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12/23/2007 6:07:55 AM

FAQ on Member Titles / Prefixes / Bar Colors

BASE TITLES [i]-- No title is better than any other; they are for fun only.[/i] [url=/content.aspx?cid=13069]Added 12/10/07 12:25 PM PST[/url] [quote][i][b]Member[/i][/b] - Black bar * Basic title for all members; Vast majority of holds this title [b][i]Heroic Member[/i][/b] - Gray bar * Step above Member; Consistently active for 1-12 months (on average) [b][i]Legendary Member[/i][/b] - White bar * Step above Heroic; Consistently active for about 2 years [b][i]Mythic Member[/i][/b] - Blue bar * Step above Legendary; Consistently active for about 3 years ----- [i]If you get warned/banned you can still achieve a title, but it will take longer[/i][/quote] [b]You must be active to advance in title. Here are a few ways:[/b] [i]Log in daily, join/post in groups & threads daily, create threads, link Gamertag to account[/i] PREFIXES FOR BASE TITLES [i]-- Added to title system on Nov. 13, 2008[/i] [quote][u]Note[/u] - All info. has been gathered from many members; dates are only theories [i]- In order from lowest to highest - Priority comes into play only when a user qualifies for more than one member title[/i] [url=]Approximately[/url]: 1. [b]Honorable[/b] - No bans/warnings in about 1 year* 2. [b]Veteran[/b] - Active member of 4 years 3. [b]Noble[/b] - Active member of 2 years, with no bans for at least 1 year* 4. [b]Senior[/b] - Active member of 5 years 5. [b]Elder[/b] - Active member of 6 years 6. [b]Intrepid[/b] - High post count 7. [b]Fabled[/b] - Very high post count 8. [b]Exalted[/b] - No bans/warnings in 3 years 9. [b]Absent[/b] - inactivity for 2+ months [url=]Definitions[/url] *[i]If banned/warned, you may or may not keep the title, depending on length/number of bans. [url=]Source[/url][/i][/quote] SPECIAL TITLES [quote][b][i]Webcam MVP[/b] Members who participated in webcam games in Summer 2007 and managed to win the game on Monday. Mr Hand/Mr Hand 2 was the contractor in charge of it;[/i] [url=]More info.[/url] * Depending on what normal base title they are, their bar will be that color [b][i]Theme Master[/b] Members who have submitted a group theme that was accepted by the Web Team. These members were honored with a custom avatar.[/i] * Depending on what normal title they are, their bar will be that color; There is no current way to become a Theme Master [b][i]Forum Ninja[/b] Moderators of the Bungie website; [/i][url=]More info.[/url] * One can have any type of member title and still become a ninja. * Their title bar color is a dark orange with a light-orange highlight around it. * In groups, their title bar color changes to the normal base colors. [b][i]Master Forum Ninja[/b] Highest possible title given out to a member. They have a few more tools than a regular Ninja.[/i] * One can have any type of member title and still become a ninja. * Their title bar color is a dark orange with a light-orange highlight around it. * In groups their title bar color changes to normal base colors. [b][i]Bungie Employees[/b] * A few[/i] have golden text; title bar color is a dark yellow with a golden highlight around it. * When they post, a golden Septagon appears on the side of the thread. * In groups, their title bar color changes to the normal base colors. [url=][u]OTHER TITLES[/u][/url] * These titles are given out to special members, Bungie employees, and Forum Ninjas. [/quote] KNOWN TITLE INFO - [i]Thanks JBSpudster, hawkeye543, Old Papa Rich, Pro Kendog, Scapegoat413, Tom T[/i] [u]Base Titles[/u] 3/12 [url=]Trust Rating?[/url] / [url=]Proof[/url] 10/11 [url=]System Isn't Supposed to Make Sense; Going Away Soon?[/url] 4/09 [url=]You Can Earn Trust Without Posting[/url] 4/09 [url=]Trust Rating Includes Game Playing; Labels>Ranks[/url] 2/09 [url=]5 Digit Max Trust Value & No Minimum Value[/url] 2/09 [url=]Max Value; Join Date Heavily Weighted; Can't Get Locked Out of Title; Negative Ban Effects[/url] 2/09 [url=]Trust System Enabled Before Titles; Only Superusers See Trust; Bans Fade in Time[/url] 11/08 [url=]Tweaked Math to Normalize Higher Titles; 67 Mythics[/url] 11/08 [url=]Heavy Math Change to Titles; No Max # but Specific Tiers; Result=Lower Base Titles[/url] 11/08 [url=]Rating No Longer Relative to Other Users; Titles More Predictable[/url] 8/08 [url=]Trust Rating = Quality Metrics; Main Title Use = Fun/Positive Boost; Titles = Contributions[/url] 6/08 [url=]Consistency Rewarded Over Inconsistency[/url] 6/08 [url=]Time Not Only Factor[/url] 6/08 [url=]259 Mythic, 3848 Legendary, 11351 Heroic; Quick Titles if Contribute; Consistent Formula[/url] 4/08 [url=]Title Determined by Highest Max Compared to Your Score[/url] 3/08 [url=]Max Value Changes Daily = Title Changes Can Occur Without Trust Changes[/url] 3/08 [url=]Trust Rating & Trust Modifier Assigned to Account[/url] 2/08 [url=]70000 Accounts Lose Heroic title After Bug Fix[/url] 2/08 [url=]Bug fixed; 200 Mythic[/url] 2/08 [url=]13 Mythic, 1736 Legendary, 82000 Heroic; Lopsided-Should be 15000 Heroic, 200 Mythic[/url] 2/08 [url=]Titles Percentage Based; Too Many Heroics/Not Enough Mythics Glitch[/url] 2/08 [url=]Many Caches/Servers for Titles; Have to Sync; Changes Aren't Instant[/url] 2/08 [url=]Titles Based On Max Rating/Relativity; Cache Glitch; Cache Refreshes Daily; Everybody Mythic[/url] 2/08 [url=]Titles Based on Where Your Trust Rating Falls for that Day[/url] 12/07 [url=]System Accounts for Spamming Reports[/url] 12/07 [url=]Bans/Warnings Stop Affecting Title in Time[/url] 12/07 [url=]Bans/Warnings Aren't Permanent Marks on Trust Rating[/url] 12/07 [url=]Join Dates & Other Affect Titles; Titles Rewards for Trust[/url] 12/07 [url=]Titles Don't Affect Reports[/url] 12/07 [url=]Use Many Combinations of Activity, both Negative & Positive[/url] 12/07 [url=]Join Dates Don't Affect Entire Title[/url] 12/07 [url=]Titles Determined by Trust Rating-Generated Each Day[/url] [u]Prefixes[/u] 2/09 [url=]Prefixes Not Related To Trust Value[/url] 11/08 [url=]Prioritization[/url] 11/08 [url=]3 Ban Prefixes & Qualifications[/url] 11/08 [url=]Veteran/Senior/Elder for Longtime Users; Honorable/Noble/Exalted for No Bans; Intrepid/Fabled for Forums/Groups; Prioritized; Honorable/Noble Bug[/url] 11/08 [url=]Honorable/Noble/Exalted Related; Honorable/Noble Priority Bug[/url] 11/08 [url=]Veteran Not Ban Related; Imbalanced Priority Bug; Prefixes=Performance Fixes[/url] 11/08 [url=]Higher Titles More Likely To Have Rare Prefixes / Exalted = Highest Prefix[/url] 11/08 [url=]9 Prefixes With Different Criteria[/url] 11/08 [url=]Prefixes=Badges & Good Behavior Indicators[/url] 11/08 [url=]Prefixes Independent of Titles[/url] [u]Other[/u] 4/10 [url=]Titles Meant To Encourage Investing Into an Account[/url] 4/09 [url=]Arbitrary Titles; Accidental Bans; New Title System in Development[/url] 4/09 [url=]Current System=Impossible To Understand in Absolute Terms[/url] 4/09 [url=]Ultimate Goal=Fun[/url] 4/09 [url=]Personally Customizable Titles > Titles Of Arbitrary Numbers[/url] 4/09 [url=]Speculation On Unlockable Titles & Game Participation[/url] 4/09 [url=]Possibility Of Losing Titles & Increased Linking To Game Participation[/url] 12/08 [url=]Speculative: Titles As a Sorting Device Intended for New Members?[/url] 12/08 [url=]Titles Initially Intended To Be User Rating System; Nowhere Near Completion or Reality[/url] 12/08 [url=]Building Like-Minded Community Barriers[/url] 12/08 [url=]Elitism Isn't Always Bad; Titles As A Sorting Device[/url] 8/08 [url=]Titles Aren't Pointless[/url] 2/08 [url=]1736 Legendary Members, 13 Mythic; Manual Calculations Not Adding Up[/url] 2/08 [url=]Trust Formula Changed; Possible Bug[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Purpose Defeated Once Figured Out; Seeing Trust Rating Meaningless[/url] 3/07 [url=]Secretive Trust Consequences Against Alt Accounts[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Awards? System Intentionally Vague[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Decides if Criteria is Met=Rewards[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Guesses Trust; Prototype Collecting Data[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Functions Must Remain Hidden For Functionality[/url] 3/07 [url=]Trust Ratings Can't be Biased for Functionality[/url] 3/07 [url=]Automatic Trust System > Manual Karma System[/url] 3/07 [url=]Prototype Collected Trust Before Title Implementation[/url] [url=]THEORIES[/url]> [b][i]Note: No one except the Bungie Webteam knows exactly how this system works.[/i][/b] [Edited on 10.31.2012 8:47 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ChorrizoTapatio [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mass Craziness [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] destroys u [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALI217 The '010 mythics... we are coming.[/quote]Probably.[/quote] There are barely any '09 Mythics. '10 Mythics have some time left before they're here. Keep dreaming, ALI.[/quote] I think we were in line first. No cutting, Ali.[/quote] Quite down youngster. Big Daddy has to get his first.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CEASARSALAD7 I lost my noble because I got caught in the carpet ban :( [/quote] That political thread?

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  • I lost my noble because I got caught in the carpet ban :(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ConstantC4RN4GE [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cameo_cream 08 Mythics very soon.[/quote][/quote] 08 Mythic with tons of bans :)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SilverBulitt82 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Viron [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALI217 There is at least one confirmed 09 mythic. He posted here some time ago. [/quote] Hmm, I was inactive throughout 2011, what do you think my next step would be from Salted member?[/quote] You have the highest prefix available (Exalted), your next promotion will likely be Heroic if you continue to stay active. [/quote] It's possible but unlikely that should you be very active while being consistent. You could go straight to Legendary and skip heroic.

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  • 0
    I wonder how long it will take me to get my legendary title... I can't remember when I got heroic though.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALI217 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SilverBulitt82 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Viron [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALI217 There is at least one confirmed 09 mythic. He posted here some time ago. [/quote] Hmm, I was inactive throughout 2011, what do you think my next step would be from Salted member?[/quote] You have the highest prefix available (Exalted), your next promotion will likely be Heroic if you continue to stay active. [/quote] It's possible but unlikely that should you be very active while being consistent. You could go straight to Legendary and skip heroic.[/quote]Why would this happen?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] destroys u [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALI217 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SilverBulitt82 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Viron [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALI217 There is at least one confirmed 09 mythic. He posted here some time ago. [/quote] Hmm, I was inactive throughout 2011, what do you think my next step would be from Salted member?[/quote] You have the highest prefix available (Exalted), your next promotion will likely be Heroic if you continue to stay active. [/quote] It's possible but unlikely that should you be very active while being consistent. You could go straight to Legendary and skip heroic.[/quote]Why would this happen?[/quote]That would be a 'trust boost/jump'. He has the potential to be Mythic Member now, all that is lacking is a [u]constant[/u] stream of activity. If Viron did that for a few months then it is possible (and it has happened) for him to jump a Base Title.

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  • I'm normally active during the evening and I sometimes in the afternoon's but I would say that I am active almost everyday, I guess we will have to wait and see

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cameo_cream 08 Mythics very soon.[/quote]

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  • I wish I would become heroic already, I mean I have been here for two years.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MiloOmega I wish I would become heroic already, I mean I have been here for two years.[/quote]All in good time dude :) You could try linking an XBL Gamertag.

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  • I've been at my current title rank for 2 months now. Thought I would have gotten the next one up seeing how must I post on here. Once Jan. 1st rolled around and no rank up, I was surprised.

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  • Hopefully in April I will reach my next one, been Exalted Member for a while now

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AR IS4 NUBS I've been at my current title rank for 2 months now. Thought I would have gotten the next one up seeing how must I post on here. Once Jan. 1st rolled around and no rank up, I was surprised. [/quote]It takes a long time to get to Intrepid, and I imagine a lot longer to get to Fabled. I don't think I'd be too excited when I get Fabled. I would take it as a hint I should probably post less, and maybe go outside or something. Though I'm quite fond of Intrepid over Fabled.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] LordMonkey [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AR IS4 NUBS I've been at my current title rank for 2 months now. Thought I would have gotten the next one up seeing how must I post on here. Once Jan. 1st rolled around and no rank up, I was surprised. [/quote]It takes a long time to get to Intrepid, and I imagine a lot longer to get to Fabled. I don't think I'd be too excited when I get Fabled. I would take it as a hint I should probably post less, and maybe go outside or something. Though I'm quite fond of Intrepid over Fabled.[/quote]Oh well I got Intrepid in a months span. I got a warning then posted a crap ton. 1 month later got Intrepid. So I kept that tradition going and this month I got nothing.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AR IS4 NUBS I've been at my current title rank for 2 months now. Thought I would have gotten the next one up seeing how must I post on here. Once Jan. 1st rolled around and no rank up, I was surprised. [/quote] Depends on your ban/warn history to, it only took me about 4 or 5 months to hit Fabled after getting Intrepid.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SilverBulitt82 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AR IS4 NUBS I've been at my current title rank for 2 months now. Thought I would have gotten the next one up seeing how must I post on here. Once Jan. 1st rolled around and no rank up, I was surprised. [/quote] Depends on your ban/warn history to, it only took me about 4 or 5 months to hit Fabled after getting Intrepid.[/quote]Oh damn. My ban was only for a few weeks I think.

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  • Thought I'd be Heroic by now, oh well...

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  • 08 Mythics very soon.

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  • When are 09' mythics? 2014?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Viron When are 09' mythics? 2014?[/quote]There already are some '09 Mythics, I think.

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  • There is at least one confirmed 09 mythic. He posted here some time ago. [Edited on 01.06.2013 5:58 AM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALI217 There is at least one confirmed 09 mythic. He posted here some time ago. [/quote] Hmm, I was inactive throughout 2011, what do you think my next step would be from Salted member?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Viron [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALI217 There is at least one confirmed 09 mythic. He posted here some time ago. [/quote] Hmm, I was inactive throughout 2011, what do you think my next step would be from Salted member?[/quote] You have the highest prefix available (Exalted), your next promotion will likely be Heroic if you continue to stay active. [Edited on 01.06.2013 11:42 AM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Viron [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALI217 There is at least one confirmed 09 mythic. He posted here some time ago. [/quote] Hmm, I was inactive throughout 2011, what do you think my next step would be from Salted member?[/quote] More sucking up to Forum Ninjas. Edit: Needs MOAR sausage [Edited on 01.06.2013 11:49 AM PST]

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