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Edited by An1iC0nSTITUTION: 10/10/2014 2:16:17 AM

Iron Banner = Shit

This post is no longer valid as it was created on July 19th

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  • Isn't this just a beta.your going to lose every thing you earned in a week from now.

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  • These threads are starting to look alike. "I got 20.00 KDR and I got nothing! I'm a god in the crucible and I receive nothing! MOOOOOOM!!!"

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    8 Replies
    • It seems the rewards have nothing to do with your performance ingame. You can check my porfile, I also played 10+ games, and in every game I had K/D ratio higher than 1.5-2.0 sometimes even 3.5, and never even got one reward. I was also a witness of how the noob of the team was rewarded with a legendary ship, cape, and even guns for level 20.

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    • So the 26th

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    • My biggest problem with it was that it was just more control on a different map. I would like to see more of what other games they have planned. Its only 2 hours let everyone try something new not just another map. I played 4 or 5 games and that was it. I would like to know more about what whole game has to offer.

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    • Some people got elite things, others not so elite, others got crap, some not at all. Thats how it works. Are you new ?

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    • Bungie has told many lies

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    • QQ. It's a beta test, not a final release.

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    • i missed the iron banner event so i wouldn't know what i could have gotten or not. oh well. its not like any of that stuff is gonna carry over into the full release anyway so im not worried about it.

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    • I played both the iron banner event's and I got minimal rewards, and I werent a bad player either sometimes scoring the best in the game. I do not care, I enjoyed the ability to try out the other maps and abit of variation. Stop spitting your -blam!-ing dummy out.

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    • You never got that number lol.

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    • TUROK N64 was a good multiplayer.

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    • To be honest, I'm just pissed off that I even bothered. I -blam!-ing hate PvP, yet I took part in the event because I thought I'd be rewarded well and even without match rewards, it didn't help in the least that the bounty giver disappeared after the two hours. I got the banners, wasted hours of my life and I'm not going to do it again. Say what you want, but Bungie managed to piss a lot of people off. But so have many other companies, so hopefully they'll learn from this and make events clearer and more fun for everybody in the future. Just about got out all my anger, all my suggestions and all my "constructive" criticism in this comment. :D Job well done.

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    • im disliking your post buddy. so iron banner was shit because you didnt get loot? how about some actual constructive criticism about the actual game mode IRON BANNER. this was different to the usual crucible matches because in iron banner our gear and equipment actually matter and actually affect our attack and defense whereas in the standard matches its all leveled to keep games competitive. i for one loved the Iron Banner matches i thought they were a lot more fun than the standard matches. funny thing is i guess i didnt go in expecting any loot in fact i never heard that was a thing i was just playing and noticed an exclamation over the crucible went in and bam iron banner and it was great fun thank you bungie! PS. i scored a purple hand cannon which was level 20 and packed a ton of damage, not that it matters as i cant use it anyway so stop your whinging and discuss the actual gameplay experience

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      1 Reply
      • Well considering you got a legendary item at all and that legendary items are pretty fricking rare and powerful... I'd say it was a success. We may not get to use them in the Beta, but the rewards should be fairly rare and powerful to keep their legendary status important.

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      • and if the rewards weren't rare you wouldn't care anyhow

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      • I find it hilarious that Playstation owners were telling Xbox owners to shut up and stop whining, but as soon as something stops going their way they immediately start whining. This is gold.

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        15 Replies
        • i got a legendary hand cannon. but its level 20 so i cant use it.

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        • who cares, every thing get reset, the real problem here is if you want those cool fraction gear u need to do PvP Hunter-Shotgun fest ? very disappointing + I am not a fan of 30fps competitive.

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          3 Replies
          • Agreed, the best should be rewarded with the good spoils, not the ones going 0.3 KD that tagged along for the ride.

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            • Its a beta, who the -blam!- cares if you got a weapon or not? By next week all your progress and unlocks will be gone.

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            • Maybe because you performed so well within the Iron Banner they felt you didn't need a legendary weapon instead they rewarded you with something for defense for single player because you don't need any extra help in pvp. Where as a person with a 0.3 k/d ratio needs all the help he can get.

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            • PVP = bullet sponges

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              2 Replies
              • You lost me at "Yes I did get a legendary cape". This community has an inflated sense of entitlement. We're happy to share suggestions and advice, stories and pictures of our loot when it's going well but heaven forbid we encounter some inconsistencies and lag in a painfully obvious stress test event in a Beta build. Get your head out your ass, Bungie! We demand more!!

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              • Stop moaning u got a legendary cape you can use, the gun would of been level 20 and useless. If it makes you feel better I got jack shit not even a Cale, and my average K/D WAS 5.4. I'm not upset lol

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              • Maybe I missed something, but why the hell do you care for loot you can't even use?

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