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originally posted in:ReClaim Gaming
Edited by True Reclaimer: 8/23/2014 10:04:18 AM

TOP 10 THINGS - Bungie MUST FIX in Destiny!

[b]TOP 10 THINGS Bungie MUST FIX in Destiny![/b] [I]Hope DeeJ or one of the other Bungie crew actually read this![/I] 1. [b] Waypoints[/b] - When pressing the point button you should be able to set a waypoint that everyone can see, and have it appear on HUD with a range (in meters). These waypoints should also change depending on the object. Waypointing a Fallen, HIve, etc should give a red "ENEMY" waypoint, green "LOOT" for item drops, yellow "CHEST" for chests, purple "VEHICLE" for pikes, interceptors, etc, blue "GHOST" for dead ghosts, and white or grey "WAYPOINT" for everything else such as the ground, a roof, walls, etc. All waypoints should be removable by clicking the waypoint button a second time and not disappear automatically unless 5 minutes pass without response. These may also be useful in PvP with a much quicker half life of around 5 seconds, allowing teams to "tag" important things like enemy snipers, ammo, hiding spots, etc. 2. [b]Increase Freeroam cap to 6 players[/b] - After running with a 6 man team in Crucible, sometimes we need a break and want to head to freeroam to run around and chill out. Or maybe one of us found a cool thing and wants to share. Or maybe we all want to partake on a full scale dead ghost/treasure hunt. It sucks to boot 3 of our friends out especially when we have 5 players and 20 mintutes to kill waiting for our 6th man to join us for an event like Iron Banner. 3. [b]Enable Single Player[/b] - Many times I was paired with noobs or kids that rushed ahead and ignored chests/loot when going into strikes. Or even worse the kids that were idle or hid from battle, just there to steal exp and rewards. Enable the option to run strikes and set them to solo, invite only, friends only, and public. 4. [b]Enable RANKED and SOCIAL modes, or Disable team splitting[/b] - Tired of having my 6 man fireteam split up and forced to fight each other. More often than not when this happens kids sabotage their team to help their friends. At least stop this in Ranked matches. Id prefer not to see it at all, ever. 5. [b]Shared LOOT drops[/b] - when an engram, weapon, or consumable drops it should be universal, AT THE VERY LEAST to your fireteam. It should not disappear after pickup, but rather turn translucent so that players can set waypoints on the loot for their friends. 6. [b]Loot Chest Rework[/b] - These chests have set respawn locations which is nice, except when they spawn in unreachable places. They should be openable from any angle just by approach rather than the very Zelda-like walk up to the front and manually open. They need longer half lives as they disappear way too fast, so they can be shared with teammates. They need better gear most importantly, scaled to the players currently equipped gear and level. Gear that has stat effects should be all that chests give such as an uncommon rifle with a fast reload perk. And increase the amount of glimmer, even if its random. For example one chest gives 130 while another gives 870. 7. [b]Realtime In-game mini-maps and large maps[/b] - Allow pressing a button or two simultaneously to activate maps with realtime data such as player location, vehicles, objectives, waypoints, etc. Many Guardians get lost in Destiny. This need not be the case. Also infinitely more important than a button to "wave hi". 8. [b]Player Names on/under Ships in Load Screens[/b] - Bungie... why would we buy ship skins if nobody knows that's our ship? Come on now. 9. [b]Spawn Next To Team after Join In Progress[/b] - The worst part of freeroam or accepting an invite to a mission is spawning at the first part of the map and having to travel manually while fighting annoying enemies solo until you reach your team by then they either failed or completed the objective. Please fix this to at least spawn in the same general area or at one of several visible LZs (landing zones). 10. [b]Inventory Rework[/b] - first allow players to view all items and gear in a players inventory (not bank, keep that private). If my friend has 4 exotic rifles a legendary shotgun and fusion rifle, 25000 glimmer and 200 ether seeds Id like to see please. Second keep item levels always visible. I hate how it disappears how can I know what to store for my other guardians? My level 8 hunter views a level 6 gun the same as a level 8 yet my level 1 Titan sees their true level. Also this helps when comparing gear with other players. Third show how much glimmer the gear is worth and what youll receive by breaking it down BEFORE you break it down and are sorely disappointed. Also give a warning prompt when trying to dismantle Exotics or Legendries to prevent accidents. Lastly- show a number indicating if you already own the gear and how many. Bungie you made a good game. [b]With these tips it will be a GREAT game.[/b] Together we will reclaim Destiny and become Legend. [i]True_Reclaimer[/i] [url=]Reclaim Destiny[/url] [u]Rise. Raid. Reclaim.[/u]

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  • Who cares

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  • This kid has no life

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  • Love the suggestions but not entirely sure about the inventory rework, though I understand why you want it and wouldn't complain if that were implemented either.

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  • I don't have many gripes except for how hard it is to set up a fire team from the tower it took me almost 5 minutes to get 1 guy into my fireteam becuz it said both our teams were full even though they were empty. Plus instead of not starting with any ammo for ur special weapon when u switch it in mid game u should at least have 1-2 clips if u switch while ur dead I mean come on. Plus I would be nice for some item requirements to by toned down a little. And one more thing is it would be awsome to have an ability recharging consumable cuz that would come in very handy for bosses. And what I mean is u would have unlimited ability for a very brief time or u could have it three times like the golden gun or it could just imediotly recharge it. Any way thanks for the halo killer bungie I hope the rest will awsome to.(and rated T)

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    21 Replies
    • I 100% agree with 2 8 & 9

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    • If your dumb enough to hold down the dismantle button and not realize it legendary before it's done you deserve to lose the gear. Just saying

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      • Edited by nazaam: 7/31/2014 9:10:56 AM
        I'm not sure about the singleplayer option for strikes. Kinda fails the purpose of a multiplayer game. Games like WoW have the same problem, but that's what the report button is for. The chances of getting a "noob" is actually pretty low. I had one person idling in all the strikes I've played so far. I recently picked up some of your points in my own thread, if you wanna check it out:

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      • I definitely agree with the warning label before dismantling an Exotic or Legendary. There should be a pop-up text box that says "Are you sure?" I also would like a timer on the "Leave Crucible" button, or a pop-up prompt. Far too often I accidentally hit the Circle button while waiting for another match, and I was instantly removed from the lobby.

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      • I agree with all except five. I like the loot drops to be personal.

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      • I like all but 5 and 6. #5 I like that loot is completly random and private and not semi random. If you miss it they have the postmaster which is freakin sweet. #6 I have never found a chest I couldn't get to and open and they already respawn so fast that if you made them drop more glimmer or better loot there would be little challenge to getting decent gear. also the glimmer from chests increased as your level went up im pretty sure. The rest are all great ideas!!

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        2 Replies
        • What you should do is compile everyone's ideas and edit then into your post. That way we can have ALL the best ideas here not just 10

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        • Looks like a good top 10 to be honest. All of these things would help.

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          2 Replies
          • Bungie could also include races with the sparrow and create fireteam hud to the left to show your teamates' status.

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            2 Replies
            • One more thing. I just pray they don't add player trading.

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            • We need trading.

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              5 Replies
              • Hit reg and over all net code. If some one punches you, you can just punch back and both will die.

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                2 Replies
                • Number 7 should be an option when you bring up your ghost. They even call it "Nav Mode" for crying out loud.

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                  • Thanks for your input OP. Simple fact is, lots of feedback is taken from various threads and almost all of them are reviewed by someone on the staff. Bungie does listen to us on these sorts of things. Please note, I say that because I've been with Bungie since Marathon. They have a formula built around helping players get what they want, even if they don't necessarily realize it from the get-go.

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                    3 Replies
                    • If the beginning of beta will be the beginning of the full game, I would love to see it more intense. Seems like a closer call to get to the ship and escape. Maybe have the boss you later return to kill be actively chasing you. And professing through areas cause routs to be blocked making the boss take longer. And enabling you to throw in some firefight and also have a kind of challenge. Other than just finding it.

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                      • I pretty much agree with all of these tips, they would improve the gameplay nicely. But what *BUNGIE REALLY NEEDS TO ADDRESS, or at least take into consideration for the love of all things* is the difference in handling b/w the 360 and the One. I played the beta on these two platforms and I can tell you there is a definitive difference between them. Aiming down your sights on the 360 as you finish off one target and move to the next is smooth and predictable, as a fps is expected to be, whereas if you're doing the same on the Xbox One the movement is much more sticky, as in it gives the feeling of lag without the existence of any, making it very unpredictable (through the action of constantly overcorrecting your movements) and thus much more difficult to shoot at targets with a high degree of accuracy consistently. I have spoken with others to see if they have experienced the same and many were of the same opinion. A friend said to help it he turned his sensitivity up higher and that helped somewhat but there was still clearly an issue present with the handling. If others in this community have experienced the same issue please state your case so we can get the word out to hopefully get the ball rolling. Thanks for your time.

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                        • These are all pretty minor, actually. I'm sure it'll be fine.

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                          • OK if shared loot happens there is always that one person that sees an exotic drop and grabs it without anyone seeing it. Also the chests despawn in 30 seconds after being opened.

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                            2 Replies
                            • XP for pve kills needs fixing - multiplier to ensure lower xp received for killing an enemy of a lower level than you, higher xp for enemies higher level. No one wants to go to the trouble of killing an enemy twice your level for the same xp that you would get for killing a lvl 1.

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                              • A proximity chat would be nice for things like recruiting fire teams in the tower and communication with random people while completing a mission. However, what if we could make a better system. When you look at a player and click the right stick, it gives you an options list for that player. This should also seamlessly open a chat with them, if they have that setting enabled. This way only the people you want to hear you will, and only the people that want to talk directly to you can. This channel would act much like an regular Xbox/ play station party system but it is in game and easy to use. So the chat would stay open while you are doing other things like inviting other people, and fighting the Fallen, and would only be closed when you hit the right stick again (aiming at a player or not) and with a second options window displaying all the people you are chatting with, select the person you don't want, and they will be gone. This will make a great community were you are not constantly annoyed by people you don't want to hear, and you can freely communicate. Imagine walking through the tower on the way to check you mail and suddenly hearing a voice say "sweet armor, were did you get it?" Now you can go on to do a couple of missions or raids with a person you just met, and even if you don't have enough friends to play with all the time, every day you make new ones! Please Bungie, give us our voices back.

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                                • SO many of these things do not follow into the Must category. Some do, but most don't even come close.

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                                  • You make some good points dude if there was one thing I'd change I'd get rid of waiting to spawn the sparrow I would prefer hit square have sparrow not wait for it also a few more face and hair models would be nice

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