliefs or your become no better than anyone else. [b]To Christians:[/b] To each his own, focus on self improvement and let others live as they please in the end [b]you[/b] will be judged for [b]your[/b] actions. But what does any of this have to do with the game?!

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          • I have not seen the posts, but it's just the "fad" right now gay is IN and anything that represents anti-gay feelings(religion) is OUT. 10 years ago this would have been reversed, heck probably 3 years ago. But I don't understand why people feel the need to go out of their way to put someone down. They need to get out of their house and do something productive if putting people down in online forums is what they do for fun.

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          • I can't begin to like this post enough. I thought the same thing when I read these posts. Thanks for calling this out, as it is affirming to know there are people in this forum who can appreciate people and respect their walks if life, no matter what that looks like. Thank you. Bungie, take note of this and promote equality in these forums, it's about time to foster some good will towards everyone who is posting here.

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          • Edited by Keeyop: 7/22/2014 7:00:36 PM
            Give people a keyboard & a thin veil of anonymity and there are some people who relish the opportunity to turn into opinionated little turds spouting agenda of rage, opinion as fact rhetoric all over the place, until everything descends into the eristic. Unfortunately its what the internet as a whole seems devolved into. The more things that pull us together as a community, the more things we will find to segregate ourselves from each other.

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          • Also you can't please everyone, try to do so and you please no one. Your right, we "supposedly" live in this generation of tolerance, but sometimes diversity creates adversity. Once in a while I catch BS from xbox users on here but IDGAF about one company that hasn't made an overall profit in years and another who has total monopoly over PC OS (windows).

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          • I am neither religious nor part of the LGBT community, but I can say with certainty that I would rather play with the latter. Being a part of the vocal majority, at least in the US, has made most openly Christian people, well, pretty unchristian. Tolerance is something that the LGBT community, tumblr notwithstanding, is much better at. It's all just a game, and a pretty fun one at that. Why would I want to spoil that with a lot of the, admittedly mostly American, bullshit that goes with the vast majority of the openly Christian market? Well, I wouldn't. TL;DR I'd rather play with a bunch of openly gay, overly flamboyant men(that aren't tumblr fags) than with a single member of the (vocal) American Christian community. [u][/u]

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            2 Replies
            • Christian like to point with fingers and many many specially from the US are very intolerant to other world views like how christian try to remove Evolution from Schools for instance or they dont grant others the rights they take for themselves like for intance stupid things like viewing LBGT as sickness, How they would like to refuse service to anyone LBGT or how they try to control the reproductive rights of women and their many more things like that. and last but not least also mostly having that "holier than thou" attidute how everyone has to just accept what the christian says if you dont agree or try to have a civil discussion they get rude and insult people

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              53 Replies
              • I think that religious groups are getting more and more scorn because of the general way they act in the real world. It may have been nothing to do with that person in particular. However, I do agree that no one deserves or should be treated in such a way. We are all gamers, and that is all that should matter to us. Certain people just want to play with like minded players.

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              • Edited by Invidia: 7/22/2014 6:34:50 PM
                Can't we all just agree that Jesus is like Santa Claus ? You know, made up to scare children into doing what is right in order to receive a gift in the end. [spoiler]Let the hating ensue [/spoiler]

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                • All praise the Traveller !

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                • Edited by OneCollar: 7/22/2014 6:47:46 PM
                  Cause people ask for Tolerance, is mostly why i have no tolerance for them Not to bag on ur thread or anything. just saying this to those whom u are referring to most of the time

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                • I don't see why it would matter, who you team up with for a play session. I'm not sure how it would even come up candidly in conversation for anyone to get offended. Wanting to play the game and being capable of carrying on a conversation is like minded enough for me.

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                  • Hey funny story. Once I had a boss ask me what religion i was. "umm.. none?" I said. "How about you?", "Christian" he replied. "oh, ok cool." He then talks to me for 45 minutes and tells me that people of other faiths are not to be trusted (myself included, apparently). So I worked there 3 more months then got transfered. Oh and yeah.. that job.. it was in the Military. As with all those vocal minority, if you dont want to hear it, just let it roll of your back. It stops eventually. Oh! 1 more. May I? Couple of years ago a rather cute jahovas [sic] witness milf came to my door. Started her routine. I interrupted and invited her in for casual sex. They never came by after that. Go figure :/

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                    9 Replies
                    • Edited by awyeahguuurl: 7/22/2014 5:28:47 PM
                      I think there is a sense in which the segregation of a gaming community can be seen as divisive because gaming is the thing that is suppose to bring us together. Destiny has no connotations of sexuality, creed, or religion. It's mostly secular, aside from a few a few psuedo-religious overtones for the narrative of the game. Ultimately, there should not be a problem with Christians playing with non-believers or LGBT playing with Christians because we come together to enjoy a game that has nothing to do with how I identify myself outside of gaming. When a Christian displays a desire to separate and make distinctions with whom he /she plays with, people infer things that may or may not be there, such as perceiving that being Christian makes a person superior and all other are unworthy to socialize with. Additionally, because of the exclusive claims of the Bible and the implications of those claims, people get offended and lash out (I don't blame them, it's suppose to do that). I think that what people forget, both Christians and non-believers, is that in order to be identified as a Christian you first have to be an admitted sinner who has broken the law, is irredeemable without the work of Jesus Christ, and the very recognition of their standing before God as a sinner, even their faith, is a gift of grace from God (grace: unmerited favor). From this perspective, a Christian is no better than anyone and should have no problem merely playing a videogame with non-believers or LGBT people, whom Christians are called to love with the same love and grace that God has shown towards Christians. Moreover, Christians are called to be salt and light to the world and it's impossible to do that when Christians want to remove themselves completely from it. Lastly, Jesus spent much of his time with people the society of the time considered outcasts and sinner preaching himself out of love for them and Paul warned early believers not to associate with people who say they are believers and live in complete opposition of their confession, yet modern Christians seem to not realize this and have our priorities inverted. This is my complaint with the desire to only play with other Christians. I don't have to accept the way another person lives or what they believe to play a game or even befriend them, but [b]I am called to love them[/b] where they are at because that is what Christ afforded to all of us that have come to faith. I can't love them if I decide to not know them. EDIT: Much of this holds true for the LGBT/Furry community as well. Though they aren't held to the same ethic, we should not forsake each other. Though I can sympathize with wanting to find safety from being antagonized, ridiculed, and marginalized; still, it should not be lost that Christians receive the same treatment from other people. Personally, I think that is why many Christian seek other Christians to play with. Safety or feeling as if I can enjoy myself in a game is important for everyone.

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                      5 Replies
                      • They only tolerate you if you agree with them.

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                      • Because most of the vocal minority on this site, and the internet as a whole, are condescending Atheists. I'm a proud Catholic that is tolerable of others' beliefs. Hell, a good number of my friends are either Atheist or Agnostic. I just can't stand when these people that I [i]try[/i] to respect feel the need to make fun of everyone else who don't see things their way. They are just hypocrites, and I try to avoid them. The guy who made the thread didn't deserve the bashing that he got, and those people know it. All I can say is that karma's a bitch, and the ones that did make fun of him and his thread will have something coming to them fairly soon.

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                        24 Replies
                        • Edited by Mikhail: 7/22/2014 6:48:44 PM
                          I'm just trying to assimilate the fact that someone made a post like that and the you come and do this other post. Not sure about you guys but this 23rd of July I'm a BADASS GUARDIAN and my mission is to save what is left of humanity. Also, 9/9/14 Marks the date when I can fully wear my armor and reach out for other guardians to protect my race and change our Destiny. See you guys in GAME! EDIT: Reported whole post just because. One, a guy putting something like religion in a OPEN-PUBLIC forum and two for the guys making him cry.

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                        • Everyone loves Lesbians. I respect peoples beliefs but religion is easy to make fun of and not believe in. (you know science and stuff :)

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                          15 Replies
                          • Yeah, that's -blam!-ed up. As long as he wasn't being exclusionary and he just wanted to team up with like minded people, he shouldn't get flak for his religious beliefs. I'm an atheist, for the record.

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                            • I'm a Christian, and it's kind of expected to be "persecuted" in this environment. I don't care about the gays and lesbians, or stuff, but I'm really glad I didn't see the mentioned threads. I loathe, seriously loathe, the "Christians" that feel the need to condemn others who don't believe the same. I live by this question: "If I worship a God who is supposed to be all about love, why would someone believe in Him if I show hatred to others?" Im not perfect, but please, don't lump all Christians together. I'm no better than anyone else, but we're not all hostile "holier than thou" elitist jerks. Please forgive them if they made you mad, don't be turned away from any religion you choose because of some rotten hearts.

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                              7 Replies
                              • I would just like to state that i am christian, and have nothing against someone being homosexual. I do not believe in homosexuality but do not condemn it as some others of my religious group do. I don't approve the hate. If this guy wants to play with christians let him, but if he were intentionialy bashing gays or ANY other racial, ethnic, or religious group, then i would have a problem.

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