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Edited by Recon Number 54: 9/9/2014 1:37:59 AM

I'm not allowed to play Destiny anymore. :(

Well fellow Guardians, it looks like my adventure is coming to a premature close as I can no longer play Destiny with the lot of you because of unfortunate circumstances. It seems that Destiny is no longer allowed in the household. After finally downloading the beta, setting up my exo hunter and jumping into the game for a few hours, I was met with a powerful urge to use the bathroom after sitting for so long in my room, exploring Old Russia and beating the Devil's Layer (twice!). I knew that it would just be a quick trip across the hall to the bathroom, so I left the game running and didn't think to lock my door as I left my bedroom, the first mistake in a series of terrible tragedies. So, there I was just doing my business in the bathroom, eagerly thinking about what I was going to do next in game. Maybe I would go into the Crucible and try out some of my sharpshooting skills on my trusty sniper, or maybe I'd message one of my friends to see if he had finished the Beta download yet. The Beta had been great so far, and playing it with my friend would have made it 1000X better if my mother hadn't suddenly yelled from behind the bathroom door, "WHAT IS THIS!" Now, to give some context to my mother's attitude towards video games, let's just say that she thought Pokemon was a morally questionable game as it had you capture "little raving monsters" into "confining prisons" only to let them out for "bloodthirsty battles that make dogfights look tame". To sum it up, she was against video games for the most part and only allowed certain ones in the house, and that was on very rare occasions. The only reason we got a PS3 was for Little Big Planet as she thought it was cute enough to not be that harmful to my development. So as you can guess, when my mother walked into my room looking for me and was greeted by the sight of a large machine gun pointed at the remains of a Fallen Dreg, you can figure out how she reacted. "WHAT IS THIS!" Quickly washing my hands and exiting the bathroom, I saw my mom standing in my room looking at the TV screen and then turning to me with a pretty angry look on her face. I thought about running just to escape the lecture I knew was coming, but her angry eyes held me there like a butterfly pinned under glass. "Is [i]THIS[/i] what you've been doing in here? Playing this [b]AWFUL[/b] game for the past few hours!?" I told her that I was and that it was the first day of Beta. I tried to explain to her that it was a really fun game with not a lot of graphic violence, and that even though it had guns in it, it really wasn't that bad. Of course body on the screen didn't help, but I had to try something to stop her from freaking out even more. I even tried calming her down by saying that it was free to download, but that certainly didn't help as she suddenly thought that thousands of horribly violent games were readily available on "that gamestation" for free and she started questioning me if I had downloaded anything else of a suspicious nature. After her lecturing me about online pornography, how violent video games make you a violent person and how I was still young and impressionable from every form of media, she ended the talk by saying, "Just wait till your father hears about this." And wouldn't you know it before she left the room, she walked over to where my playstation was, unplugged it with a forceful jerk and walked right past me into the hallway, holding the playstation like it was an old, dirty rag in need of disposal. I don't know if I can even describe how sad and broken I felt in that moment. When my dad came home a few hours later I wasn't sure what to expect. Whenever he talks to me, it always seems to be in a more professional manner than a fatherly manner. Maybe it's just how he was raised, but I know that I will never see my father as a close, warm friend. When he came inside the house he smiled and hugged my mom, but as soon as he saw me, his face calmed and turned into a silent stare. I knew he was angry at me, and that silent stare brought more terror into me than any yelling could ever do. He set his work things down and calmly walked into the kitchen to sit in his chair at the small wooden table we had from years before. It was his silent signal for me to come sit down and talk with him about what had happened earlier. My father sat there with his back to me, just simply reading the newspaper as I approached the table. He didn't say anything to me when I sat down next to him and he just waited a couple of minuets before speaking. "So, how'd your day go?" I told him it was good. That was all. I knew he wouldn't ask the question right away. "Your mom called me earlier today, she asked how work was going, you know how she is, and if we would be able to take a trip up north later this year. I think that if scheduling goes right, and your grandparents are available, then we should be able to go sometime in mid-August. What do you think?" I said it was fine. The trip would be fun. "I think it will be quite enjoyable too." He paused for a moment. "Your mother also told me that you and your friend Ashton were planning on playing a game today. Something called Destiny?" I nodded, knowing what was coming. "And it's a video game?" More nodding. "I see." "Now you know how we feel about video games, correct? And you [i]especially[/i] know how we feel about violent ones, right?" I don't even move my head, I just look down at the floor. "I know you do. Now while I was at work, I took some time to research this game of yours and you know what interesting things I found out? It is indeed a violent, shooting video game. Now what made you think that it was okay for you to play that without first asking us? I know that you are growing up, but there are very concrete rules that everyone in this household must abide by, and while you are still living here, you must follow them." My eyes are closed tight, my face still towards the floor. "Another interesting thing I found out was that there are very specific looking monsters in this game, I believe that they were called the Fallen and the Hive, that resemble very dark beings, almost demons if you will. Is that really the type of game I want my son to play? I don't think so." "Along those same lines, I found in the game that there's something called a Devil Walker?" My young brain can only come up with one thought amidst the pain, "Shit." "Now I'm not sure if you already knew about this so called Devil Walker in the game, and if you did you would definitely know the consequences, but amongst everything else that's wrong with that game called Destiny, that is the one thing that we cannot tolerate whatsoever. I believe I made it perfectly clear when you were young that anything pertaining to the Devil is not allowed in this household. [b]Nothing[/b] at all." It was the final nail in the coffin. A warm stinging starts to fill my eyes. "So as you can see, that game of yours violates one of the most fundamental rules I have laid down, and action must be taken to remedy this violation. You will delete any trace of that game from this house and you will have restricted access to the playstation, do you understand?" A single grieving nod. "Furthermore, you will start attending biblical school more often as you have obviously strayed from your teachings by disobeying your father and you mother. These are the consequences for your actions. You're dismissed." I wiped the tears from my face and got up from the table. I could barely see through the layer of saline in my eyes as I walked down the hallway to my room. With the broken hopes and dreams of a wonderful gaming experience, I cried myself to sleep thinking about the lost game that I'll never play and the fact that I fu[i]c[/i]king hate bible school.

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  • Ouch

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  • Go to your friends house and play.

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  • Your parents are sheep to a book, I feel very bad for you.

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  • Dude I never knew this would ever go on in the real world, I showed a lot of sympathy after reading this. I even had ideas for a great argument against what your parents say, like are you usually a frustrated person with video games because there's an article about how scientists tested 500 collage students on their level of anger through frustration, to sum it up frustration leads to aggression which I think is totally hypocritical of your parents to talk about avoiding to become aggressive/violence/hostile when during you experience your parents were being hostile towards you. If you hate bible school to whatever religion your in, then I guess join the Church of Jesus Christ of a Latter- Day Saints because if your parents won't let you leave whatever religion your in then just f*** with them by joining another, and through experience most of the Mormons I've meet are nice and welcoming who can defiantly solve your problems, they won't be like " If you do not obey your parents you will be DAMNED to hell" their just like your other friends all nice, kind, and equal with one another. Again you don't have to join the church it's just a suggestion, but I wish every one of you happiness (That sounded weird), and if you need someone to argue against your parents I'm your man. Stay strong Guardian.

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    4 Replies
    • If my mom ever unplugged my console and carried it away fot that reason I'd tell her she had down syndrome and then dual kick her down the stairs

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    • Dude join to be Muslim just to really -blam!- with them n get assassins creed games 1-4 n show them the whole storyline so there blown away

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    • Written far to well to be legit...

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      2 Replies
      • If you read this whole story with the voice of Jean Shepard (Adult Narrator Ralphie From A Christmas Story) in your head, It's pretty great.

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      • Your parents are too strict in this world that we live in today. We have ten year olds playing GTA five, but I basically blame bad parents for that (really bad parents). All in all who the hell cares if you play a violent video game, unless there is something wrong with your head health wise, I say go and get Destiny, hell pick up Serious Sam just to stick it to your mom.

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      • Bro...i feel you. Just wait until your 18 and can move out, take the ps3 with you and run. Never look back.

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      • You should make a presentation why you should play Destiny, and include your post in to. If they still disagree, there's always something stupid like running away but secretly staying at a friends house. Or doing bad in school on purpose and blaming it on your parents for Destiny. Ya know, things I wish I could do :'(

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      • Wow this got necroed hard

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      • how dare she think of pokemon like that pokemon is my second favorite game besides this one idk about x&y though with those stupid fairy types

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        2 Replies
        • The same type of people who thought violent books would turn people into psycho killers lol

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        • Edited by AzurianOni: 8/30/2014 4:16:17 PM
          Wow that's harsh life but why soon as you move out you can do what ever you want

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        • Judging by your grammar, you are [b][i]atleast[/i][/b] 14. Destiny is rated T so your fine. But just saying, this post smells a little trolly.

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        • It will get better. The world is full of things pertaining to evil. Destiny deals with what your parents perceive as mature content. Just keep growing up and try to demonstrate yourself as a mature person. Eventually they should see that you can handle it. If not, be extremely patient. College will come soon enough.

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        • It's funny how some of the parents say: "Video Games are not good for you ! " Totally, an enviroment where you can eliberate your rage without hurting anyone is so bad for your kid. It stops him from bullying other children, from hurting itself by jumping off of the garage ... how will he learn now how to beat other kids ...

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        • One less scrub!!

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        • You need to look up some psychology test they have done proving what your parents think is complete and utter B.S. Shove it in their faces and make them read all of it. The only way video games have a "negative" side effect to kids is if they are already messed up in the head. It's been proven over and over. I hate closed minded people that don't even want to think of anything else especially when it comes to video games. Sorry man. I would hate to have parents like you when I was growing up. Good luck in the future.

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        • How old are you I would hate having parents like that parents like that shield their kids from the world and when they go out in to the real world they're not ready for what's to come

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        • Ask D.I.O to help you with this matter.

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        • Cool [u]STORY[/u] bro, tell it again!

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        • My heart goes out to you, young one. My parents were restrictive as well growing up. Replace destiny with resident evil and that was my childhood. While I appreciate what they were trying to do I still disagree with some of it to this day(31 now). You may miss out on some cool stuff because of them try to remember they're only trying to insure you grow up to be the best person you can be. And when you finally get out of their house try not to overindulge in what you were denied. I did and I still regret that to this day

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          1 Reply
          • Download it secretly through the playstation store.[spoiler]they'll never know, your parents don't seem like people who would understand the extent of technology[/spoiler]

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            • Another PS4 player down. That'll teach you to use the bathroom, sonny.

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