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12/23/2007 6:07:55 AM

FAQ on Member Titles / Prefixes / Bar Colors

BASE TITLES [i]-- No title is better than any other; they are for fun only.[/i] [url=/content.aspx?cid=13069]Added 12/10/07 12:25 PM PST[/url] [quote][i][b]Member[/i][/b] - Black bar * Basic title for all members; Vast majority of holds this title [b][i]Heroic Member[/i][/b] - Gray bar * Step above Member; Consistently active for 1-12 months (on average) [b][i]Legendary Member[/i][/b] - White bar * Step above Heroic; Consistently active for about 2 years [b][i]Mythic Member[/i][/b] - Blue bar * Step above Legendary; Consistently active for about 3 years ----- [i]If you get warned/banned you can still achieve a title, but it will take longer[/i][/quote] [b]You must be active to advance in title. Here are a few ways:[/b] [i]Log in daily, join/post in groups & threads daily, create threads, link Gamertag to account[/i] PREFIXES FOR BASE TITLES [i]-- Added to title system on Nov. 13, 2008[/i] [quote][u]Note[/u] - All info. has been gathered from many members; dates are only theories [i]- In order from lowest to highest - Priority comes into play only when a user qualifies for more than one member title[/i] [url=]Approximately[/url]: 1. [b]Honorable[/b] - No bans/warnings in about 1 year* 2. [b]Veteran[/b] - Active member of 4 years 3. [b]Noble[/b] - Active member of 2 years, with no bans for at least 1 year* 4. [b]Senior[/b] - Active member of 5 years 5. [b]Elder[/b] - Active member of 6 years 6. [b]Intrepid[/b] - High post count 7. [b]Fabled[/b] - Very high post count 8. [b]Exalted[/b] - No bans/warnings in 3 years 9. [b]Absent[/b] - inactivity for 2+ months [url=]Definitions[/url] *[i]If banned/warned, you may or may not keep the title, depending on length/number of bans. [url=]Source[/url][/i][/quote] SPECIAL TITLES [quote][b][i]Webcam MVP[/b] Members who participated in webcam games in Summer 2007 and managed to win the game on Monday. Mr Hand/Mr Hand 2 was the contractor in charge of it;[/i] [url=]More info.[/url] * Depending on what normal base title they are, their bar will be that color [b][i]Theme Master[/b] Members who have submitted a group theme that was accepted by the Web Team. These members were honored with a custom avatar.[/i] * Depending on what normal title they are, their bar will be that color; There is no current way to become a Theme Master [b][i]Forum Ninja[/b] Moderators of the Bungie website; [/i][url=]More info.[/url] * One can have any type of member title and still become a ninja. * Their title bar color is a dark orange with a light-orange highlight around it. * In groups, their title bar color changes to the normal base colors. [b][i]Master Forum Ninja[/b] Highest possible title given out to a member. They have a few more tools than a regular Ninja.[/i] * One can have any type of member title and still become a ninja. * Their title bar color is a dark orange with a light-orange highlight around it. * In groups their title bar color changes to normal base colors. [b][i]Bungie Employees[/b] * A few[/i] have golden text; title bar color is a dark yellow with a golden highlight around it. * When they post, a golden Septagon appears on the side of the thread. * In groups, their title bar color changes to the normal base colors. [url=][u]OTHER TITLES[/u][/url] * These titles are given out to special members, Bungie employees, and Forum Ninjas. [/quote] KNOWN TITLE INFO - [i]Thanks JBSpudster, hawkeye543, Old Papa Rich, Pro Kendog, Scapegoat413, Tom T[/i] [u]Base Titles[/u] 3/12 [url=]Trust Rating?[/url] / [url=]Proof[/url] 10/11 [url=]System Isn't Supposed to Make Sense; Going Away Soon?[/url] 4/09 [url=]You Can Earn Trust Without Posting[/url] 4/09 [url=]Trust Rating Includes Game Playing; Labels>Ranks[/url] 2/09 [url=]5 Digit Max Trust Value & No Minimum Value[/url] 2/09 [url=]Max Value; Join Date Heavily Weighted; Can't Get Locked Out of Title; Negative Ban Effects[/url] 2/09 [url=]Trust System Enabled Before Titles; Only Superusers See Trust; Bans Fade in Time[/url] 11/08 [url=]Tweaked Math to Normalize Higher Titles; 67 Mythics[/url] 11/08 [url=]Heavy Math Change to Titles; No Max # but Specific Tiers; Result=Lower Base Titles[/url] 11/08 [url=]Rating No Longer Relative to Other Users; Titles More Predictable[/url] 8/08 [url=]Trust Rating = Quality Metrics; Main Title Use = Fun/Positive Boost; Titles = Contributions[/url] 6/08 [url=]Consistency Rewarded Over Inconsistency[/url] 6/08 [url=]Time Not Only Factor[/url] 6/08 [url=]259 Mythic, 3848 Legendary, 11351 Heroic; Quick Titles if Contribute; Consistent Formula[/url] 4/08 [url=]Title Determined by Highest Max Compared to Your Score[/url] 3/08 [url=]Max Value Changes Daily = Title Changes Can Occur Without Trust Changes[/url] 3/08 [url=]Trust Rating & Trust Modifier Assigned to Account[/url] 2/08 [url=]70000 Accounts Lose Heroic title After Bug Fix[/url] 2/08 [url=]Bug fixed; 200 Mythic[/url] 2/08 [url=]13 Mythic, 1736 Legendary, 82000 Heroic; Lopsided-Should be 15000 Heroic, 200 Mythic[/url] 2/08 [url=]Titles Percentage Based; Too Many Heroics/Not Enough Mythics Glitch[/url] 2/08 [url=]Many Caches/Servers for Titles; Have to Sync; Changes Aren't Instant[/url] 2/08 [url=]Titles Based On Max Rating/Relativity; Cache Glitch; Cache Refreshes Daily; Everybody Mythic[/url] 2/08 [url=]Titles Based on Where Your Trust Rating Falls for that Day[/url] 12/07 [url=]System Accounts for Spamming Reports[/url] 12/07 [url=]Bans/Warnings Stop Affecting Title in Time[/url] 12/07 [url=]Bans/Warnings Aren't Permanent Marks on Trust Rating[/url] 12/07 [url=]Join Dates & Other Affect Titles; Titles Rewards for Trust[/url] 12/07 [url=]Titles Don't Affect Reports[/url] 12/07 [url=]Use Many Combinations of Activity, both Negative & Positive[/url] 12/07 [url=]Join Dates Don't Affect Entire Title[/url] 12/07 [url=]Titles Determined by Trust Rating-Generated Each Day[/url] [u]Prefixes[/u] 2/09 [url=]Prefixes Not Related To Trust Value[/url] 11/08 [url=]Prioritization[/url] 11/08 [url=]3 Ban Prefixes & Qualifications[/url] 11/08 [url=]Veteran/Senior/Elder for Longtime Users; Honorable/Noble/Exalted for No Bans; Intrepid/Fabled for Forums/Groups; Prioritized; Honorable/Noble Bug[/url] 11/08 [url=]Honorable/Noble/Exalted Related; Honorable/Noble Priority Bug[/url] 11/08 [url=]Veteran Not Ban Related; Imbalanced Priority Bug; Prefixes=Performance Fixes[/url] 11/08 [url=]Higher Titles More Likely To Have Rare Prefixes / Exalted = Highest Prefix[/url] 11/08 [url=]9 Prefixes With Different Criteria[/url] 11/08 [url=]Prefixes=Badges & Good Behavior Indicators[/url] 11/08 [url=]Prefixes Independent of Titles[/url] [u]Other[/u] 4/10 [url=]Titles Meant To Encourage Investing Into an Account[/url] 4/09 [url=]Arbitrary Titles; Accidental Bans; New Title System in Development[/url] 4/09 [url=]Current System=Impossible To Understand in Absolute Terms[/url] 4/09 [url=]Ultimate Goal=Fun[/url] 4/09 [url=]Personally Customizable Titles > Titles Of Arbitrary Numbers[/url] 4/09 [url=]Speculation On Unlockable Titles & Game Participation[/url] 4/09 [url=]Possibility Of Losing Titles & Increased Linking To Game Participation[/url] 12/08 [url=]Speculative: Titles As a Sorting Device Intended for New Members?[/url] 12/08 [url=]Titles Initially Intended To Be User Rating System; Nowhere Near Completion or Reality[/url] 12/08 [url=]Building Like-Minded Community Barriers[/url] 12/08 [url=]Elitism Isn't Always Bad; Titles As A Sorting Device[/url] 8/08 [url=]Titles Aren't Pointless[/url] 2/08 [url=]1736 Legendary Members, 13 Mythic; Manual Calculations Not Adding Up[/url] 2/08 [url=]Trust Formula Changed; Possible Bug[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Purpose Defeated Once Figured Out; Seeing Trust Rating Meaningless[/url] 3/07 [url=]Secretive Trust Consequences Against Alt Accounts[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Awards? System Intentionally Vague[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Decides if Criteria is Met=Rewards[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Guesses Trust; Prototype Collecting Data[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Functions Must Remain Hidden For Functionality[/url] 3/07 [url=]Trust Ratings Can't be Biased for Functionality[/url] 3/07 [url=]Automatic Trust System > Manual Karma System[/url] 3/07 [url=]Prototype Collected Trust Before Title Implementation[/url] [url=]THEORIES[/url]> [b][i]Note: No one except the Bungie Webteam knows exactly how this system works.[/i][/b] [Edited on 10.31.2012 8:47 PM PDT]

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  • Is this a normal question in this forum?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Viron Duardo!? Do you think this read only period is being implemented so your thread can slowly be deleted? While you have to watch in the read only zone? Like Hannibal Barca watching Carthage burn?[/quote] I would think if anything, the "read only" may be prepping for the entire overhaul, but who knows....

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  • Duardo!? Do you think this read only period is being implemented so your thread can slowly be deleted? While you have to watch in the read only zone? Like Hannibal Barca watching Carthage burn?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SilverBulitt82 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] fattimmy Goodbye Mythic, we never had a chance to meet... :([/quote] There's still hope, we still don't know what the plans for the title system are.[/quote] I know, I know, I'm just getting ahead of myself with all the excitement in here.

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  • Got my Mythix back!

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  • I expect the base titles to go, I hope the forum will end up looking [url=]something like this[/url]. We shall see..

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ARBITOR 5 I expect the base titles to go, I hope the forum will end up looking [url=]something like this[/url]. We shall see..[/quote] I hope not, because that doesn't look very appealing.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SilverBulitt82 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ARBITOR 5 I expect the base titles to go, I hope the forum will end up looking [url=]something like this[/url]. We shall see..[/quote] I hope not, because that doesn't look very appealing.[/quote]:( I thought it did..

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ARBITOR 5 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SilverBulitt82 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ARBITOR 5 I expect the base titles to go, I hope the forum will end up looking [url=]something like this[/url]. We shall see..[/quote] I hope not, because that doesn't look very appealing.[/quote]:( I thought it did..[/quote]You have some rough but nice ideas. Overall I like it. If today isn't a major site change you and I can make improvements to this :) Guess we'll see what happens in a few hours..if today is THE day of course.

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  • Good bye looooooonnnnnng thread. We hardly knew you. :_ ( False Reality will not know what to do without you.

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  • Goodbye Mythic, we never had a chance to meet... :(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] fattimmy Goodbye Mythic, we never had a chance to meet... :([/quote] There's still hope, we still don't know what the plans for the title system are.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gamerz_Property [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MetalxTongue [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gamerz_Property I had Fabled for so long that now I sort of miss it. :/[/quote]But exalted tells everyone that you follow the rules and earned the highest prefix. I am jelly.[/quote]Lol. Being on this site for so long, it feels as though the only thing left to do is follow the rules. xD[/quote]Well, that is the qualities of being on, you follow the rules you get something back in return. You have to admit following the rules is a great thing, you get titles!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MetalxTongue [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] im am b0red Why is everyone just assume this title system will be gone? Where is the proof? [/quote][url=]He did say," Don't get attached to them."[/url][/quote] He said that back in 2011, who knows whats changed to now.

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  • I think some version of titles will exist, but I don't know to what end.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Duardo I think some version of titles will exist, but I don't know to what end.[/quote] I assume there will be titles for moderators and staff members without a doubt. Maybe a one for long term members from the switchover, maybe your current title transfers to something more permanent - guess we will wait and see what happens

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Duardo I think some version of titles will exist, but I don't know to what end.[/quote] He's lying! He does know to what end!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Viron [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Duardo I think some version of titles will exist, but I don't know to what end.[/quote] I assume there will be titles for moderators and staff members without a doubt. Maybe a one for long term members from the switchover, maybe your current title transfers to something more permanent - guess we will wait and see what happens[/quote]Maybe they'll just display your join date and post counter next to your name. Which would be incredibly boring of course, but who knows?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Make117 Maybe they'll just display your join date and post counter next to your name. Which would be incredibly boring of course, but who knows?[/quote]So revert back to 2004? Nah.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Viron [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MetalxTongue [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] im am b0red Why is everyone just assume this title system will be gone? Where is the proof? [/quote][url=]He did say," Don't get attached to them."[/url][/quote] He said that back in 2011, who knows whats changed to now.[/quote]They could've been working on since then. We don't know. But what we do know is that we are not to be attached to the current titles that we have.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Duardo I think some version of titles will exist, but I don't know to what end.[/quote] That's what I'm thinking, or maybe a entirely new system?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Duardo [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Make117 Maybe they'll just display your join date and post counter next to your name. Which would be incredibly boring of course, but who knows?[/quote]So revert back to 2004? Nah.[/quote]I don't like the way that sounds... But it sounds similar to what Daz wants.. [Edited on 01.07.2013 11:13 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MetalxTongue [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Duardo [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Make117 Maybe they'll just display your join date and post counter next to your name. Which would be incredibly boring of course, but who knows?[/quote]So revert back to 2004? Nah.[/quote]I don't like the way that sounds... But it sounds similar to what Daz wants..[/quote]I don't like it either, and I'm not saying it's very likely to happen. But who knows?

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  • Seems awfully generic too.

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  • 0
    I keep randomly losing heroic and regaining it :| My activity hasn't dropped.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ian1706 I keep randomly losing heroic and regaining it :| My activity hasn't dropped.[/quote] I haven't seen you post in a while, so you don't get Heroic.

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