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Edited by Thinkcrown: 5/3/2014 9:31:34 PM

An Exploration-based Clan that doesn't rush 'Strikes'.

Hey pre-beta guardians, my name's R. J. Whyte and I'm interested in not having to constantly team up with impatient kids (or too-busy-to-smell-the-flowers-on-Venus adults) who are more interested in rushing a Strike (or other mission/etc) than exploring, experiencing, and maybe a little fooling around. _________________________________________________________________________ If this sounds similar to how you feel, stick around. This is going to be a bit of a long post. Grab a glass of water, friend. _________________________________________________________________________ Played any other sandbox-y online games before? Then you might know how long (and awkward) it can take (and be) to carve out for yourself a new group of friends who share similar playing styles. Since most of the clan recruitments I've seen on the site have been rather vaguely nondescript, I've (impulsively) decided to see about forming one myself that tailors to my, specific, play style. _________________________________________________________________________ I'll get this out of the way first: I'll be playing Destiny on the PS4 -- yes, it's really expensive, and there's no Master Chief, but it gets beta access sooner than its Microsoft counterpart, and the experience may be (~may~ be) slightly better, performance wise (we don't have enough details -- we can only assume). In other words, I'm not a fanboy, I just want the best, soonest experience possible because I'm very excited about this new solar system based sci-fi/fantasy world. _________________________________________________________________________ About 'Joining': currently, I neither expect nor demand commitment from anyone who decides to pop into this thread and agree/talk about test driving such a clan. Commitment might begin to solidify later on if things work out -- and we can talk about that later, when it starts to become relevant to run raids, or etc. For now, we're simply exploring a possible experiment together. _________________________________________________________________________ Criteria for 'joining'. 1) In games such as World of Warcraft or Everquest, you always felt rushed by other players through the wonderful dungeons the game designers had made, always opting to skip neat aspects of the instances in favour of pleasing your more hurried companions. Now, you want to put your foot down. Now, you'd like to experience these dungeons the way they were meant to be experienced. In its most basic form, this means pacing yourself while in a Strike or Raid (assuming raids are what they appear to be). 2) You love Destiny as a first person shooter, but more importantly you love Destiny as a sandbox world. You love the world building enough that it makes you want to set out on an adventure of your own making. You want your legend to include more than story missions and PvP matches. In its most basic form, this means side-corridor/nook and/cranny exploration. This means (possibly) map making. This means venturing out into the wilderness between missions with the goal of discovery, treasure hunting, and experiencing the little things most other players usually fail to care for. 3) You consider yourself a semi-casual gamer. Maybe you don't often play video games, but then, when something new and wonderful appears, something amazing, you become obsessed with it for a time. You have work/life/family/friends offline that you care deeply about, and give a real effort towards returning to often; and that's perfectly okay. You're among likeminded friends here. Personally, my offline muse is my work -- a (currently offline) work-in-progress fantasy-novel-like (means: thick and fantastical) webcomic. I can, of a level, write and draw, and have been studying and practicing to do better disciplinarily for over 5-to-7 years. I want the comic to be big, and if it ends up being big, to speak for itself -- so I'll end that subject here. Just know that this is my personal life -- that which makes me a semi-casual gamer -- so I expect my fellow explorers to be of similar semi-casual gaming minds. _________________________________________________________________________ Fair warning: I don't know anything about bungie clans. I'm an idea man. I lead only when there's no one else doing it exactly how I think it should be done. I step up only when I have to step up -- but I do step up. If this'll be a thing, I'll need a few others to help me with leading, organization, etc. Being giddy is good, but don't be ravenously power hungry. I seek power in a way, but I'm not a 'power hungry type of person' -- believe me. ________________________________________________________________________ Currently, I'm not sure what we could call this clan. Likely something similar to: Explorers Guild (but perhaps not as bland sounding). ________________________________________________________________________ Words that describe how I feel about such a clan: Adventurer, Explorer, map maker, fooling around, experiencing the world and its wonderful minutia, semi-rowdy companionship, scientists, artists, world building lovers, semi-casual gaming, legend.

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  • Looking to expand my friend list for destiny. Psn/klueless11 add with msg

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  • I feel the same way. Whenever I get a new game I always go out of my way to explore every nook and cranny only to be hurried along by my brother or a friend. I found the words you used to describe the "clan" to be what I am looking for. I am a casual gamer and would be honored to join if this becomes an official clan/guild/group. My PSN is Nomad_489 and I am playing on the PS4.

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  • I'm interested in this. But here's the thing. I'm a second in command/member of a clan on warframe. But I really only play with a few of those guys and I don't know how many are getting destiny. Can you put me down as tentative? And add me if youd like. FauxPastel is my Psn

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by Thinkcrown: 5/5/2014 3:58:36 AM
      A few more ideas/ways of summating what (I think) the [b][i]Explorers Guild[/i][/b] should be centrally about/hold important: [b]A)[/b] This clan/group/guild's core focus is solely: Destiny (The video game franchise). A singular focus for the group equals a better experience for the group. (This of course isn't to say a guild member can't play a different game with her/their/his Explorers Guild acquaintances -- you totally can; it's just that such an event won't be officially operated by the Explorers Guild). [b]B)[/b] This clan/group/guild's core goal: The best experience possible -- for our specific type of play style. [b]C)[/b] This clan/group/guild's core play style: Exploration. Specifically, dedicating our time towards bathing in the wonderment of the Destiny universe during (and/or alongside) fighting the good fight -- "in the name of the Traveler (and its Light)". [b]D)[/b] Keep it secular, keep it safe: Safe meaning comfortable for everyone; yes, this is a form of censorship, and as an artist myself I find this to be an evil, but a necessary evil -- clans/groups/guilds that pledge not to talk about their personal beliefs at least while playing together, stay together. Just to be clear, even though atheism is, by its very simple definition, secular, atheistic conversation (meaning, talking about a definite absence of god/s, and/or biblical fallacies, etc, are also gently advised against, and steered away from should anyone slip into such a subject. Equality for all. Tolerance through agreed-upon censorship. We ~can~ be philosophers, and Explorers simultaneously, make no mistake but, keeping the two separate saves the pack from potentially unnecessary internal conflict. [b]E)[/b] The above ("D") pledge goes for politics as well, and, potentially, any other touchy subjects of conversation. Lengthy Note: Friends do talk about these things, and discussions between friends can often strengthen, or enlighten the pack, but I've seen these kinds of conversations between not-'friend-level'-but-still-friend[i]ly[/i]-guild-members go sour time and time again, and poison the pack as a whole. It's not really even anyone's fault when this happens either. It's just human nature. So! That's why these two rules are in place. If I catch these kinds of conversations beginning (which will invariably happen, because: human nature -- no one's fault -- passion leads to actions/words spoken; healthy in most other contexts), I'll very, very politely ask for the specific conversation to be ceased and abstained. I've seen successful WoW guilds apply these rules before, but never read/heard a good reason for them being applied -- so I'm giving that reason to you with this explanation. I hope that makes sense. You, whoever you are, deserve to understand. [b]F)[/b] Clan Moderators: If this clan/group/guild takes off, some of the people I deem as "mods" (or etc -- basically, people I come to trust to have authority and not go berserk with it -- heh) will also be responsible for gently steering conversation back from the brink (among other things, such as (potentially) being the active raid leader for an evening, etc). Again, I don't know much about clans, so I'll either need to do more research, or get a few helpfuls to explain these roles better -- as well as what is required of me, as an active group leader. [b]G)[/b] The group leader, and any potential "mods" are not above any rules we, the Explorers, collectively establish. [b]Extra Tidbit Ramble:[/b] I'm being fairly anal-retentive here than I tend to be IRL, but I think I need to be, for clarity's sake. IRL I'm, uh... More laid back. Now, I plan on being a Warlock -- not primarily because of the awesome space-magic (a term that may forever go down in infamy) but more because I like the coat that comes with (I know, right?), and the background description (the Warlocks are primarily concerned with collecting knowledge/uncovering secrets [arcane or otherwise]) which, I suppose, is kind of not all that laid back -- but . . . I'm a complex, passionate human being! (Of course, one might make the same argument for all human beings.).

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    • I'm not into clans, they tend to incorporate other games. I pick a game ( a large one ) and stick with it. I'm on the PS4, currently playing FF14. I have signed up for the beta and intend to test this game and my character before the launch. I like your post. I like to explore. I like the name " Explorers guild" I think I would like to join. I'm a mature ( old ) casual gamer. I play 9:30ish till 11:30ish week nights eastern central time. I play more on weekends. We have a way to go yet. Till beta. I will be in touch. Count me in.

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      3 Replies
      • You have my applause friend. This is such a well written recruitment thread, I am super impressed. I wish you nothing but luck in building your group. If you ever need support, an ear or possibly some advice do not hesitate to contact me. I'm sure you will be very successful. Rex Smaals Leader of PrimeGuard

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        • Edited by Rex Smaals: 5/4/2014 4:45:29 AM
          I accidentally posted twice. Hence the edit.

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