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originally posted in:The Black Garden
Edited by Aleroth Aloki: 12/5/2013 1:48:58 AM

your guardians story

Ladies and gentlemen, I have come to you with a special announcement. Early this evening, our fellow Guardians over at came to me with an idea. They are apparently gathering writers together for an ebook that they want to fill with Destiny stories. Naturally it will be free for the public to see and all. I am asking if anyone is interested in such an adventure. Comment below if you are. Thanks for your time. OH and for you long story writers out there, sadly me included, this is to be short stories. No going TOO over 30 pages.

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  • Ooooh! Interesting!

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    • Sure guess I'll try if you need ill write a quick story for you

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      • Edited by Atrum--: 1/7/2014 3:00:03 AM
        written by (myself): Andre Wright . Recently published teen and gamer working on a novel but this caught my eye so I decided to give it a shot. I provided a link to my first published story that is similar to the fantasy feel of Destiny. Ps4 PSN: IamAtrum . Look to the stars my fellow Guardians. Name: Albright. Gender: Male. Race: Awoken. Class: Warlock. Faction: Seven Seraphs "What governs the soul?" I ran my fingers across the case in front of me but remained focussed and acute to the echoing rounds outside of the rune temple I was in. I was here to do a job. I could hear the brothers of my fireteam. King_Raybot, dropping centuries with his Gjallarhorn alongside my cloaked brethren, Coreyxe, as he "closes time" in the shadows. My brave brothers whom followed me into this temple with unwavering faith. A exotic sword named "???" and a crimson red cape lay in front of me. A sword with a history that I would add to my arsenal. A blade that I would use to defend my brothers on the next job maybe even before then...I checked my ammo and the screen display showed a flashing red "0" covered in dust. It took every round I had in my arsenal to get into this temple alive. The crimson red cape hung tathered around my neck and extended down fluidly with my black robes. It moved like it was almost alive. The stats showed that it increased reflexes, and speed, all of which I would need to get out of here bare bones with empty assault rifles, a cape, a sword and my Heart of Fusion focus. "Time to Radiance and slash my way out of here," I whispered to myself before taking a huge breath and running into the line of fire through the towering the doors. Guns, bullets, aliens; It's all the same to Guardians like us, we fight for answers, for adventure, to survive, for ourselves but never for war. Knowing coreyxe, he would be changing positions to get within range...I'll give him 30 seconds. I saw my fallen brother, the passionate titan, King_Raybot and took point to crowd control with my Radiance. Corey threw me a round for my rifle and I in turn used Heart of Fusion to up my fallen comrad and strengthen the pack. Our victory followed suit. We put The Fallen back down.

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      • When should we expect the book to be out

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        • Edited by Rafeinator: 2/16/2014 6:48:46 AM
          I don't know if this submission thing is still active, but I thought I might as well post what I've done so far anyway. [spoiler] ***FOTCTerm 402.17 (remote override)*** <Unauthorized access-alarm 273-> <Security Breached 50-h<381.7.501.754>-> Vrax and the other dregs were scouring the alien ruins for salvage once more, at the behest of Kivlik, Zeiopht Subjugator, though Vrax knew sifting through the detritus would be fruitless. If the structure had been picked over once, it had been picked over five score times. He hissed his displeasure at the tedium and the hopelessness of the effort. Vrax, however, would not dare to go against orders, even foolish ones. He was but a dreg, and he had heard the desperation creeping into Kivlik’s utterances. The captain’s worry was understandable, for it had been many cycles since his flock had brought back appropriate tribute to the House; tribute which was becoming increasingly hard to come by on this barren moon. Vrax and the rest had all heard the ugly rumors that were beginning to circulate. If Kivlik, Zeiopht Subjugator, did not remedy his delinquency in the matter with haste, his reputation within the House would be irrevocably stained, and Vrax and the others would bear the brunt of their captain’s wrath. The dregs finished the sweep of the ruins with little to show for their efforts and stepped out into the gray, desolate wastes of the human homeworld’s moon. They quickly arrayed themselves in a respectable formation to report their findings to the captain. Kivlik approached, escorted by two of his vandals, but before he could address the dregs a bright light streaked across the stars and, several seconds later, the faint sound of the object’s impact was heard in the distance. Kivlik, elated by the prospect of salvage, sprang into action, postponing the report and ordering his flock to mount their pikes and head for the crash site at once. *** Rafe found himself facing downwards, ensnared by a safety harness in the dark confines of a cramped escape pod. The pitch black interior of the pod was periodically illuminated by the strong red glow of a warning light. Gaining awareness, he discerned the pod’s entry hatch below him in the pulsing darkness. He touched a tongue that felt like sandpaper to his cracked lips, and then stretched his sore limbs to the extent that he could in the pod. His whole body ached from the hard landing. After orienting himself, he swung his legs down and gave the hatch two solid kicks until the hinges and lock wrenched free, and watched as it plummeted several meters down into soft lunar dust, forming a billowing silver-gray cloud. The pod was jutting from the wall of a large crater, with only the nose embedded in the crumbling moon rock. Rafe felt its delicate balance shift now that the hatch was gone. He quickly tore away the harness and dropped out of the pod, falling a dozen meters in the low gravity and landing on his side in the stirred up dust. Losing no time, he rose to his feet and moved out of the way as the pod worked itself loose and followed him down into the crater. Once out of immediate danger, the Guardian paused a moment to reflect on his situation, though memories were coming only in fragments. He felt a sharp pain in his side, and looked down to see a fairly recent puncture in his suit [a swift movement/ gleaming arc/ piercing agony] where someone had slid a knife between his ribs. He felt a dull throb from the back of his skull [legs swept out from under/ a hard fall], along with other aches in the rest of his body. He had been taken by surprise… betrayed… by another Guardian [cloak of midnight]. Why? The Hunter had wanted something [information], wanted it badly enough to play dirty. The bastard hadn’t finished him while he had the chance, though [his mistake], just jettisoned him in an escape pod, it would seem. A bolt of energy shot past Rafe’s helmet, interrupting his reverie, and he instantaneously dived to get the pod between him and his assailant. Quickly looking around the edge, he caught sight of the glow from a spider pirate’s rifle as it charged for the next shot up on the rim of the crater. Pulling back and noticing that the hatch was on his side of the pod, Rafe glanced around the interior and saw that his pistol had been thrown in with him. He reached in and grabbed it, checking the cylinder and the scope. It was the .45 Magnum, Mega Class that he’d built himself with parts salvaged from the Misriah ruins. Some would call it an antique, and rightly so, but it was an easy to maintain, reliable, and powerful hand cannon. Magnum MCs were the [i]ne plus ultra[/i] of sidearms at the dawn of the Golden Age and, surprisingly, could still hold their own against modern revolvers like the Duke or the Rambler. The Magnum was fairly accurate too, but it was useless on the Fallen several hundred meters away. There wasn’t any cover at the bottom of the crater Rafe could use to advance on the sniper’s position, either. The best option was to sit and wait- the Fallen would eventually come down to investigate, and he could take them on at close quarters then. Climbing inside the pod, he took a seat and leveled the .45 at the door. *** It had been a lengthy period of time since Yij took a shot at the Guardian and missed, sending it scurrying behind the scorched hulk of the escape pod. Kivlik, who had been pacing along the crater rim, waiting for the alien to reappear, finally decided to send three of his flock down to flush it out: the vandal Yij, so that he could reclaim his honor; and two dregs to accompany him. Yij, Vrax and Nekis mounted their pikes and eased them down the sloping wall of the crater, gunning the engines when they reached the bottom. A lone Guardian who was still recovering from a crash would be an easy take, they believed, and the deed would bring them into Kivlik’s good graces. Thirty meters out from the wreck they slowed their pikes to a halt and continued, cautious yet excited, on foot. Kivlik was watching the scene unfold from his vantage point on the crater rim with the rest of his flock. He saw Yij direct the dregs around either side of the pod, and as soon as one of them disappeared behind it to check inside, he reappeared instantaneously, blown back in the low gravity in a splatter of blood. The second dreg rushed the pod and met a similar fate. Yij, who had been holding his position a short distance from the pod, didn’t even have time to react as the Guardian emerged from its cover and blew off his head. The altercation, which lasted less than ten seconds, stunned the rest of the Fallen long enough so that the Guardian was already halfway to one of the pikes before the remaining vandals opened fire. The Guardian made it to a pike in spite of their enfilade, however, and raced toward their position. Kivlik halted firing and ordered his flock to assume defensive stances. *** The spider pirates really made it too easy, with their constant chittering and hissing. They didn’t seem to understand the concept of stealth. As soon as he had dispatched the first three, Rafe dashed for one of their pikes, a round grazing his shoulder before he mounted one and made for the rest of the aliens on the crater rim. As the pike raced towards his assailants, Rafe deftly swapped a new cylinder into the magnum and cocked the hammer. Dust swirled into the lunar atmosphere as the spider pirates’ shots narrowly missed him, until it abruptly stopped as he closed on their position. When he reached the crater side he angled the pike to ease the ascent, shot up over the rim, braked hard as he fell, and turned it around to face the spider pirates. The few shots they did get off were all deflected by the nose of the pike, and he let them have it with the speeder’s cannons before hopping off and jamming the accelerator forward. As the pike reached his foes, Rafe placed a few well aimed shots into its fuel tank. Though standing several meters away, the explosion still knocked him off the ground in the low gravity. The Guardian was halfway to his feet when he heard the screech of the Fallen commander as it flew towards him in a fury. Rafe found himself on his back a second time, but now with the snarling, ugly son of a bitch on top of him. Half of it’s face was a charred mess, and the butt of the .45 connected with that tender spot in a split second. As the alien drew back in agony, Rafe emptied his pistol into it’s chest, but armor plating stopped the rounds short. <Spurious Interrupt- Breach Disabled> <Countermand A1*Y3*L2*G7- Cycle Security Protocol 50-h<381.7.501.754>-> <logical reset error> <Further Access Denied> [/spoiler] Still a work in progress. And... it's kind of longer than I thought it was. Sorry about that.

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          • Edited by Zevenwulf: 3/18/2014 1:48:24 AM
            [b][u]IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ[/u][/b] The deadline for submissions to [i]this[/i] book has come and gone. To those who made it; good job: to those who didn't; better luck next time. [b][u]EDIT:[/u][/b] The final product is available at the link below.

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            • POTATO

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            • Stupid Question Alert: Is the deadline for submissions already past?

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            • I was once an international race car driver. But one day a stroller came onto the track, I swerved and the baby was fine. [spoiler]I WAS THAT BABY[/spoiler]

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              • In honor of Bungie's favorite number, I have decided to make this my last story. Sadly, it is not finished but anyone can finish it if they like. I just want to thank Destiny Despatch for the awesome opportunity to engage in this project. My writing has definitely improved and my confidence has gotten a boost. [spoiler]Story inspired by the picture above. Here is the original outline I had: A guardian wakes up in a place called The Void( kinda like Purgatory). There, the guardian meets with his died father. The two are distant because the father left his legacy to his son, who never wanted it in the first place. The embodiment of the Traveler appears and unlocks a special power hidden within the guardian. The Traveler then explains that he is destined to do[insert destiny here]. The father then gives him his legendary hand cannon and the guardian walks through the gated arch.[/spoiler] [spoiler][b]Story has not been proof read[/b] He woke up in a field, as suggested by the open spacing. Only, things weren't so green we he looked around. The land was barren, deprived of all it's color and replaced with dark oranges and brown. The dust flew wildly with the winds that blew the large storm clouds. The land was vast and empty, giving him the illusion that there was nothing out there. He stood up and allowed his legs to work on there own, walking straight in an endless direction. Time itself seemed to slow down around him as continued to walk. Despite his surroundings, he eyes singled in on a faint blur in he distance. He walked towards the object without haste and reached the it, even with his dissolving strength. The sight was not what he expect to see. He was surrounded by dying trees, completely drained of life and lacking leave. A couple of dry bushes rattled in the wind, they too depleted of health. What stood in front of him was a large arch that appeared to be rotting. Chunks of arid bricks were missing from the structure. A rusted metal gate blocked him from going under the arch; even though he could just go around the side. As the breeze danced his hair, he spun around. Something in his gut told him to wait there at that spot for hopes that something or someone would rescue him. But help was nowhere in site and nothing would be for hours. He was ready to accept his fate that he couldn't do anything. He lost himself while staring at the mystic arch until a flicker of light caught his attention. He turned and was surprised to see a man standing next to him. He was almost transparent and a faint bluish glow enveloped him. A noticeable scar aligned itself horizontally on his left cheek. His smile felt conformable to him, who had lost almost all hope. Even if the man was an illusion, he glad to at least see something living. "Your facial expression displays confusion. You mind is telling you that I look familiar." he spoke calmly. He scowled slightly. "Why would I not recognize my own father?" "Well, why don't you tell me?" he questioned. "I have my reasons. Where am I?" he asked. "The Void, my son." a third voice chimed in. He turn to see another figure next to him, only the person was apparition. He could see no definitive characteristics, expect for he slender appearance. The wisps of his vapor like figure slowly cascaded down to the barren ground below him. "And who might you be?" he asked "I am the one you people call The Traveler." the figure responded.[/spoiler] I can't wait to read the final product :D

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                • hey! i would love to add a subbmission! i run the twitter handle UpdateConsole

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                • Edited by Banned n3rd: 1/14/2014 10:08:14 PM
                  Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

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                • Edited by Cpt Jaffa: 1/14/2014 10:09:11 PM
                  Potential, emphatic city streets, now to gaze upon their hope, for this Fireteam changed everything. Footsteps journey down a bright hallway, to reveal 3 eager Guardians. Ellis, a wealthy Human Titan, but has lost his country whole from a haunting battle, but has humbled him, making him a noble ally. Sam, a Human/Exo Hunter, which had suffered a unfortunate past, changing him in ways no other Hero would understand. Having part appearance to an Exo, and the knowledge of the Vex, he is as loyal and sympathetic as the first of Guardians. And Marc, a Exo Warlock. Once a solder on the front lines for the main land of the city. When the Fallen advanced forth, Marc was killed protecting his squad. He was discovered and later resurrected with the new human project named Exo. All his memories were retrieved and uploaded during the process. He is acknowledged to know the most important secret of the galaxy, from years of studies and adaptions from the traveler, only revealing his knowledge till retirement or death. The three guardians making up this Fireteam were united before graduating by the rank of Guardian. After a brawl commenced between Sam and and an ambush of thugs. Marcus and Ellis instinctively backed Sam up until the fight broke up. Minutes later, the three looked at each other, seeing the good that could come from their teamwork, and how harmoniously they worked together, realizing the legendary success they could have outside the city, teamed up. Months later, after a hard fought battle against the same thugs in the insolvent district of the city, the three gazed upon the night sky of an unfamiliar planet, and then to observe a blue ignition off a new distant Andromeda galaxy being born, with all three spectating this occasion, they set out to name their Fireteam, Blue Andromeda. The Fireteam of Sam, Ellis, and Marcus formed and on its way to legend, the name Blue Andromeda became synonymous with cooperation, peace, justice and assistance within the city. And outside the city blazed the trail for all guardians, their motto becoming: Be Brave, and Become Legend. The journey down the hallway continued until they had arrived to their private airstrip in the city hangar, known as The Tower. There a member of the City Council, waited to brief the Fireteam of their next mission. Councilor Vandillos started the brief with a offer of glimmer for interim of success for the mission, the mission however was seemingly minuscule. "Your mission Guardians," the Councilor started, "Is to retrieve the contents of a small cargo from a hoverfrighter that was gunned down, a few clicks outside the city walls". "A small hoverfrieghter?" Sam questioned annoyed, "Who, and more importantly why, would someone waste the ammo to drop it?" The Councilor replied sternly "Hunter, the contents are classified, and frankly is beyond your pay-grade!" Vandillos looked out, then took a deep breath and went on, "I can tell you, it was the damn Fallen, those filth never get this close to the city, they're getting bolder every day." Then he threw a engine starter key to Marc, the Ace pilot of the team. "That is why I'm asking you men to go, I know we can trust you, we know you wont hesitate to end those demons. Then he looked back at the ship behind him, and smiled, then looked at Sam. "I'm loaning you my ship, keep the old girl safe, no scratches or joyrides" The Fireteam laughed as they got into the ship. The Councilor gave a stern face, one of a Guardian remembering the days when he was a young hunter, when things were, simpler, and looked back up to the now hovering ship for one more word, "Listen hunter, whatever you're going after, its above my pay-grade to know as well, they don't tell me a darn thing anymore, just don't let your guard down," then he laughed, throwing an old pistol up to him, and as they flew out into the frontier, they all heard Vandilos yell "And bring her back with a full tank of gas!" Then on, they were on their own, no help, no backup, they planned to keep this a quick mission, but were ready for anything. As Sam and Ellis looked out to the ground with their rifles, Sam glanced at his gifted pistol, he loved the look and weight, and was intrigued at the thought of the history and battles it survived. "What do you think were going after?" Ellis yelled over the coms, Sam and Marc thought a second, then Sam replied "I don't know, usually they only make this a big deal over artifacts and weapons." Marc joined in by adding, "I don't think its a weapon, I can feel whatever it is resonating as we get closer, I've felt it since we passed the walls." Sam looking forward at what lies ahead replied "Whatever it is, be ready Fireteam, if fallen are there, you know they wont let us take it back without a fight." simultaneously Marc and Ellis readied their weapons. "Right!" they yelled as the team started its circle around the downed ship, plenty of fallen looking up from the ship and becoming more aggressive by the second. Sam threw his rifle over his shoulder and loaded his new pistol, looking back at his powerful team, "Last one down buys drinks when we get back to the tower!" The hunter yelled as he jumped out of the ship now hovering on its own. as he looked up he saw his team follow behind. Their last thoughts before hitting the ground, Let the battle begin!... Written By: Ellis Williams-Hunt (@JaffaConsole) Brad Martin (@UpdateConsole) Marcus Ballejos (@FoxConsole)

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                • Edited by GamerPete: 12/31/2013 7:02:54 AM
                  Just wondering, what is the deadline for submissions? I have this short piece: [spoiler][b][u]Dream for Me:[/u][/b] Kappa stared at the clothe in his hands, but did not truly see it. It was heavy, thick and dyed a deep burgundy. It would be his outer layer over a light suit of combat armor, but more importantly for him at the moment, it had been a gift. A parting gift. He looked up from the robe, suddenly noticing every detail of his room as he had not in many years. It was sparse, spartan even. The room was square and of generous size, nine paces from one wall to the next. Over the plain metal slab he sat on, the night city lights peeked in through the window. An antique wooden desk with a monitor built into it dominated one side of the room. Above it a small shelf showcased five books, each a treasure. Nobody had physical books unless they were willing to pay a small fortune or venture out beyond the wall. The soft green carpet and the landscape painting of a vermillion field under a violet sky at sunset on the wall opposite his desk were opulent indulgences forced upon him by his host, who hated to see him live in such a dreary place. He appreciated the gesture, but found it unnecessary. His mechanical body required few amenities. "Kappa! Kappa!" His chamber door slid open with hiss. Kappa stood, his servo joints whirring to support his metal chassis. A tiny wiry frame was silhouetted in the light of the hall, heaving breathlessly. "Kappa!" He caught her shoulders as she rushed to him and kneeled down to her level. "There now, I am here, what is wrong?" His voice grated metallically despite his attempts to use warm tones. Many children would have fled, but this one had heard it all her life. "It is late, Nadezhda, you should be in bed." "Mama said you're leaving!" Nadezhda's brow was furrowed in distress and her lips pressed into a frown that threatened to turn into a sob. "Are you leaving Kappa?" "I am." Kappa immediately regretted being so blunt, because the tears started flowing. The little girl wrapped her arms around his neck and began sniffling into his neck. It couldn't have been very comfortable, as there was nothing there but hard cold metal. He placed a comforting hand on her back. "Why!?" "...I will explain." He told her after a moment of thought. "But first, let's get you to bed." She only sniffled more as he scooped her up, but did not protest. The contrast between his room and the rest of the house could not have been more evident when he stepped out into the hall. The carpeting was the same, but the walls were covered with portraits, landscapes and abstracts from a dozen acclaimed artists. The way was lit by crystalline chandeliers. The most valuable items lay in glass cases set along the wall at odd intervals, relics of the Golden Age. The Sokolovs had begun as treasure hunters and become wealthy merchants later, but they prized the old memories of daring and discovery. Kappa carried his little charge into the wide entrance hall, then up the stairs and to the first door on the left. His clanking footfalls were muffled by the thick carpet. Nadezhda's room was dominated by a four poster bed and strewn with stuffed animals, but also with model ships and toy soldiers. Her latest forays into art were pinned along the walls with notes of encouragement from her parents. The window at the head of her bed provided a splendid view of the cityscape. "Why can't you stay?" She asked again as Kappa helped her get under the covers. He considered her for a moment, considered telling her the secret. What harm could it do? "Nadezhda, in a matter of months the City is going to change." He told her as he sat down on the edge of the fluffy mattress. "So?" She pouted. "Perhaps you've heard it from your parents, or perhaps your friends, but there is excitement in the City. People murmur about expanding beyond the wall, reclaiming the old world. Officially, there has been no decision, but behind closed doors it is a forgone conclusion. It will happen." The girl's eyes had grown wide. She had grown up on tales of the Golden Age and eventual reclamation. Now it was finally happening. "Really? Are they going as far as the old cities? Like, um,". She struggled to recall her studies. "Chicago?" "To the moon and beyond," He told her playfully. "But why do [i]you[/i] have to go?" "...Nadezhda, do you know the story of how I first came to your family?" "What's that got to do with anything!?" A low chittering sound came from Kappa that passed for a chuckle. He tucked the blanket up to her chin. "Your great-great-grandfather found me wandering beyond the wall during a scavenging mission." He explained. "He took me in, gave me a place and purpose. I watched his children grow up and have children of their own, and their children after that, but I have no memory before rebooting in that ruin." He tilted his head at her. "Do you understand? That is why I go to the Tower now. There are things I wish to know..." "But I don't want you to! I'll miss you..." She pouted again and he gave a sound that passed for a sigh. "And I will miss you, but I will still visit. You can still send me messages." She was not quite cheered by that, but seemed a little less miserable. "It won't be the same..." "Hmmm..." An idea occurred to him. If Kappa could smile, he would have. "Nadezhda, I have an important mission for you while I'm gone." "Huh?" Nadezhda perked up, curious. "When you write to me, tell me about your dreams." He told her calmly. "What? Why?" "Not long after we first met, I asked your great-great-grandfather what dreams were." Kappa reached over and petted her hair lightly with his metal hand. "I am an Exo. I do not dream you see. He was at such a loss to explain, so he started telling me about his own dreams. A tradition kept between us for many years. I have grown to miss it terribly." "My dreams aren't so special," Nadezhda wrinkled her nose at the idea. "All dreams are fascinating for one that never dreams at all," Kappa chuckled again. "Can you do that for me? Dream for me?" The girl's face hardened in determination. "Yeah, I can do that." "Excellent. Now, shall I read you a bedtime story?" "I don't need bedtime stories anymore." Nadezhda folded her arms under the covers and stuck her chin in the air to reinforce her maturity. Kappa just kept chuckling as he removed himself from the bed and moved to the door. "Good night Kappa!" She said as she nestled herself in the covers. The Exo turned off the lights and turned at the door. "Good night, little one. Be brave, and so will I."[/spoiler] But I hope to incorporate it into something a bit longer I've just started writing about one of his first missions as a Guardian beyond the wall as a prologue. Also, how do submissions work? Do I just post it here or send it somewhere?

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                  • Edited by BearsFan529: 1/10/2014 11:43:32 PM

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                    • I AM INTERESTED

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                      • The day the fall of Earth started, our my house was invaded. All i remember of it is the screams of my loved ones and then darkness. When I woke up, I was in the last city with only my cloths, my father's Duke, and a scar down the left side of my face. I don't know what happened to my family, but I will find out or die trying.

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                      • NAME: Otterman AGE: 22 GENDER: Male CLASS: Hunter RACE: Human HIGHT: 6.2 WEIGHT: 162 FACTION:? Otterman is a hunter. He will have gray and blue armor. He is a fan of the shotgun and sniper. He has a collection of deadly knives and knows how to use them. Otterman seeks adventure in Destiny's universe. He almost always sticks with buddies and never leaves a man behind. He specializes in taking out the hive, but he still has a little bit of fear from them after he battles these zombie-like aliens. Otterman always dreamed of exploring the borders beyond the walls of the tower and city when he was a kid. He was interested in the mystery of the traveler and wanted to repay the traveler by being a guardian. His family still lives and he enjoys going back to see them. As Otterman grew up, he learned more and more about his enemies and was ever so eager to help the cause and fight. The reason he's a hive specialist was because when he was young he had a vision of a hugecrazy adventure. Otterman out. :D[spoiler][/spoiler]

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                      • I would show support for that ebook sort of thing. Some people have really cool ideas and heck, maybe they'll be the new Bungie authors like the authors for the Halo novels. Heh

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                      • THANK YOU GUYS for all your submissions! It means a lot, to have all you wonderful authors contribution. You've got five days left to keep funneling stuff in, the book is coming along nicely by my look so far.

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                      • Don't know

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                      • "Awe Struck" part three. [spoiler]Moe opened his eyes and saw an armored boot holding a thin piece of metal to the floor as if it was trying to crush it then he looked up and saw Georgia focusing out the front window; he climbed back into the passenger seat, massaging his helmet as he did so. “I’d appreciate a warning next time.” He said with a groan. Georgia ignored him as she shifted the truck into high gear in an attempt to outrun the dust cloud from the collapsing building. Finally fed up with the gore on his visor Moe removed his helmet and exposed the fiery red hair beneath, he shook his head to remove the kinks in his neck. The dust cloud was gaining on them as the third Fallen pike descended from the remains of a building high above the vehicle; it landed on the roof with a loud metallic clank. “What was that?” Moe asked and looked at the ceiling. “Hitchhiker; your choice, drive or gun.” Georgia told him as she looked at the mirror outside the door. “I can’t drive stick.” “Then get on the roof.” While Moe regretted never learning to use forgotten technology the Fallen Vandal had dismounted his pike and was walking towards the cab with its rifle ready. Wind whipped at Moe cape as he balanced himself on the cab, pistol in hand. The Vandal raised its gun and took aim for the Hunter’s head; Moe did the same. “Get down!” Georgia shouted from within the cab. Without questioning Moe dropped his body to the roof and looked up to see the Vandal’s face impacting a low bridge. “Whoa!” “Cold Shoulder to High Roller; what’s the weather like over where you’re at?” The radio chirped. Georgia looked up into the sky and saw dark clouds swirling around the high rises. “Well looks like a storm’s brewing.” She told the radio. “Base just got hit by a freak blizzard and we’re covered in roughly a foot of snow… and now we’ve got Fallen.” “On my way.” Georgia said as Moe climbed back into the cab. “Where?” He asked. “Zulu Sierra, maybe get into a snowball fight with some Fallen.” Moe smiled at the thought and quickly buckled himself as Georgia accelerated the monster even more. He looked behind them and found that the dust cloud had ceased its advance and fell to the street, his gaze shifted to the white flakes peppering the windshield before the truck’s wipers whisked them away. Georgia looked at him with a questioning guise hidden behind her helmet as he followed the motion with undue interest. “You okay?” She asked. “…Huh what?” He continued to watch the window as it filled with snow. She nodded in a questioning manner and returned her attention outside, a vehicle hidden by the snow ahead of them seemed like it would be an issue so Georgia attempted to alter the truck’s course but the road conditions would not allow the truck to avoid the obstacle. The hidden vehicle acted like a ramp for the truck’s driver’s side and resulted in that half facing the sky while the other side bared the full weight and ground to a halt three blocks from Zulu Sierra. “You alive?” Georgia asked Moe as she unbuckled herself and fell to the passenger side, on top of Moe. “Fine.” He groaned and tried to get out from beneath her. “High Roller, Cold Shoulder here, did you just wreck?” Georgia reached up and grabbed the radio. “Yeah, I’m going to need some help.” “Could you get off me first?” Moe asked. She stood up and climbed to the driver’s side door as Moe lifted himself from the ground. The door opened with relative ease and Georgia climbed out with the heavy LMG on her back before turning around and hauling Moe outside the truck. “Three blocks that way.” She told him while pointing toward the meeting point. “Think you can run it?” “I’ve been shot at, nearly run over, knocked out, came this close to being splattered on the overpass, crushed, and I think you might’ve dislocated my shoulder just now; so no I can’t run.” Georgia only added to his list of injuries after pushing him off the truck and onto the snowy road below. She jumped down beside him and readied her gun as he dug himself free. “Come on before the Fallen find us.” Moe begrudgingly accepted and ran after her as fast as his perceived injuries would allow, but ran into her back when a Fallen Captain stepped onto the road before them. The creature raised a sword and more Fallen appeared from snow drifts to surround the pair. Georgia took aim at the Captain when a transmission filled her helmet. “Three awesome guns, two incredible powers, one quirky ghost; a simple Warlock? No, I am the [i]wizard of blizzard[/i] mwah ha ha ha!” The voice laughed as a flurry of snowballs fell from the heavens and hit the Fallen troops; each one exploded like a miniature stun grenade and blinded the aliens long enough for Georgia to finish them off. The storm let up just enough for Moe to see a Warlock standing on a balcony above them with, her armor was colored in a mixture of gray, white, and black. He waved his thanks to her and she returned the motion before gliding down to meet them. “Show off.” Georgia said and grabbed the Warlock’s hand, then pulled her into a quick embrace. “Just had to impress the local right?” They stepped apart and turned to look at Moe, who was staring at the pair with a shocked expression. “I’m Onnabell McMillians, what’s your name bud?” The Warlock asked. Moe did not answer; instead he simply continued to stare. “Can he talk?” She whispered to Georgia. “Yeah, he’s just a little awe struck.” She responded. [/spoiler]

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                        • Edited by Saika YK: 1/6/2014 8:21:36 AM
                          I'll give this a go: [spoiler][b]Europa, March 8 2437, The Collapse[/b] [i]I write this letter with what's left of my time, and my life, on this god-forsaken moon. To whomever finds this letter, I rest upon you the hopes and dreams of my comrades and of myself. Tonight we will die, fighting to give our civilization a chance to survive our inevitable downfall. May God save our souls. As our story comes to an end however, and our names forever sealed in lore and legend, I believe, in time, a new story shall be written. A story of a brave knight in shining armor, saving their kingdom from a great evil. A story where they too, will become legend. Your story.. I have little time left. I leave you with my prized weapon, my rifle: Legacy, and with our hopes and dreams that you may one day help our civilization rise to its former glory. May Legacy serve you well as it has with generations past. Signed Commander J. Tobias Norfleet[/i] A loud explosion was heard near the courtyard. "Sir, the enemy has breached the front gate. Fire teams 1 and 2 are both compromised.." "Damn, I thought we'd have more time,Fire team 3's status?" "captured" Rumbling near the entrance door could be heard. I take a deep breath. "It's our time" I walked toward the door, my friend followed. The door explodes. We charge, guns blazing With a smirk, he asks: "Where's your [i]Legacy[/i]?. I smile, one last time. "[i]Our Legacy[/i] is now in the hands of fate and [i]Destiny[/i]." [/spoiler]

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                          • Edited by Eterteeter: 1/7/2014 1:30:33 AM
                            The Birdman [spoiler] The two sides would not let up one bit as they exchange a firestorm of bullets. Shots flickered and collided with everything in sight, most hitting parts around the men. Sadly, Ty's brave mercenaries were on the losing side. They had be out there for at least three hours and hadn't been able to gain any leverage against their rivals. He and his men were exhausted, they would last much longer and they prayed for some kind of miracle. It came in good time, but it wasn't anything that Ty's men or the enemy side expected. A large red ship appeared from out of nowhere and hovered quietly above the battlefield, like a observer. All gunfire stopped as everyone stared at the unfamiliar vessel. A hatch opened in the back, revealing a figure who stood at the very edge. He suddenly jumped out of the ship and slowly descended to the middle of the field, a very faint red aurora compassed him. He landed with a rather loud thud and stood up, eyeing both parties carefully. His dark brown clothing fluttered perfectly with the slight breeze, which also ruffled his tall ebony hair. He wore glasses with lens that were tinted an icy blue color. His whole right arm was covered with patches of protective leather padding, all of which were held together by large belts and smaller ties. The man folded his arms. "Alright, listen up." he spoke loudly, smirking at everyone," I'm looking for a Mr. Tyler Shippton. Don't worry, you can go back to killing each other once I have a word with him." Ty could hear faint whispers from his men, they seemed to be calling this guy 'The Birdman'. He chuckled to himself, there was no way that man the legendary thief of the urban folk tales. He assured himself even more by laughing out loud, causing some of his men and even some on the other side to join in. He walked through the cluster of men and stopped right in front of his group. Slightly raising his hand, Ty smirked at the man who stood a couple feet away from him. "Well, here I am. Come to steal from me, thief?" Ty asked while folding his arms across his chest. The Birdman frowned at his statement, shaking his head slightly. "First off, the name's Hawk. Second, I prefer the term 'Treasure Hunter'." Hawk responded, getting a couple of laughs from the men,"Just tell me the location of the riches and I'll be on my way." "I'm not afraid of you. You don't scare anyone, right men?" Ty said as both sides let out a battle cry. Hawk smirk grew a little larger."We're going to teach you a lesson, Birdman." "It's not me you should be afraid of. Abby, let em' have it." Hawk said, nodding up to the hovering ship while he reached for his hand cannon. "Roggggger that!" the voice of little Abigail blared from the speakers on the ship as she started charging up the large guns on the vessel. Hawk watch as some of men stood in shock and in fear by the massive amount of firepower the ship had. Instead, another figure flew from out from the hatch of the ship and landed on Hawk's extended arm. Ty watched as Hawk started talking to a rather large bird that rested on his shoulder. Instantly, the bird flew off Hawk's shoulder and targeted Ty while Hawk dashed off to cover. Ty was thrown off guard by the speed of the bird, which let out a cry before it started clawing his men. While his companion attacked one side, the battle began again with everyone working together against Hawk. But he was ready for them, as he flew up out of his cover and unleashed a quick storm of bullets to the other side. The shots found there targets as Hawk ran and gunned down more soldiers, who couldn't keep up with his extreme speed. He jumped from cover to cover, punching and kicking man after man in a rapid succession. Hawk was sudden knocked down by a large man who seemed to have appeared from nowhere. As he stood over him, Hawk gave him a friendly smile. He quickly got up and started dodging the assault of fists. The man finally caught the Warlock by his collar and started shaking him around before kneeing him in the stomach and squeezing the life out of him. Putting his hand in the shape of a ball, Hawk quickly focused all his energy into a condensed ball of power. The brute did not notice the growing purplish glow forming by his chest until it was too late, the ball shredded through his armor as it propelled him away. Hawk wipped away the blood from his mouth as the ball explosed, consuming the behemoth with it. "Yeah, get em'." Abby exciting said, she loved watching Hawk fight from her vantage point in co-pilot seat on the ship. Hawk saluted to her before facing a scared Ty. Ty was shocked as he saw the Birdman walk towards him, with the deadly bird resting on its rightful place. Turning around, Ty saw all of his mercenaries lying on the ground, their bodies were riddled with multiple scratches and peck marks. They were alive, but they had taken a pretty bad beating. And the fact that it was delivered by a bird made Ty fell even more intimated. "I'm still not afraid of you." Ty fearfully said. Hawk chuckled to himself. "It him you should be afraid of." Hawk nodded to the bird, who let out a cried in response."Go ahead Falcon, take your pick." The bird rose into the air and started circling Ty before coming down on him. He began pecking the man on the head while he waved his arms around, hoping to shoo the bird away. Falcon flew up onto the air and came back down again, this time aiming for the Ty's ears. Falcon bit the man's fingers before hooking on his left ear. Ty yelled in pain as he waving his head in all directions. Hawk couldn't help but laugh by the man's attempts to shake off his persistent companion. The bird flew up one more time, coming down and scratching the man's rugged face. The man put his arms in front of his face to protect himself from the bird's wraith, but it did not stop Falcon from trying to claw the his eyes out. "Alright, alright. It's located in the Valley of the Lions. There's a large cliffside that houses a secret entrance. Just please, make it stop." the man yelled. Hawk extended his arm out and whistled, causing the bird to land back on his arm. "Nice doin' business with ya." Hawk happily said to Ty, who just stood there. Hawk started walking away, whistling to himself and his feathered companion. The man's bird almost murdered him and now he is letting him go. Ty never felt more confused and shocked in his life. "Abby, prep the ship. We're headin' to the Vally of Lions." "Yipppppe, another road trip!" he heard her yell through the ship's speakers. Hawk disappeared around a corner and using the power of the Traveler, jumped onto the ship's open hatch. The red vessel left the scene, leaving Ty there to pick up the pieces. The thought that a famous legend just defeated a whole field of men and did it all so quickly was to much for him to fathom. He fell to his knees as he watched the ship slowly vanish, silently cursing himself for just realizing something. "I forget to get his autograph......." he muttered.[/spoiler]

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                          • Edited by alone city wolf: 1/9/2014 5:12:03 PM
                            part two: of the shadow rider sequel: [spoiler]Kristen and Logan are probably going to the raid. I need to find out where this war table is showing and what it is showing, also if it’s on loop, or if this is a live feed. What is interesting are the guardians are surrounded 2 devil walk at each entrance back up by at least 3 fallen squads and the lead fire team was trying to charge. The titan walks over to a display it shows the vital signs of the guardians. He sees two yellow three red one green. Then war table tries to replicate devil walker shooting the titan sees the guardians health go from green to red. Titan dam it this is a live feed this must be the raid. I’m going to set distress call from the cruiser, telling other guardians that the raid needs more people. I’ll have set to go off when I leave. Kristen says: Logan wake up theirs a distress call, for more people to enter the raid. Get your gear and get to the ship. Logan stumbles then gets up and runs to his ship. Kristen marks a nave point. Then asks have you seen the titan he hasn’t been answering my com. Logan says no but, so much for your “he will help in the raid attitude”. Kristen guess, it will just be me and you again. Logan says: alright. Well there are old stories about mars. That say there’s an armory somewhere, with enough exo’s to create an army. Guess all stop their on the way, hopefully it’s somewhat true. Three blacked out fighter pass with S.R. on the wings, of the fighters and down the hall, of the ships. The titan goes through the old wall. Then he enters the city, and starts searching for a building with “F.O.T.C. on the side”. By the time Kristen and Logan had arrived at the raid. All they saw were guardians being took prisoner. Kristen says: shit this turned into a rescue operation. [/spoiler]

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